Used by 32 successful businesses

Scheduling & analytics platform for Pinterest.

Tailwind Reviews & Mentions

We use Tailwind for Pinterest management.

I use Tailwind to pin frequently to Pinterest.

It is worth getting Tailwindapp which will allow you to schedule pins ahead of time.

Hint: Tailwind is the ticket to this growth as well as consistent creation of new pins. At least 2 new pins a week.

Tailwind for social media scheduling for Pinterest and Instagram. A must have for heavy Pinterest users.

Rosalee Rester

Tailwind Love this tool for posting to Insta and Pinterest.

I find their planners useful and their recommended hashtags have helped me boost my follower numbers.

I also love Tailwind for scheduling Pinterest pins as it saves me a ton of time.

I use Tailwind to schedule my Pinterest posts. A lot of people like to manually pin but I just don’t have time to do that. I couldn’t live without Tailwind.

Social media can be a monster so we strongly advise using a scheduling app like later or tailwind so you can plan and schedule a whole week of posts in one sitting.