100+ Marketing Blog Post Topics & Ideas
Looking to write a new Marketing blog post but experiencing some writer's block?
Coming up with new blog post topics and content ideas can be time-consuming and daunting.
What's even more challenging is coming up with a great content idea - one that will bring you the right traffic and resonate across your audience.
Writing a great blog post can take hours, days, and sometimes even weeks, so it’s critical that you do your research to ensure your post will reach your intended audience.
In this post, we provide you with:
- Marketing blog post topics to write about
- Marketing blogging ideas
- Other Marketing content ideas
- Real-world examples of Marketing blogs and topics
- Proven tips and strategies on how to find the right Marketing blog ideas.
How-To-Guide Marketing Blog Post Ideas
check out the full post here
- How to create your Brand Strategy
- How to run a marketing campaign
- How to perform Copy-writing and Graphic Designing
- How to open Digital Marketing Agency
- How to use Google Search Engine
- How to perform a Marketing Case Study Analysis
- How to create a marketing inbound campaign
- How to learn the basics of SEO
- How to change your Instagram account into an advertising platform
- Step-bu-step guide to Social media marketing
- How to set up your own marketing company from scratch
- How to create a marketing blog
- How to curate a marketing package for your top clients
- How to customize your advertising banners
- How to create brand awareness for your Small Business locally
- How to define the right level of Marketing Investment
- How to not get looted in the name of advertising
- How to stay away from fraudulent marketing agencies
- How to start your brand marketing via Pinterest
- How to keep a check of your competitors through market research
- How to get more clients via social media marketing
- How to optimize B2B Demand Generation & Sales Enablement
- How to learn the basics of marketing automation online for free
- How to stay on top of current marketing trends
- How to learn about Amazon's retail marketing strategies
Learn more about starting a marketing agency:
Where to start?
-> How to start a marketing agency?
-> How much does it cost to start a marketing agency?
-> Pros and cons of a marketing agency
Need inspiration?
-> Other marketing agency success stories
-> Marketing ideas for a marketing agency
-> Marketing agency slogans
-> Marketing agency names
Other resources
-> Profitability of a marketing agency
-> Marketing agency tips
-> Marketing agency quotes
List-based content style
Lists are a great way to consolidate information and provide your user with a quick and simple read.
For those that want a quick answer or don’t have time to read a long article, lists are a great way to quickly answer your searcher's query.
List content is great for driving traffic to your blog, and they are often quick to create.
List-Based Marketing Blog Post Content Ideas
check out the full post here
- 5 Things to Avoid Failure In Social Media Marketing
- 5 Tips for Choosing Content Marketing Topics
- 7 ways to expand your reach with Search Marketing
- 3 tip to stay on top of the New Era of Digital Commerce
- 10 must-know Evolving Trends in Mobile Marketing
- 4 Tips to Help Your Business Generate More Clients via Social Media
- 5 Design Principles to Master for Better Display Ads
- 15 Banner Ad Design Tips to Get More Clicks
- 8 Tips For Effective Banner Design to run your Marketing campaign
- 4 Easy techniques to Find your brand niche
- Top 50 self-learning SEO websites in 2021
- 12 best courses for youth to keep up with marketing
- 5 tricks to learn Social media marketing at home
- 10 Social Media Marketing Secrets You Need to Get More Clients
- List of top 10 ways to engage with your followers and keep more coming
- 10 Marketing Tricks From the Pros
- 10 Digital Marketing Tips and Tricks from Top Brands
- 7 Psychological Marketing Tricks to Redefine Your Strategy
- 64 Creative Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Business
- 8 Effective Branding Tips
- 11 Branding Tips For A Better Company Image
- 18 Sneaky Ways to Build a successful Advertising Company
- Top 10 Most Effective Marketing Strategies for B2B and B2C
- 17 Powerful Marketing Strategies That You Should Steal in 2021
- 18 of the Best Marketing Techniques for 2021
Other blog post styles
There are various other blog post styles you can use to create content.
