Mouth Guard Business

Business Idea: Start A Mouth Guard Business in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Monthly Revenue
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Market Size

Did you know that protecting smiles can also be a business opportunity? Starting a mouth guard business provides essential dental products designed to safeguard teeth during sports, sleep, or even stressful moments.

This business idea is straightforward: create and sell custom-fit or standard mouth guards tailored for various activities. You only need a small amount of initial investment to acquire materials and essential equipment for mold making.

Given the increasing awareness around dental health and the surge in contact sports participation, there's a growing market for mouth guards. By tapping into this niche, you can help customers avoid costly dental repairs and painful injuries while building a steady business.

For those with a keen interest in healthcare or fitness, this business is particularly appealing. Your expertise and passion can directly translate into high-quality, protective products that make a tangible difference in people's lives. The demand is there; it's just waiting to be met.

Examples Of Successful Mouth Guard Businesses

Successful mouth guard business businesses and case studies

Remi, a direct-to-consumer Sleep and Wellness company, founded by VC-turned-founder Oscar Adelman, has had a successful first year, going from idea to $1.5m+ in revenue, serving thousands of happy customers, with a lifetime retention above 90%, proving that offering the best solution to a real pain point is key to attracting and retaining customers.

$500K Monthly Revenue
Read by 5,441 founders

See full list of successful mouth guard businesses.