Screaming Frog
Used by 87 successful businesses

Small desktop program (PC or Mac) which crawls websites' links, images, CSS, script and apps from an SEO perspective.

Screaming Frog Alternatives

Used By
tool-icon Ahrefs
Audit your website, explore competitors, research keywords & backlinks.
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tool-icon Yoast
Helps you with your website optimization, whether it be through our widely used SEO software or our online SEO courses: we're here to help.
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tool-icon Moz
A software as a service company based in Seattle that sells inbound marketing and marketing analytics software subscriptions.
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tool-icon Rankmath
WordPress SEO plugin will help you rank higher in search engines.
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tool-icon Surfer seo
A cloud-based on-page optimization tool that allows you to analyze and compare your own pages against what currently ranks in the SERPs.
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tool-icon KWFinder
Covers both traditional and competitor keyword research to help you find long-tail keywords with low SEO difficulty.
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tool-icon SERanking
A cloud-based platform for SEO and online marketing professionals that provides a complete set of tools for comprehensive.
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tool-icon Alexa
A virtual assistant AI technology developed by Amazon, first used in the Amazon Echo smart speakers developed by Amazon Lab126.
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