Supplements Company

34 Tips For Starting A Successful Supplements Company (2024)

Updated: November 1st, 2022

Want to start your own supplements company? Here are some tips you should know:

We've interviewed thousands of successful founders at Starter Story and asked what advice they would give to entrepreneurs who are just getting started.

Here's the best advice we discovered for starting a supplements company:

#1: Adam Wright, founder of Human Tonik:

We chatted with with Adam, founder of Human Tonik ($200K/month). In our interview, Adam says:

We have grown by establishing partnerships with affiliates who have reviewed our brand and written content about us on their sites.


Receiving feedback from improved sleep, better focus and concentration, and more energy throughout the day mean we have customers re-ordering each month!


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#2: Nick Bey, founder of Bey Moss :

We chatted with with Nick, founder of Bey Moss ($100K/month). In our interview, Nick says:

Failure is my best instructor, it's how I’ve been able to learn swiftly and adapt to avoid the same mistake.


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#3: Adam Wright, founder of Human Tonik:

We chatted with with Adam, founder of Human Tonik ($200K/month). In our interview, Adam says:

Don’t succumb to analysis paralysis when starting a business because otherwise, you won’t start anything. Of course, it makes sense to validate an idea with paying customers and not just friends, but once you have, get working.


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#4: Logan Christopher, founder of Lost Empire Herbs:

We chatted with with Logan, founder of Lost Empire Herbs ($320K/month). In our interview, Logan says:

In our growth past seven figures, we put teams and systems in place to keep going. But in doing so we lost sight of the bottom line too much.


Make sure people understand they are in charge of growth. Responsible and accountable for it. Have goals/benchmarks and if they don’t hit them they are gone.


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#5: Logan Christopher, founder of Lost Empire Herbs:

We chatted with with Logan, founder of Lost Empire Herbs ($320K/month). In our interview, Logan says:

I would encourage you to not go into debt if you can avoid it. Either with your business or personally. Having done both I can say it is much better to move a bit slower but on a cash basis. One of the biggest mistakes that most entrepreneurs make is not understanding their finances.


While the focus is often on growing the business, that is not always the best focus. If your profit margin is 10%, it means you need to make $1000 for every $100 in profit. If you can cut a subscription you’re not using that costs $100/month you’ve helped as much as if you’ve made an extra $1000. So make sure to keep your expenses under control.


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#6: Ronell Firouz, founder of Pilly Labs:

We chatted with with Ronell, founder of Pilly Labs ($5.5K/month). In our interview, Ronell says:

You will hear “No” a million times. People will laugh. People will reject you. People will say your business idea is bad. But instead of proving them right, use that negativity as fuel to prove them wrong.


Nearly every day, I heard a little voice in my head telling me how crazy I was for pursuing this. But after I finally flipped my website live, that voice completely disappeared.


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#7: Joe Johnson, founder of VADE Nutrition:

We chatted with with Joe, founder of VADE Nutrition ($500K/month). In our interview, Joe says:

Get a good team behind you, no matter how long it takes for you to find the right people - it’s worth it to have the right people who are willing to put in all the hard work right alongside you, who can push you and the business to be the best it can be.


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#8: Paul Sciortino, founder of Ayo Supplements:

We chatted with with Paul, founder of Ayo Supplements ($5K/month). In our interview, Paul says:

The difference is that someone who goes shopping is just looking, while someone who runs out of eggs and goes to the store just to buy eggs. Find your egg buyers.


I discovered that supplement manufacturing is a shady business. There are a ton of companies out there, eager to capitalize on your dream of owning your own company.


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#9: Ben Esgro, founder of De Novo Nutrition:

We chatted with with Ben, founder of De Novo Nutrition ($20K/month). In our interview, Ben says:

I read how companies like Isopure began with just two guys and a cement mixer, so I knew I could feasibly mix small to moderate batches if I picked one up from the hardware store and used proper sanitation procedures.


Honestly, I didn’t care, I was just happy to be doing what I loved and having an audience who appreciated it.


I believe De Novo is the embodiment of "slow and steady wins the race".


