Project 9 Life

How I Started A $40K/Month Coaching Program After A Realization [Served 100+ Clients]

November 19th, 2023
Todd Baker
Founder, Project 9 Life
Project 9 Life
from Denver, CO, USA
started January 2020
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Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?

I’m Todd, a proud parent of an 18-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter. I was an athlete growing up, played football and baseball in high school and college baseball, and was always active. As life went on and got married and had kids, life happened the same way it does for most.

I became less active didn’t pay attention to my diet and drank too much. One January day I saw myself in the mirror and did not like what was looking back at me. I needed to lose weight…it lasted 3 days because, on the 4th day, it snowed. I spent the day thinking about why it was so easy to quit and give up on something important to me.

I finally hit on it, it wasn’t the amount of weight or pants I needed to fit in, it was activity. I didn’t want to be the dad that couldn’t enjoy life doing things with my kids. They were my inspiration. I started walking again on day 5 and haven’t stopped since. I also quit drinking that year. I started to feel better and could do more.

The crazy thing is that when you are active your brain starts firing on more cylinders and I was thinking about the stats of people who set resolutions and the low percentage that make it. Also, I had found a simple way that it worked for me and I could help others have it work for them. Project9LIFE was born!

I offer an 8-week group coaching program that starts with mindset and throughout that time, my clients gain clarity, simplicity, and progress towards the greatness they were made for. I focus on 35-55 years. I have helped over 100 people make progress in their lives and currently make about $40k/m on my way to $500k/m + helping people. old professionals who feel trapped in their current lifecycle.


What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?

I have lost about 100 lbs and have kept it off. I walk every day and eat a healthy diet. I take my kids on adventures and excursions all the time and my relationship with them has never been better!

I know this was my journey because I get to help people share and hear their stories and get to know them on a personal basis. So many people in this world want better, I help those who choose to make the effort to accomplish it.

The company, coaching methods, and structure are all based on my life journey.

My validation that I am in the right place is the stories my clients tell about the changes they have made, the progress they have experienced, and that what they initially thought was too lofty a goal, now seems too small

When I started this company I was a Realtor, making ends meet but some months were tough, to now where my kids and I are thriving

Take us through the process of building the first version of your product.

Initially, it started out as a 1:1 method but became too time-dependent, and realized that doing it as a group allows the message to get spread more and also creates a community as people don’t feel alone.

The moment I came up with the company name I went to all social media and websites to secure the name. I set up a FB page, Instagram, YouTube channel and LinkedIn, I also bought the domain for The biggest lesson is you are your brand and everything should have the appearance it came from the same source. As more and more scaling comes into play, more of the initial setup is done through automation, the weekly Zoom calls are still live.

The program, being that is started with a 1:1 model and has changed to a group coaching model. The material itself has changed and evolved as I have and is always focused on the client and providing the resources and support the help them achieve their great life has gone through and is always being upgraded and changed all with the intent of adding more value to the clients.

Costs to get started were $40-$50k, for all the systems, continued education, books, memberships, etc…

These costs were for education and books and classes about self development, a website, and all the support behind it from Zoom and calendly to a funnel and CRM. While I don’t have anyone on staff, I do have resources in places like marketing, social

Media, graphic design, assistant, and email access that I pay for as I need them

Describe the process of launching the business.

Launched by talking with friends, family, and several networking groups. Took about 6 months to get the first paying client. The program, number of clients and program continually evolve and improve as time goes by.

The original website was very basic and I have finally found someone to work with that can evolve and make upgrades with me.

I financed everything on my own through savings, HELOC loans, and credit cards

The biggest thing I learned is that if you feel compelled to do something, figure out a way to do it. Don’t play the “when the time is right game” it will never come.

Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?

Networking, podcasting, speaking at live and online events, and having those well-versed in client attraction gets me and the program seen.

Daily posting, connecting, and joining networking groups and groups of others looking for personal development.

