How Much Money Do Youtube Channels Make? (2025)
- Based on our data, youtube channels can make between $800-$1,000,000 per month.
- The average revenue for a successful youtube channel is $146K per month.
- The highest grossing youtube channel in our records makes over $12,000,000 per year.
- Youtube channel owners salaries can vary wildly depending on industry, niche, and size of the business
So you're thinking about starting a youtube channel?
And now you're wondering how much youtube channel owners actually make...
Well, let’s dive in!
Here are example of real youtube channels and how much money they make - as reported by the founders themselves:
1. Annmarie ($12M/year)
Kevin Gianni, the founder of Annmarie Skin Care, stumbled upon the idea for his business while researching natural health therapies. After traveling the world and discovering a line of skincare products that aligned with his values, he partnered with the owner to bring the line to the wider public. With a platform already established through their YouTube channel, the business was able to launch successfully and continues to grow.
How much money it makes: $12M/year
2. Music For Pets ($1M/year)
"In 2011, Amman Ahmed decided to invest what was left of his student loan in a company called Roundwaves, to make soothing audio to help busy people unwind.
He found composer Ricardo Henriquez online, and they started working together on a series of relaxing audio tracks.
However, both quickly noticed that not only were humans pleasantly zoning out to the backing tracks, but pets were responding as well.
Henriquez is based in Central America’s smallest country, El Salvador, a country known in part for infamous gangs such as MS-13.
His dog Zuki suffered from anxiety whenever the noises of gun violence filled his neighborhood, so he came up with the idea of composing specifically to relax his dog. "
How much money it makes: $1M/year
3. Pete & Pedro ($7.2M/year)
Aaron Marino, the founder of Pete & Pedro, came up with the idea for his men's grooming brand after his image consulting business struggled to make money. He started making YouTube videos to help guys with their style, and as his audience grew, he saw an opportunity to create and sell his own haircare products. With his existing YouTube channel as a marketing platform, Marino was able to successfully launch and grow Pete & Pedro into a multi-million-dollar business.
How much money it makes: $7.2M/year
4. Delray Watch Supply ($3.84M/year)
John Pietrasz and Federico Iossa, co-founders of Delray Watch Supply, came up with the idea for their tech-driven luxury watch dealer through their shared passion for watches and their expertise in the industry. They launched the business with $4,000 in their kitchen and now see sales of over $3.3 million annually, attracting and retaining customers through engagement on YouTube.
How much money it makes: $3.84M/year
6. MTN SIDE BUILDERS ($480K/year)
Cameron Vilcsak, the founder of Mountain Fire Woodworks, came up with the idea for his business through his passion for carving and building things out of wood. After documenting the process of building a log cabin on his YouTube channel, a viral video with over 25 million views, he realized the potential to turn his passion into a scalable business. With steady passive income, plans to release more content, and exciting future projects, Vilcsak's business is thriving.
How much money it makes: $480K/year
7. Pursuit of Passive Income ($264K/year)
Michael was looking for a passive income generating approach when he stumbled upon blogging and decided to venture.
How much money it makes: $264K/year
8. Higher Levels ($120K/year)
After transitioning from engineering to tech sales and quickly excelling, Eric was shocked by the lackluster tech sales bootcamps charging $2,000 without delivering results. Motivated by this gap, he began offering free advice on YouTube, which rapidly grew, culminating in a platform generating $10,000/month organically and helping hundreds secure top tech sales jobs.
How much money it makes: $120K/year
9. Cinquanta Cox-Smith ($120K/year)
Cinquanta Cox-Smith, a Multipreneur from South Carolina, stumbled upon the Print On Demand industry 12 years ago when she wanted to create a unique shirt and discovered Through her creativity and networking skills, she found success in designing and selling catchy, conversation-starting shirts. This eventually led her to create multiple POD brands on various platforms, generating an impressive $120k per year in revenue.
How much money it makes: $120K/year
10. Ask Holly Hall ($72K/year)
Holly Hall, a clairvoyant life coach, was introduced to the world of astrology and spiritual therapy through a book lent by a co-worker. With her unique abilities and a deep understanding of individuals, she launched her business, Ask Holly Hall, and has since garnered endorsements from esteemed figures like Dr. Shefali. With an average income of $5,000-8,000 per month, she aims to expand her reach through podcasting and publishing her book with a publishing company.
How much money it makes: $72K/year
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