Finally, allow your actions to produce an emotion and not your emotions dictate your actions.


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#10: Joe Johnson, founder of VADE Nutrition:

We chatted with with Joe, founder of VADE Nutrition ($500K/month). In our interview, Joe says:

Keep working, stay passionate, and to push yourself and your team, and your business will grow and expand in the ways that you didn’t plan for or expect.


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#11: Robert De Lima, founder of Private Label Express:

We chatted with with Robert, founder of Private Label Express ($/month). In our interview, Robert says:

Do not chase money, instead chase performance.


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#12: Joe Johnson, founder of VADE Nutrition:

We chatted with with Joe, founder of VADE Nutrition ($500K/month). In our interview, Joe says:

We immediately knew this was what we needed to do. I turned down my job and started working on this full time while sitting beside Megan’s hospital bed.


You just need to start. Remember to persevere through the hard times and be willing to pivot when the opportunities change. It’s a journey!


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#13: Nick Bare, founder of Bare Performance Nutrition:

We chatted with with Nick, founder of Bare Performance Nutrition ($3.5M/month). In our interview, Nick says:

Focus on being PROACTIVE, rather than REACTIVE.


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#14: Nick Bare, founder of Bare Performance Nutrition:

We chatted with with Nick, founder of Bare Performance Nutrition ($3.5M/month). In our interview, Nick says:

Winning in business is all about consistency.


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#15: Nick Bare, founder of Bare Performance Nutrition:

We chatted with with Nick, founder of Bare Performance Nutrition ($3.5M/month). In our interview, Nick says:

Many of these college students, and friends of mine, took out this $25K loan to buy new cars, take vacations, get engaged and married, but I decided that this would be my funding to launch my company.


I decided that I was going to spend every waking moment building my brand. I listened to podcasts, read books, taught myself videography and photography, social media marketing and even how to code our website.


We were able to generate over $120,000 in 24 hours on a 20% site-wide sale - our biggest up until that point. We spent a total of $10,000 in ad-spend leading up to and on the day of that sale which generated $120,000.


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#16: Paul Sciortino, founder of Ayo Supplements:

We chatted with with Paul, founder of Ayo Supplements ($5K/month). In our interview, Paul says:

There is certainly a time and place for brand awareness, but be sure you have a steady customer base that can support your spending in that arena.


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#17: Logan Christopher, founder of Lost Empire Herbs:

We chatted with with Logan, founder of Lost Empire Herbs ($320K/month). In our interview, Logan says:

We knew nothing about this industry going in. And I think that was okay, we’ve just been learning and growing along the way.


Make that first sale as soon as possible. Nothing will teach you better than real experience in doing so. Nothing will prove whether an idea has legs or not than people exchanging their money for it.


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#18: Benjamin Hebert, founder of Natural Stacks:

We chatted with with Benjamin, founder of Natural Stacks ($200K/month). In our interview, Benjamin says:

In our first 100 days, we did over $100,000 in revenue which was a god-send because I think my bank account was very close to bouncing.


You have to jump in headfirst with entrepreneurship. There’s no dipping your toes in and then figuring out if you want to get in the water.


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#19: Patrick Sullivan Jr., founder of Jigsaw Health:

We chatted with with Patrick, founder of Jigsaw Health ($1M/month). In our interview, Patrick says:

Once you know who you are talking to, all of the other pieces of the puzzle just start falling into place. So go find a TRIBE and FOCUS!


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#20: Adam Wright, founder of Human Tonik:

We chatted with with Adam, founder of Human Tonik ($200K/month). In our interview, Adam says:

If you’re bootstrapping your business, having a foundational understanding of all aspects of your business means you will waste less money and in most cases be able to scale to the next level before needing to hire talent.


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#21: Logan Christopher, founder of Lost Empire Herbs:

We chatted with with Logan, founder of Lost Empire Herbs ($320K/month). In our interview, Logan says:

Whatever happens, just keep moving forward. Look at what your options are and make the best decisions you can. Then be sure to spend some time reflecting on your decision-making process and results to continue to sharpen it.


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