Twitter Links
Social Media (Organic)

Share Links When Posting On Twitter: A Guide

Updated: October 8th, 2022


Social Media (Organic)

Live links refer to an active text or graphic link found on a web page. When Twitter followers click on the live link, it redirects them to another web page, a document, or even an image.

One of the best ways to get clicks to your website is to put a variety of live links in your tweets.

And this doesn't just need to be linked around your brand - this could be other great content you found on Twitter, brands you admire, partnerships, or anything else your users may find valuable!

Sharing links when posting on Twitter can help boost your engagement and send more traffic/new visitors to your site as well!

Twitter Key Takeaways

  • Twitter currently ranks as one of the leading social networks worldwide based on active users.
  • Sharing live Links on Twitter can be a great way of growing organic traffic.
  • According to Twitter’s Q3 2020 report, users are increasingly engaging with ads on Twitter.

Sharing live links on Twitter can be a great way of directing your followers to your landing page. With live links, you can drive organic traffic to your website, and improve your ranking on Google.

Thus, if you are looking for a way to increase traffic to your website, sharing live links on Twitter can be a great idea.

Ideally, posting live links on Twitter is one of the easiest tasks that you will ever have to engage in.

Before you start posting links on Twitter, note that Twitter users do not have the time to check out links that are a waste of their time.

To increase engagements, make sure the link directs them to content they would want to read.

Here are important guidelines for you when sharing live links on your tweets.

1. Use A Short Description

Twitter users may not have the time to check out a link they see on a tweet unless they know what is happening there.

Therefore, make sure every live link has a catchy description of what to expect on the landing page.

The shorter the description, the better it will be for you!

2. Post At The Right Time

You should have researched and found out the best time for posting on Twitter.

For instance, the best time would be when people are actively online.

Therefore, take time to understand the times when your Twitter followers are likely to be online.

3. Mobile Friendliness

When posting live links on Twitter, it helps if you check the landing page to make sure it is mobile-friendly.

Considering that Twitter users often use mobile devices, it helps if you check the landing page for mobile compatibility.

Ensuring the landing page is mobile compatible translates well to great performance on the search engines.

4. Uniqueness

Avoid sharing links to the same landing page repeatedly, unless you are marketing a product.

If you are promoting a blog, people could be expecting to read something different. Therefore, focus on sharing links to fresh content.

5. Avoid Click-Baiting

As much as you would want people to click on your live links, avoid click-baiting.

Click-baiting is a sneaky way of getting people to click on the link but can end up costing you.

Here are examples of how brands use live links to drive engagements to external web pages.

@nytimes is an American daily newspaper based in NYC.

With a worldwide readership, the daily newspaper has over 50 Million followers on Twitter.

The news agency wanted to drive engagements on their gaming dedicated page, found on their website.

Therefore, they composed a tweet and added a live link to the landing page.

To maximize engagements, the New York times added a catchy description, illustrating to the target audience what to expect.

Here is the Tweet showing how to add live links to your Tweets.


@Salesforce hosted a campaign aimed at combating the climate crisis.

The campaign intended to bring together people from across the globe. To maximize signups, Salesforce tweeted about the upcoming event and included a live link to the signup page.

The tweet included a short description of what the campaign was about and even a short video to capture the attention of those who did not have the time to read the post.


With over half a million followers, the tweet drove an enormous amount of traffic from people concerned about climate change.

Through the Web:

Step1. Open Twitter on your preferred browser.

Step2. Type or paste the link URL into the Tweet box.

Note that a URL of any length will be shortened to 23 characters, even if the link itself is less than 23 characters long.

Step3. Click Tweet.

Through the App:

Step1. Open the Twitter app and begin a new text message.

Step2. Type or paste the link URL into the Tweet box.

Links will be shortened with Twitter’s link shortener wherever you post them. Some clients will adjust your character count as you compose a Tweet; some won’t.

Step3. Tap Tweet.


There are many ways you can use Twitter to promote the live links.

However, it is important to make sure the live link is working, and the content is interesting to the reader.

Ensure you are tweeting at the right time, and remember to add a description so that your followers know what you want them to do.

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.