My Herbal Supplements Brand Will Hit 7-Figures In 2025

Published: June 12th, 2024
Maddie Miles
peace. love. horm...
from Austin, TX, USA
started July 2021
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Hello again! Remind us who you are and what business you started.

My name is Maddie Miles, and I am a clinical herbalist and health practitioner, as well as the founder of Peace Love Hormones. Our brand is dedicated to providing women with high-quality herbal supplements designed to support hormonal and overall health. You can read more about our journey in my original starter story.

At Peace Love Hormones, we specialize in herbal tinctures that I personally formulate. Our flagship product, Soothe, is crafted specifically to support women's hormone, fertility, and reproductive health.

Additionally, we offer two other tinctures: one for digestive health and detoxification, and another for sleep and the nervous system, both of which are beneficial for both women and men. We are currently developing two new formulas, one to alleviate period cramps and pain, and another to enhance libido for both women and men.

Today, Peace Love Hormones is a thriving six-figure business, and we are on track to reach seven figures by 2025. Our commitment to quality and holistic health continues to drive our growth and success.


Tell us about what you’ve been up to. Has the business been growing?

Since we last spoke, Peace Love Hormones has experienced consistent growth, with our sales increasing incrementally each month. This steady upward trajectory has been driven primarily by our dedication to quality and our strategic use of organic marketing channels.

Up until a month ago, all of our sales growth was achieved through platforms like social media, our podcast, and YouTube, with word-of-mouth recommendations playing a significant role as well.

One of our proudest milestones is the organic nature of our growth. We’ve relied heavily on the trust and satisfaction of our customers to spread the word about our products. Recently, we decided to expand our marketing efforts by launching Google ads, which we started just a month ago. We are also planning to start Meta ads at the beginning of Q3. These new advertising channels are expected to boost our visibility and sales even further.

In terms of team expansion, I’ve brought on two new partners who are both family members and industry experts. Their passion for Peace Love Hormones has been evident since the beginning, and their involvement is already proving invaluable. Additionally, we have two new formulations in development, with one set to be released by August 2024. These new products will address period cramps and pain, as well as male and female libido, expanding our product line and catering to more specific needs.

Our marketing strategies have also evolved. At the start of 2024, I launched a YouTube channel and an account on X, both of which have shown tremendous potential for reaching a wider audience. While Instagram has become more challenging for many brands and creators, we remain committed to growing and engaging our community through this platform as well.

Maintaining customer satisfaction remains a top priority for us. We achieve this by ensuring our products deliver real results and by continuously educating our audience. Our education-focused approach keeps subscribers engaged and eager to stay connected with us. Although we haven’t pursued new PR opportunities recently, we are confident that our organic growth and new marketing initiatives will continue to propel Peace Love Hormones forward.

In the coming months, we anticipate gaining valuable insights from our new advertising efforts. We look forward to sharing more detailed analytics and success stories as we continue to grow and evolve.

The best decision I’ve made so far has been to bring on two partners for Peace Love Hormones. Their expertise and support have been invaluable, allowing us to scale effectively and manage growth.

What have been your biggest challenges in the last year?

Day in and day out, my biggest challenge has been finding quality contractors to manage our online presence. Since our sales are predominantly organic, this task is crucial. Additionally, by the end of last year, I was experiencing significant burnout and knew a change was necessary.

Bringing on two new partners has been a game-changer, relieving some of the workload and allowing me to focus more on research and development, which is where I excel. However, I still find myself feeling exhausted by the constant need to create, post, and engage on various platforms. This is why I am eager to get our ad campaigns up and running, which will enable me to develop a healthier, more balanced approach to managing our digital engagement.

Recognizing that "what worked in the past won’t necessarily work in the future," I’ve made several strategic changes to reach the next level in our business. One key realization has been the importance of networking. Living in Austin, a city rich with e-commerce-driven and entrepreneurial spirit, I have been leveraging this environment to grow my network of fellow CPG and e-commerce owners.

This has opened up new opportunities for collaboration and growth that I hadn’t fully tapped into before. By expanding my connections and learning from others in the industry, I’m positioning Peace Love Hormones for sustained success and innovation.


What have been your biggest lessons learned in the last year?

