The Generalist

How Mario Gabriele Built The Generalist to $300K ARR

Mario Gabriele
Founder, The Generalist
The Generalist
from New York, NY, USA
started August 2019
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The Generalist is a free newsletter that publishes definitive case studies, expert interviews, tactical guides, and current news about tech and venture capital.

Monthly Revenue
94 🔥
Monthly Traffic
Year Started
B2B & B2C
Revenue Per Visitor

About The The Generalist Founder

Who is Mario Gabriele?

Mario Gabriele is the founder of the Generalist newsletter. Mario holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from the Columbia university. After college, Mario led growth at AndCo, which eventually sold to Fiverr. He also worked for a VC firm called Charge Ventures where he focused on helping startups to grow.


About The Business


How did Mario Gabriele get the idea for The Generalist?

Mario got the idea to start The Generalist organically through two main explorations.

First, his lifelong passion for writing nurtured through school and fiction writing classes, became a consistent hobby. Second, his career in technology and venture firms led to combining his interests.

Encouraged by his friends to write about his work, he began The Generalist as a weekend project. It gradually absorbed his energy and excitement, leading him to pursue writing as a viable career through newsletters.


How did Mario Gabriele build the initial version of The Generalist?

Mario initially built his newsletter on Substack. However, at some point, he stopped using Substack to post articles and moved them to a site built on Websflow, saving 10% of the money that he would pay Substack. in March of 2023, he announced he was coming back to Substack.

Mario used ConvertKit to grow the subscriber base.

A snapshot of the Generalist hosted on a Webflow website in 2021


What is the growth strategy for The Generalist?

Mario acquired initial subscribers through his word-of-mouth campaigns, Twitter post and Product Hunt launch.

I made an announcement about going full time last year and put out a deck that outlined where I hoped to take The Generalist. That gave me a little bump. — Mario (Source)

First, he reached out to several collegiate VC Clubs and pitched to them how the Generalist was gaining popularity. He also announced his full-time commitment to the Generalist newsletter via a tweet, which went viral and resulted in more signups. Finally, he launched on Product Hunt and ended up attracting several signups.

embed:tweet Mario's tweet announcing his full-time commitment to his newsletter


How does The Generalist price their products?

The Generalist offers three paid plans:

  • Annual plan @ $220/Year.
  • Monthly plan @ $22/Month.
  • Founding member plan @ $499/Year.


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More about The Generalist

Who is the owner of The Generalist?

Mario Gabriele is the founder of The Generalist.

When did Mario Gabriele start The Generalist?


What is Mario Gabriele's net worth?

Mario Gabriele's business makes an average of $25K/month.

How much money has Mario Gabriele made from The Generalist?

Mario Gabriele started the business in 2019, and currently makes an average of $300K/year.