When you combine a mix of different blog post styles into your content strategy, you create an engaging experience for your audience.
Here are some other blog post styles you should consider experimenting with:
- Ebooks
- Infographics
- Video content
- Case studies
- Interviews or Q&A's
Other Marketing Blog Post Topic Ideas
check out the full post here
- Why Social Media Is Important for Business Marketing
- The Definition of Advertising in Less Than 50 Words
- Latest SEO and advertising trends
- Guide to Content Marketing
- Blogs on search engine marketing and Google’s algorithm updates
- Things To Do Before Jumping Into Paid Internet Advertising
- Where Is the Line Between Creepy and Creative in Advertising?
- The Advertising Media That Consumers Trust Most
- Research the most popular social media channel
- Fresh Approaches to Create Content Your Customers Want
- The Only Features You Need to Use in SEO Tools
- WordPress SEO Tutorial for Beginners
- Keep your advertising simple but brilliant
- The art of influencing for brand visibility
- A Smooth Approach to Digital Marketing
- The Importance of Diversity & Inclusion In Sports Marketing
- The Beginner’s Guide to Evergreen Content marketing
- What happens when a Brand fails its Community
- What is the role of Google Analytics in advertising
- The Ultimate Guide to Branding
- Impact of branding management on business performance
- Importance of social networking on brand building
- Understanding The Who, What, Why, & How of Digital Marketing
- A Practical Guide to the Top Email Marketing Automation Tools
- The Best Social Media & Digital Marketing Metrics to Focus on that can change your brand image
Best Marketing Blogs In 2022:
Mention offers current news and content around media, best practices for marketing, and advice from experts in the industry.
Readers love their content because they cover the latest trends in this niche and showcase their content in a easy-to-digest manner.
The blog gets around 368.2K visitors/month
QuickSprout provides you with up-to-date guides, analysis, and insights in marketing knowledge from successful entrepreneurs.
Readers love reading their articles because they offer expertise across various categories such as entrepreneurship, marketing, ecommerce, management, technology, and many more.
This blog gets around 476.8K traffic/month
Grow & Convert provides information around content marketing, SEO, content strategy, customer research, and more tips to help grow your business.
The blog has around 50k views per month
John Doherty is the founder of Cedo and he comes with great marketing knowledge to help you make the right decisions for your business.
Readers love his blogs because of his fresh take on the industry and current marketing trends,
The blog gets around 50K traffic every month
Autopilot offers you deep knowledge about the latest ecommerce trends, marketing automation, customer onboarding, and other important aspects of marketing.
This blog gets an average of 50K visitors each month
Guide: How To Find Content Ideas
Finding the right content type and topic for your blog is critical. The last thing you want is to spend hours and days writing a piece of content that doesn’t end up performing well.
We’ve outlined tips to help you find the right blog post topic
1. Find Blog Post Topics Using Google
Google search is a great (and free) tool for finding a content type and topic.
You can actually use google autocomplete to see what people are searching for:

2. Find Blog Post Ideas Through Competitors and Useful Websites
A great way to find content types is by seeing what your competitors with similar audiences are doing.
There are a few different ways you can do this:
- Manually going through different websites to see what others are writing about
- Use a tool like ahrefs to see top-performing websites and topics
3. Find Content Ideas Using Google Search Console
Google search console is a great and free way to see what your audience is searching for:

4. Make Sure You Can Perform Well For The Content
Just because your audience is searching for something, doesn’t always mean you can win for that content.
Consider looking at existing search results and other top-performing websites. Then, ask yourself a few questions:
- Are these top-performing sites massive businesses? If so, what would it take to rank for something like this?
- Is the existing content in the search results good quality?
- Are there ways that I can improve this content type? (ie. adding photos, videos, optimizing keywords, making the posts longer and more valuable to the reader, etc)
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