Maker Mind

How Anne-Laure Le Cunff Built Maker Mind To $ 120K ARR

Anne-Laure Le Cunff
Founder, Maker Mind
Maker Mind
from London, UK
started July 2019
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Maker Mind provides content to help makers put their minds to work while applying evidence-based strategies to their daily lives.

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95 🔥
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Year Started
B2B & B2C
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About The Maker Mind Founder

Who is Anne-Laure Le Cunff?

Anne-Laure Le Cunff is the founder of Ness Labs and Maker Mind, a newsletter that focuses on helping readers achieve mindful productivity. Prior to founding Ness Labs, she worked at Google, where she was in charge of promoting digital health products.

After her time at Google, she returned to university to pursue neuroscience. Anne-Laure Le Cunff is a Doctoral Researcher at King's College, where she focuses on supporting neurodiversity in online learning.


About The Business


How did Anne-Laure Le Cunff get the idea for Maker Mind?

During her studies in neuroscience, Anne discovered several science-based methods to improve performance without compromising mental health. She also found that creating her own interpretations of the material was one of the most effective ways to absorb new information.

As a result, she decided to write on her blog every weekday about topics that combined neuroscience and entrepreneurship.

Believing in the benefits of working and learning in public, she thought that a newsletter would be a great way to hold herself accountable. Thus, she added a subscription box at the bottom of each article on her blog and committed to writing consistently.


How did Anne-Laure Le Cunff build the initial version of Maker Mind?

Anne already had a MailChimp account, so she created a new audience segment and posted a subscription form. She created a WordPress blog where she posted her newsletter issue and sent it out to her MailChimp audience.

A snapshot of Maker Mind Newsletter landing page from 2019.


What is the growth strategy for Maker Mind?

Anne posted articles daily on Hacker News and on Twitter. In the first month, four of her posts hit the front page of Hacker News, attracting 2000 subscribers. Here is a screenshot of one of her most popular HN posts.



How does Maker Mind price their products?

The newsletter is 100% free.

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More about Maker Mind

Who is the owner of Maker Mind?

Anne-Laure Le Cunff is the founder of Maker Mind.

When did Anne-Laure Le Cunff start Maker Mind?


What is Anne-Laure Le Cunff's net worth?

Anne-Laure Le Cunff's business makes an average of $10K/month.

How much money has Anne-Laure Le Cunff made from Maker Mind?

Anne-Laure Le Cunff started the business in 2019, and currently makes an average of $120K/year.

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