50+ Famous Real Estate Quotes

Updated: March 21st, 2025

Looking for inspirational quotes for your real estate business?

Whether you’re looking for motivation, a witty instagram caption, or something to win over your team and customers, we have you covered.

We put together a list of 50+ famous real estate quotes .

Here they are:

50+ Famous Real Estate Quotes

Inspirational Quotes

"Buyers decide in the first eight seconds of seeing a home if they’re interested in buying it. Get out of your car, walk in their shoes and see what they see within the first eight seconds." – Barbara Corcoran

"Typically, the research tells us, that a high quality real estate agent that really knows what they are doing will add more to the equation than they cost. Because people make mistakes when selling their own home – the mistakes are costly" –Dave Ramsey

"Don’t beat yourself up. Some transactions will naturally go smoothly, and others are a month of challenges. Learn what you can from each transaction, move on, and start the next one." – Kurt Uhlir

"A real estate agent has two property listings. Now add 11 more. What does the agent have now? Happiness. That agent has happiness." – Tim Dulany

"In any market, in any country, there are developers who make money. So I say all of this doom and gloom, but there will always be people who make money, because people always want homes." – Sarah Beeny

"To be successful in real estate, you must always and consistently put your clients’ best interests first. When you do, your personal needs will be realized beyond your greatest expectations"– Anthony Hitt

"Now, one thing I tell everyone is learn about real estate. Repeat after me. Real Estate provides the highest returns, the greatest values, and the least risk." – Armstrong Williams

"Real estate is the purest form of entrepreneurship." – Brian Buffini

"Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t." ― Anonymous

"There are fashions in building. Behind the fashions lie economic and technological reasons, and these fashions exclude all but a few genuinely different possibilities in city dwelling construction at any one time.” ― Jane Jacobs

“Paradise is a state of being, more than just the name of a suburb or a home.” ― Raquel Cepeda

Professional Quotes

“A real estate agent has two property listings. Now add 11 more. What does the agent have now? Happiness. That agent has happiness.” ― Tim Dulany

“I will forever believe that buying a home is a great investment. Why? Because you can’t live in a stock certificate. You can’t live in a mutual fund” ― Oprah Winfrey

“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” ― Jim Rohn

“If you’re in your 20s, 30s, or 40s and you’re entrepreneurially minded like I am, I don’t think the best strategy for you is to buy a home.” ― Gary Vaynerchuk

“If you don’t adopt disruptive technology, you will be disrupted.” ― Brad Inman

“No is the killer of dreams. No is the killer of great ideas. It’s the end of a conversation,” ― Robert Reffkin, Compass CEO

"Owning a home is a keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security." – Suze Orman

"The more you know about your customers, the more you can provide to them information that is increasingly useful, relevant, and persuasive." – Jay Baer

"I have always liked real estate; farm land, pasture land, timber land and city property. I have had experience with all of them. I guess I just naturally like ‘the good Earth,’ the foundation of all our wealth." – Jesse Jones

"Now, one thing I tell everyone is learn about real estate. Repeat after me: real estate provides the highest returns, the greatest values and the least risk." – Armstrong Williams

Life Quotes

"Landlords grow rich in their sleep."– John Stuart Mill

"Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing."– Warren Buffett

"We don’t have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest." – Warren Buffett

"Know what you own, and know why you own it." – Peter Lynch

"Go for a business that any idiot can run – because sooner or later, any idiot probably is going to run it." – Peter Lynch

"Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world." – Franklin D. Roosevelt

"You can never solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that created the problem in the first place." – Albert Einstein

"A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read." – Mark Twain

"In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield." – Warren Buffett

"Every person who invests in well-selected real estate in a growing section of a prosperous community adopts the surest and safest method of becoming independent, for real estate is the basis of wealth." – Theodore Roosevelt

"Don’t wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait." – T. Harv Eker

Positive Quotes

"There have been few things in my life which have had a more genial effect on my mind than the possession of a piece of land." – Harriet Martineau

"Real estate practice is not about selling or buying a home. It’s about representing your client’s greatest asset to your clients greatest benefit."– Alex Delgado

"The house you looked at today and wanted to think about until tomorrow may be the same house someone looked at yesterday and will buy today." – Koki Adasi

"Find out where the people are going and buy the land before they get there." – William Penn Adair

"Buying real estate is not only the best way, the quickest way, the safest way, but the only way to become wealthy." – Marshall Field

"Real estate investing, even on a very small scale, remains a tried and true means of building an individual’s cash flow and wealth." – Robert Kiyosaki

"Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good results." – Warren Buffet

"I have always liked real estate; farm land, pasture land, timber land and city property. I have had experience with all of them. I guess I just naturally like ‘the good Earth,’ the foundation of all our wealth." – Jesse H. Jones

"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." – Warren Buffett

“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” ― David Ogilvy

“I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information. When I write an advertisement, I don’t want you to tell me that you find it ‘creative.’ I want you to find it so interesting that you buy the product.” - David Ogilvy

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.