How Much Money Do Ecommerce Retailing Businesses Make? (2024)
- Based on our data, ecommerce retailing businesses can make between $2,500-$3,000,000 per month.
- The average revenue for a successful ecommerce retailing business is $482K per month.
- The highest grossing ecommerce retailing business in our records makes over $36,000,000 per year.
- Ecommerce retailing business owners salaries can vary wildly depending on industry, niche, and size of the business
So you're thinking about starting an ecommerce retailing business?
And now you're wondering how much ecommerce retailing business owners actually make...
Well, let’s dive in!
Here are example of real ecommerce retailing businesses and how much money they make - as reported by the founders themselves:
1. FactoryPure ($36M/year)
Eugene Ravitsky and his brother, Mike, co-founded FactoryPure after their previous venture in eCommerce ran into trouble. They identified air purifiers as a niche category with potential, built relationships with manufacturers, and utilized a drop-ship model to bootstrap the business. Today, FactoryPure generates around $3M per month in revenue and has achieved consistent growth by carefully managing gross margins and ad spend.
How much money it makes: $36M/year
2. Blindster ($36M/year)
Kyle Cox, Founder and CEO of Blindster, came up with the idea for his business after purchasing blinds for his new home and realizing that the existing online shopping experience was lacking. He saw an opportunity to create a true eCommerce experience for custom window treatments and provide exceptional customer service. With $50k in initial start-up costs, Blindster launched in 2010 and has since achieved tremendous growth, with record sales of $39MM in 2020.
How much money it makes: $36M/year
3. Gumroad ($21.2M/year)
Sahil loves building stuff. He really enjoyed the process of taking a problem coming up with a solution, and then shipping a prototype of that solution to see how good his concept was. Before finishing college he had already shipped a dozen products. Most of the time, they weren't that great.
But sometimes something works out really well, and then he has to decide if he actually wants to work on the idea some more. Very rarely, the answer is yes. That was the case with Gumroad. The question at its core was really compelling to him: How easy could one make it to sell something?
How much money it makes: $21.2M/year

4. ($20.4M/year)
Brian Gluck, the founder of, came up with the idea for his business after identifying an opportunity in the projector screen market. After working at a catalog company and growing their B2C channel to a $4 million/year business, he decided to start his own company focusing on projector screens. Despite facing a lawsuit from his previous employer, Gluck successfully launched, which has experienced tremendous growth and averages over $1 million in sales per month in 2021.
How much money it makes: $20.4M/year
5. B2C Furniture ($12M/year)
surged to $1.3 million, a 66% increase compared to the previous year, while online sales reached $2.6 million, a staggering 171% increase. The future looks bright for B2C Furniture as they continue to expand their product range, open new showrooms, and further establish themselves as a leader in sustainable e-commerce furniture.
How much money it makes: $12M/year
6. Techovant Solutions ($4.2M/year)
Boniface Kuria's lightbulb moment came when he saw a gap in the market for pre-installed OS on new computers. He launched Techovant Solutions in 2019, turning a side-hustle into a $350,000 monthly revenue machine.
How much money it makes: $4.2M/year
7. OCUSHIELD ($3.6M/year)
Dhruvin Patel, a qualified optometrist, came up with the idea for Ocushield after learning about blue light blocking coatings for prescription glasses while working at a vision clinic. He conducted his own research study on the harmful effects of blue light and set out to create a screen protector that would selectively filter blue light while maintaining a clear image. After winning grant funding and refining the product, Ocushield now serves over 150,000 customers in 80 countries, generating $300k per month in revenue.
How much money it makes: $3.6M/year
8. Auric ($3.6M/year)
After a backbone fracture led him to explore yoga and Ayurveda, the founder of Auric had a lightbulb moment to make Ayurveda more convenient and aspirational for others. With a background in consumer brands from his time at Unilever, he launched Auric as a beauty and wellness brand based on Ayurveda, creating 100% natural and low-calorie beverages that offer visible benefits. With already selling 150k bottles monthly, the future looks bright for Auric as they aim to penetrate more consumers in India, the US, and the UK.
How much money it makes: $3.6M/year
9. Tower Electric Bikes ($3.6M/year)
Stephan Aarstol, the CEO of Tower Electric Bikes, came up with the idea for his business while observing the growing trend of electric powered vehicles on the beach boardwalk. He saw the potential of electric bikes as the perfect form of transportation and recognized the fragmented market of ill-conceived products and brands. With his experience in the paddleboard industry, Aarstol aimed to create a high-quality, low-cost eBike brand that would fill the void in the market, ultimately building the world's first famous eBike brand.
How much money it makes: $3.6M/year
10. ESKUTE ($3.36M/year)
Alan Chen, founder of ESKUTE electric bike, came up with the idea during the COVID-19 pandemic when the demand for electric bikes soared. With a background in the electric bike battery field, Chen saw an opportunity to provide a safe and eco-friendly transportation method and started planning the project. Despite facing challenges and making mistakes along the way, ESKUTE has become profitable, with plans to expand production and open new stores across Europe.
How much money it makes: $3.36M/year
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