
How Tony Beltramelli Built Uizard To $2.5M ARR

Tony Beltramelli
Founder, Uizard
from Copenhagen, Denmark
started April 2017
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Uizard assists individuals in producing professional designs for websites and mobile apps with little to no coding or design knowledge.

Monthly Revenue
93 🔥
Year Started

About The Uizard Founders

Who is Tony Beltramelli?

Tony Beltramelli is the Co-Founder and CEO of Uizard, a startup that develops AI-powered tools to revolutionize the way people design and build applications. Before founding Uizard, Tony worked as a data scientist at AudienceProject, a technology-based market research company. He has a Master of Science (MSc) in computer science from ETH Zurich. Tony is passionate about creating products that use AI to enhance human creativity in creative applications!


About The Business

What problem is Uizard solving?

Developers need fast and easy design tools.


How did Tony Beltramelli get the idea for Uizard?

During his Bachelor’s studies, Tony worked part-time as a web developer. He found the development process slow and frustrating, which led him to see the potential for automation to streamline the process and reduce development time. This idea continued to evolve during his Master's degree, where he developed pix2code, a tool that utilized machine learning to generate code from screenshots. This project eventually evolved into Uizard.

Things hadn’t changed much since the beginning of the internet in the 1980s. Some human being turns their brainwaves into pixels, and then some other human being turns those pixels into code, all ‘by hand’. I thought that was insane.” — Tony Beltramelli (Source)


How did Tony Beltramelli build the initial version of Uizard?

Tony and his co-founder hired a team to build the entire technology from scratch. The company raised funding, which they used to scale the team, fine-tune the product in the first instance, go to market, market, and build the team even further.

Screenshot of the Uizard landing page from 2018


What is the growth strategy for Uizard?
  • Uizard community: Tony credits Uizard’s early success to their open-source research through Github. They focused on building an engaged Uizard community long before the launch of their private beta.
  • Word of mouth: Vocal early adopters, who had been involved in the Uizard community for many months before the private beta launch, were key in enabling their rapid initial growth.


How does Uizard price their products?

Uizard offers a free plan, two pricing plans (Pro & Business), and a custom plan for enterprise clients.

  • Pro @ $12/Month
  • Business @ $39/Month

Uizard Pricing plans as of June 2024

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More about Uizard

Who is the owner of Uizard?

Tony Beltramelli is the founder of Uizard.

When did Tony Beltramelli start Uizard?


What is Tony Beltramelli's net worth?

Tony Beltramelli's business makes an average of $216K/month.

How much money has Tony Beltramelli made from Uizard?

Tony Beltramelli started the business in 2017, and currently makes an average of $2.59M/year.

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