The Perfect Loaf

How This Software Engineer-Turned-Baker Built A $360K/Year Baking Business

Maurizio Leo
Founder, The Perfect Loaf
The Perfect Loaf
from Albuquerque, NM, USA
started January 2013
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The Perfect Loaf is dedicated to teaching sourdough perfectionists the art of bread baking

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95 🔥
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Year Started
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About The The Perfect Loaf Founder

Who is Maurizio Leo?

Maurizio Leo is the founder of The Perfect Loaf, a blog that teaches sourdough bread enthusiasts the art of baking.

Leo is also an author. His debut cookbook, The Perfect Loaf, was released on November 8th, 2022. It won the 2023 James Beard Award and was listed as a New York Times Bestseller.

In addition to his baking expertise, Leo holds a master’s degree in computer science. He has been baking sourdough bread at home for over a decade.


About The Business

What problem is The Perfect Loaf solving?

Sourdough bread requires precision, especially when it comes to measuring ingredients.


How did Maurizio Leo get the idea for The Perfect Loaf?

Maurizio founded The Perfect Loaf back in 2013 when he faced difficulties in finding comprehensive instructions for his bread-making experiments.

Fueled by the desire to share his learnings and help others in their bread-making journey, he started documenting his experiments and sharing them with the world to benefit others.

Today, The Perfect Loaf remains a valuable resource for sourdough bread-making enthusiasts seeking to perfect their craft.


How did Maurizio Leo build the initial version of The Perfect Loaf?

Maurizio had been building websites since when he was in highschool. He decided to create a website to teach people how to start baking bread.

Despite getting no views for years, he persisted with his blog writing.

Eventually, people started leaving comments and appreciating his work, and traffic began to increase.

Maurizio then noticed other food bloggers were using affiliate links to help cover their operating costs. He decided to try it, too. Later, he used Memberful to increase his website’s membership without offering restricted content.

Maurizio’s readers kept asking for ways to support him, so he introduced membership plans. With the growing revenue, he focused on developing a successful baking blog business.


What is the growth strategy for The Perfect Loaf?

Instagram and SEO have been his primary customer acquisition channels. Maurizio started posting images of bread on Instagram in 2013, targeting the community of Sourdough bread lovers.

Some keywords he ranks for on search engines include:

  • Sourdough starter
  • Sourdough recipe
  • How to make sourdough starter

Maurizio also has set up email marketing and uses ConvertKit to manage his emailing sequence.

He is a big fan of automated sequences, which allow him to send emails to subscribers at the right time, with the right message, on autopilot, so he can focus on baking. Mauricio's business has grown a lot the perfect loaf has nearly 100 000 email subscribers and an incredible 72 percent open rate.

Since 2018, he started posting on YouTube.

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More about The Perfect Loaf

Who is the owner of The Perfect Loaf?

Maurizio Leo is the founder of The Perfect Loaf.

When did Maurizio Leo start The Perfect Loaf?


What is Maurizio Leo's net worth?

Maurizio Leo's business makes an average of $30K/month.

How much money has Maurizio Leo made from The Perfect Loaf?

Maurizio Leo started the business in 2013, and currently makes an average of $360K/year.