
How Koushik Marka Built Supademo to $12K ARR in 6 Months

Koushik Marka
Founder, Supademo
from Kansas City, KS, USA
started October 2022
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Supademo enables users to swiftly create interactive product demos, hastening deal closure, driving enablement, and scaling product onboarding.

Monthly Revenue
95 🔥
Monthly Traffic
Year Started
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About The Supademo Founder

Who is Koushik Marka?

Koushik Marka is the co-founder of Supademo, an AI-powered product that allows users to showcase their products easily to potential customers. He is also the co-founder of Studiotale, which helps brands tell stories through memorable video content.

Before starting his entrepreneurial journey, he worked as a QA analyst at Tech Mahindra. Koushik holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Kakatiya University.


About The Business

What problem is Supademo solving?

Founders struggle to convey the value, benefits, or functionality of their products or features through just words or images alone.


How did Koushik Marka get the idea for Supademo?

Koushik began his journey to founding Supademo while working as a founder of a video agency. During this time, he produced product explainer videos for major brands such as Facebook and Xiaomi. From 2017 to 2022, he frequently interacted with product managers and marketing executives who were looking for effective ways to showcase their products.

He noticed that product demo videos were time-consuming and expensive to produce, quickly became outdated with frequent product changes, and did not have the interactive element that users wanted in the current product-led growth (PLG) environment.

Recognizing the need for a better solution, Koushik partnered with his co-founder Leed and created Supademo to provide a more dynamic and engaging way to demonstrate products.

Throughout his experience, he noticed a common pattern – folks were struggling to convey the value, benefits, or functionality of their products or features through just words or images alone. Worse still, they'd resort to creating long videos, forcing clients to scrub through them to find the information relevant to their use case. That's when he came up with the idea for Superdemo. — Joseph Lee (Source)


How did Koushik Marka build the initial version of Supademo?

They built the platform using - NextJS - Prisma - PlanetScale DB - TailwindCSS

Screenshot of Supademo landing page from early days


What is the growth strategy for Supademo?
  • Social media: Direct Messaging (DMing) thought leaders and industry experts on Twitter and LinkedIn to introduce their products.
  • Engaging in Online Communities: They posted and commented in relevant communities like Reddit and Hacker News to increase visibility and engage with potential customers.

Example of Supademo founder's active engagement on HN


How does Supademo price their products?

Supademo offers flexible pricing plans and a free plan:

  • Pro @ $27/Month
  • Scale @ $38/Month
  • Custom Enterprise plan

Supademo Pricing Plans as of June 2024

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More about Supademo

Who is the owner of Supademo?

Koushik Marka is the founder of Supademo.

When did Koushik Marka start Supademo?


What is Koushik Marka's net worth?

Koushik Marka's business makes an average of $1K/month.

How much money has Koushik Marka made from Supademo?

Koushik Marka started the business in 2022, and currently makes an average of $12K/year.