Lead Generation Business

How Much Money Do Lead Generation Businesses Make? (2024)

Updated: June 23rd, 2024


  • Based on our data, lead generation businesses can make between $120-$1,600,000 per month.
  • The average revenue for a successful lead generation business is $194K per month.
  • The highest grossing lead generation business in our records makes over $19,200,000 per year.
  • Lead generation business owners salaries can vary wildly depending on industry, niche, and size of the business

So you're thinking about starting a lead generation business?

And now you're wondering how much lead generation business owners actually make...

Well, let’s dive in!

Here are example of real lead generation businesses and how much money they make - as reported by the founders themselves:

1. Instantly AI ($19.2M/year)

The co-founders developed the tool out of necessity for their lead generation agency. Initially, they used existing tools to help their customers generate leads. However, as they scaled, the cost of using these tools, which required payment per email account, became unsustainable.

In response, they decided to create their own tool, utilizing the skills of their developer. Initially, the tool was intended for internal use. However, after discussing it with others, they recognized its unique value and its potential to benefit many similar businesses.

We noticed that as soon as we tried to scale, the prices increased instead of decreasing. — Kaevand Co-founder Instantly; (Source)

How much money it makes: $19.2M/year


2. The Pedowitz Group ($18M/year)

Jeff and Cherie started The Pedowitz Group in 2007, leveraging their expertise in sales and marketing. They saw an opportunity to provide consulting services in the digital marketing space and quickly gained momentum through word-of-mouth and industry referrals. Today, they have achieved over $20 million in annual revenue and continue to focus on growth and providing excellent service to their clients.

How much money it makes: $18M/year


3. Interact ($2.5M/year)

Josh Haynam, the co-founder and CEO of Interact, came up with the idea for the business while in a hot tub with his co-founders. They realized that there were no platforms for creating interactive quizzes, and they saw the potential for facilitating human connection through this unique form of engagement. Despite facing financial struggles in the first six years, Interact has now grown to nearly $3 million in ARR and serves over 100 million people who take their quizzes each year.

How much money it makes: $2.5M/year


4. Listkit ($1.5M/year)

Andre Haykal Jr., the founder of ListKit, came up with the idea for the company after reading John Warrillow's best-selling book, Built to Sell.


Tweet by the founder explaining how he came up with the idea

As an agency owner, Andre spent too much time creating lead lists for clients instead of engaging with potential customers. When he realized that many sales teams faced a similar issue, he saw the need for a more efficient solution.

After researching, he found that tools like ZoomInfo and Apollo were inadequate, and manual methods involving virtual assistants were costly and time-consuming.

Andre sought a better way, which led to the creation of ListKit.io, a platform that automates lead generation, allowing users to obtain and verify leads quickly.

How much money it makes: $1.5M/year


5. Article-Writing Co ($1.5M/year)

David Tile, the founder of Article-Writing.co, originally tried to start a penny auction website after college but failed. He then turned to freelance writing to make some cash, which eventually led to him building a successful content writing service. With $40k - $50k in monthly revenue from clients like Answers.com, Tile's business has grown without any outside funding, emphasizing the importance of taking action and adapting to market forces.

How much money it makes: $1.5M/year


6. Glimp Ltd ($1.2M/year)

Denis and his co-founder Michael started Glimp, a utilities, financial products, and insurance comparison website in New Zealand, after meeting during a coding bootcamp. Inspired by the success of price comparison websites in the UK, they decided to bring the concept to New Zealand and were the first to offer comparisons for multiple products. Through hard work and a focus on AdWords and SEO, they were able to grow their revenue to $60k in their first year and have since doubled their revenue each year.

How much money it makes: $1.2M/year


7. CallPage ($780K/year)

Ross Knap, CEO and co-founder of CallPage, came up with the idea for the business while working as a consultant and optimizing website conversions. He noticed that promising faster contact with users resulted in more leads, leading him to develop CallPage's smart widget that allows for instant callbacks, driving more sales leads and faster deal closures. Today, CallPage is a leading callback solution in Poland and is rapidly expanding internationally, with plans to develop new AI solutions for conversation analysis.

How much money it makes: $780K/year


Jake Jorgovan, a serial entrepreneur and business advisor, came up with the idea for Lead Cookie, a LinkedIn lead generation and appointment setting company, after brainstorming various business ideas and realizing the untapped potential in the market. Within the first two weeks of launching, Jorgovan closed $12k of monthly recurring revenue by selling to individuals within his existing network, providing rapid validation for his concept. Lead Cookie is now a thriving company, generating between $45k-$70k in monthly revenue and boasting a team of 20 full-time members.

How much money it makes: $660K/year


9. Franchise UK ($600K/year)

Joel Bissitt, founder of Franchise UK, had always dreamt of being an entrepreneur. Drawing inspiration from UK business icons like Richard Branson and Alan Sugar, he started the business at the age of 19 with just £1000 of funding. Through his expertise in SEO and a user-friendly website design, Franchise UK has experienced rapid growth, achieving a 50% increase in turnover last year and attracting some of the world's largest brands.

How much money it makes: $600K/year


10. Website Rental Coaching ($504K/year)

The daily workload at his 9-5 job at General Electric as an HR left Luke unfulfilled from his career, and while he was searching for a profitable side gig, he realized that websites are like digital properties. With a top-ranking lead generation website, he could rent it to local businesses and earn a steady monthly income. Luke quit his job at the 6-month mark and hit six figures by the one-year mark of starting this business.

How much money it makes: $504K/year