Used by 48 successful businesses

CDN, DNS, DDoS protection and security.

Cloudflare Reviews & Mentions

Serving all the downloads (which amounts to about 5TB of traffic per month) costs a flat $5 thanks to DigitalOcean and Cloudflare. I don’t have any servers to maintain — all the code or backend logic that I need runs on Cloudflare Workers, which also costs only $5.

Joshua Howarth

I was using Amazon S3 initially to serve static assets, but after a big website with 3 million views per month installed Wheely Sales I quickly noticed $50/day AWS costs. I promptly moved to serving these assets behind Cloudflare’s CDN!

We use Cloudflare as a content delivery network (CDN) and web firewall.

We use DigitalOcean for hosting with Cloudflare for CDN/security

Cloudflare is very good at CDN (content distribution network), which can help distribute the website content worldwide to increase the speed of our website.