Navigating the journey of being a true leader has been both challenging and enlightening. Managing contractors and employees is not for the faint of heart, and I’ve learned that being direct is always best. There's a fine line between kindness and avoidance, and understanding this difference has been crucial.

I've also missed opportunities and made mistakes along the way, often feeling blindsided by the complexities of leadership. However, these experiences have taught me valuable lessons about communication, decision-making, and resilience.

On a personal note, I recently launched another company with three co-founders, all of whom are family members. Our new venture is Mystic Mastic, a brand focused on mastic chewing gum and oral health. This exciting new project complements my work with Peace Love Hormones and allows me to explore another area of herbal medicine.

The best decision I’ve made so far has been to bring on two partners for Peace Love Hormones. Their expertise and support have been invaluable, allowing us to scale effectively and manage growth.

I’ve also learned to better manage my time by implementing time-blocking techniques in my daily schedule, which has significantly increased my organization and efficiency. Despite the challenges of navigating the ever-changing landscape of social media, we continue to adapt and ride the tide. Overall, these experiences have underscored the importance of flexibility, strategic partnerships, and effective leadership in driving success.

What’s in the plans for the upcoming year, and the next 5 years?

We have ambitious plans to expand Peace Love Hormones to new markets, products, and audiences. By 2025, we hope to begin shipping to the EU, as we have a significant number of fans located there eagerly awaiting our products. Additionally, we are continuously working on growing our product line, with several new formulations in development that address various health needs.

Looking ahead, I am particularly excited about reaching a point where the business operates like a well-oiled machine. This would allow me to dedicate more time to research and development, further enhancing the quality and effectiveness of our products. Our five-year plan includes getting accepted into an accelerator program here in Austin, TX, this fall. This opportunity would provide the resources and mentorship needed to elevate Peace Love Hormones to a whole new level.

The vision for Peace Love Hormones is to continue growing, expanding our reach, and making a positive impact on women's health worldwide. We are committed to innovation and excellence, always striving to provide the best possible products and education to our community. With strategic planning and a dedicated team, we are poised to achieve significant milestones and help even more individuals on their health journeys.

Prioritize your efforts on what truly moves the needle for your business. Quality over quantity is key, especially when it comes to marketing and customer engagement.

What’s the best thing you read in the last year?

While my reading is primarily science-based and not tailored to business or marketing, the knowledge gained from these studies has been instrumental in shaping our product development and educational content. Understanding the latest research allows us to create more effective products and provide our customers with the most accurate and helpful information, which is at the core of our brand's mission.

Advice for other entrepreneurs who might be struggling to grow their business?

For entrepreneurs struggling to grow their business, my top advice is to stay adaptable and open to learning. One of the most important lessons I've learned is the value of building a strong support network. Surround yourself with mentors, peers, and partners who can offer guidance, share their experiences, and provide the encouragement you need to keep moving forward. Networking is not just about making connections; it's about learning from others and leveraging their insights to avoid common pitfalls and seize opportunities.

Another crucial tip is to focus on your core values and mission. It's easy to get sidetracked by short-term goals or trends, but staying true to your brand's purpose will guide your decisions and keep you grounded. Consistency in your message and products builds trust with your customers, which is essential for long-term success.

Additionally, don't be afraid to delegate tasks and bring in experts where needed. Trying to do everything yourself can lead to burnout and inefficiency. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and build a team that complements your skill set.

A common mistake I see is entrepreneurs spreading themselves too thin, trying to be everywhere and do everything. Instead, prioritize your efforts on what truly moves the needle for your business. Quality over quantity is key, especially when it comes to marketing and customer engagement. Use data to inform your strategies and be willing to pivot when something isn't working. Experimentation is part of the journey, and not every effort will be successful, but each attempt brings you closer to understanding what works best for your business.

Lastly, remember that perseverance is essential. The road to success is rarely a straight line, and challenges are inevitable. Embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow. Stay patient and persistent, and celebrate small victories along the way. Your passion and dedication will inspire others and attract the right opportunities to propel your business forward.

Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?

We are currently looking to hire experts in social media growth and management, as well as email/SMS marketing. If you are passionate about digital marketing and are interested in joining the team, please apply by sending your resume and a brief cover letter to [email protected]

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