Natura Wellness Update: How We Reached $1M In Sales In 2020
This is a follow up story for Natura Wellness . If you're interested in reading how they got started, published over 5 years ago, check it out here.
Hello again! Remind us who you are and what business you started.
Hi to all the starter story readers. Very happy to meet again!
I am Julien, the founder, and CEO of Natura Wellness, a french digital native brand that sells healthy super drinks.
Tell us about what you’ve been up to! Has the business been growing?
Everything has been going very well for us and since we talked. We doubled our 2019 sales and reach 1M$ in sales in 2020.
Any entrepreneurs know that entrepreneurship is a lifetime struggle. It never stops and you never really “made it” If you are not ready to face that and solve problems all day long then do not choose that life.
We triple our team size and are currently working on something new to launch in 2021 to install the brand in the long run.
What have been your biggest lessons learned in the last year?
This year was pretty intense and challenging: We faced a lockdown period but a boom in our sales and activity. We had to organize and process as much as we can to keep the team strong while working from home.
Since we faced a big raise in our sales volume, the biggest challenge was probably the logistic one. A lot of parties were involved: Laboratory, preparation, transportation. If one of those parties would have shut down because of COVID we would have been out of the game. Fortunately, they all did an amazing job and we are still here!
What’s in the plans for the upcoming year, and the next 5 years?
We are so much excited about what’s coming in 2021.
We have been in the supplement field for three years now. We collected thousands of feedbacks from our customers and tried to understand better the problems we were solving.
We will focus on what we have done well so far and we will try to improve ourselves to have a bigger impact on people's lives.
Also, since everything is going fast and competition is rising, we are in the process to develop new products and bring real innovation to this market.
Have you read any good books in the last year?
I have particularly raised my readings this year with COVID and I enjoyed it so much. The one that had the biggest impact on me was definitely The Shoe Dog by Philip Knight, the Nike founder.
This guy's story is one of the most inspiring things I’ve ever read. A mix between vision, resilience, and dedication. Brilliant!
Advice for other entrepreneurs who might be struggling to grow their business?
First of all, any entrepreneurs know that entrepreneurship is a lifetime struggle. It never stops and you never really “made it” If you are not ready to face that and solve problems all day long then do not choose that life.
Otherwise being surrounded by people smarter than yourself is key to scale up your business. In my case, I consider it pretty easy haha. You will have the vision to start but you will reach a point where your skills won’t be sufficient to get to another level.
Be the dumbest in the room.
Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?.
Do not be scared of quitting your job or launch your company. Can be a hot dog truck. It counts as well! Take that risk and make the jump, it’s worth it!
This year has shown us that the world can collapse because of a bat - so do what you love and do not satisfy yourself with just “fine”. Look for “extraordinary”.
We are hiring and have opened positions. Feel free to send us your candidatures at [email protected].
Where can we go to learn more?
Thanks to Starter Story and Rendez-vous in 5 years for the reach of 50M$ in sales!
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