
Olly Meakings Grew to $30K/MRR in 12 Months

Olly Meakings
Founder, Senja
from London, UK
started January 2022
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Senja is a free tool for automating testimonial and case study collection, managing them all in one place, and sharing them everywhere.

Monthly Revenue
Starting Costs
Built in
30 days
95 πŸ”₯
Days To Build
Year Started
Growth Rate (CAGR)
B2B & B2C

Senja Revenue

Senja Growth Timeline
  1. Senja hits $303 in revenue [source]
  2. Senja hits $473 in revenue [source]
  3. Senja hits $832 in revenue [source]
  4. Senja hits $2.6K in revenue [source]
  5. Senja hits $6.8K in revenue [source]
  6. Senja hits $30K in revenue [source]
  7. Senja hits $360K in revenue [source]

About The Senja Founders

Who is Olly Meakings?

Olly Meakings is the co-founder of, a solution he built to help founders and creators build trust and sell more.

Olly is also the founder of Roast My Landing Page, where he has helped over 900 founders improve their landing pages.

He is a marketing consultant and has worked with various startups as a product and marketing expert for over a decade.


About The Business

What problem is Senja solving?

Finding, collecting, and managing testimonials can be slow and expensive.


How did Olly Meakings get the idea for Senja?

Olly was dissatisfied with the existing solutions for collecting and managing testimonials, finding them to be either slow, expensive, or lacking in aesthetic appeal.

He experienced a significant drop in page speed after integrating a competitor’s service into an earlier project to add social proof, which further fueled his discontent.

Motivated by this experience, the founder set out to create a more engaging, efficient, and visually appealing way to handle testimonials, aiming to surpass the current offerings on the market.


How did Olly Meakings build the initial version of Senja?

Their platform was built using Svelte for the frontend, Node.js with Express.js for the backend, and PostgreSQL via Hasura. They utilize Vercel, Railway, Firebase, Amazon S3, and Mux for hosting, authentication, storage, and video streaming, ensuring high performance and reliability.​

Wilson and Olly emphasized starting the development from the problem rather than the solution. This approach allowed them to create features that directly addressed user pain points. They iteratively refined the product based on user feedback, ensuring that each version of the MVP improved over the previous one. This was critical in making the product more user-friendly and effective.

By keeping the initial version simple and focused on the essential features, they launched quickly and started getting real user feedback, which helped in further development and refinement.​


What is the growth strategy for Senja?

70% of their customers came from Twitter. Senja and Wilson posted about what they were building on Twitter and the exciting things their audience should expect. They also discussed their product on LinkedIn, Indie Hackers, and Reddit.

embed:tweet also used targeted cold DMs, identified through Reddit research, to address potential customers' pain points and demonstrate their product's value, resulting in conversions and sign-ups.


How does Senja price their products? offers a free tier and two paid subscription options:

  • Starter: $19 per month.
  • Pro Plan: $59 per month

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More about Senja

Who is the owner of Senja?

Olly Meakings is the founder of Senja.

When did Olly Meakings start Senja?


What is Olly Meakings's net worth?

Olly Meakings's business makes an average of $30K/month.

How much money has Olly Meakings made from Senja?

Olly Meakings started the business in 2022, and currently makes an average of $360K/year.