Continuously using social media FB, IG, LinkedIn, and YouTube. This is daily posts, thoughts, free handouts, engaging those that like and comment. A large part of this business is not only getting clients but keeping them. Giving people multiple outlets to make contact is essential. Also posting videos and lives to help people get to know who I am and what I am about.

Have gone away from FB ads as they are not attracting the right clients, have a PR group I work with that garners articles, interviews, speaking engagements, etc…. Podcasting as well, I host a show and have been a guest numerous times

I ask questions in a lot of my posting that gets people to think and respond and I am active in responding to them. Personal touch helps more than anything, people want to know who you are more than what you do. Ads donuts work for the most part as people see a lot of similar things and don’t know who the people are. Podcasting is great because it is a conversation filled with stories and experiences

Stay in touch and check in, and have a genuine interest in their progress and what help clients need. Offer follow-up programs that keep them involved

How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

Thriving now, and have a reliable flow of prospects coming in. Working on scaling the business up and will begin to institute other arms of the business in the coming months

Margins are great, about 75% as I have no employees and what I pay for is commission-based and based on income. I spend a bit on PR but it has and continues to pay off as it is exposing me and my programs to more and more people all the time.

All social is growing followers at a good pace, either through my or their request. I and my company am in a dramatically better place today than a year ago, more consistent, with more clients, more money, and more exposure

With online coaching, exposure is worldwide, with clients from us, Europe, and Australia. Growth will be with programs focused on women, kids, and business.

In the next year get to $500k/m and $1M/mo within a year.

Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?

Learned not to wait and to take advantage of opportunities when they appear. Positive mindset every day and truly value the impact I and my company make on people’s lives. Learned to seek out those that you resonate with, not just what sounds good on the surface

PR, podcasting, partnership with LinkedIn leads generator. Have led to opportunities beyond belief and connections

I believe we make our own luck and and challenge that comes up is an opportunity to learn so that next time a better decision can be made

I write everything down and I have a notebook in every room and always with me as you never know when or where inspiration will hit. I read a ton and take something from every book, always seek out learning opportunities

What platform/tools do you use for your business?

Calendly, keeps everything organized. Canva and Zoom, creation and connection. My funnel, lets a lot of the behind-the-scenes systems be automated so I can spend my time working on the business and not in it

I use social media but not for friends, just for business. I use a customer relations tool to track where clients are in Their process and to automate emails and video content. Provides a 30,000 foot view of the business for client i the coaching program, on the path but not paid yet and engaged and getting constant content with reminders, drip campaigns, customer management, and Mailchimp to send the emails.

What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?

Start with Why by Simon Sinek. Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill and becoming kings by Johnny King.

Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?

Write out a map of what you want to see and experience from a customer's point of view. List what you like and are good at and what you don’t, if you don’t like it or aren’t good at it, find someone else to do it or automate it so you do it once

Don’t think that you get a free schedule and an easy life right away, you have to put the work in, especially early on. Get organized, and have a morning and nightly ritual that you stick to. It’s not as easy as just posting a few things, have a website or landing page and customers will come. Don’t think you know it all

Once you get to the point where you have consistency, automation, and reliability this is a ton of fun. You get to do what you truly enjoy and love every day! For me, it’s talking to people and hearing and sharing stories which is where 80% of my daily time is spent. The rest is upkeep, improvement, learning, and working on what’s next.

If you have the desire to do something different, don’t wait, get going! Figure out why customers need what you offer, what you need to get that message out to those people and go. Adjustments will come, they always do, don’t wait for perfect, go inspire others

Are you looking to hire for certain positions?

I am looking for a fresher who is well-versed in organization, Social Media, Canva, and systems

Looking for coaches who are just starting and want to learn. Will be a program with a cost but as you learn and make progress you’ll have the opportunity to teach classes for 8 weeks at a time and make a commission from that which will more than pay back your investment

Where can we go to learn more?

  • Website
  • Facebook - Todd Baker
  • LinkedIn - Todd Baker
  • Instagram
  • YouTube @project9life