How We Grew Our Shopify Agency To $20K/Mo And 100+ Clients [Update]

Published: May 21st, 2024
Vishal Goswami
Founder, Friction Studio
Friction Studio
from Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
started January 2020
Discover what tools Vishal recommends to grow your business!
Discover what books Vishal recommends to grow your business!

Hello again! Remind us who you are and what business you started.

Hello again! I'm Vishal Goswami, the founder of Friction Studio, a Shopify Agency dedicated to revolutionizing commerce for everyone. Our journey began in 2020 with a humble investment of just $100, and since then, we've embarked on an exhilarating roller coaster ride of growth and innovation.

Friction Studio specializes in crafting exceptional Shopify stores tailored for direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands. As an eCommerce consultant with years of experience, my team and I are passionate about designing, building, and scaling Shopify stores to facilitate exponential growth for our clients.

Over the years, we've evolved into a powerhouse agency, serving prominent players in the industry and partnering with Shopify Plus merchants. Our team of dedicated Shopify experts continues to thrive on the mission of eliminating friction in eCommerce design, development, and strategy.

Our approach remains steadfast: creating conversion-focused Shopify stores with seamless user experiences, enabling brands to establish a compelling presence and captivate their target audience. We firmly believe that every brand should be memorable, distinctive, and reflective of the values cherished by its customers.

It's been an incredible honor to contribute significantly to the eCommerce ecosystem and assist merchants in navigating their selling journey with ease. Since our inception, we've collaborated with over 100 DTC brands worldwide, solidifying our position as leaders in the Shopify space.

In essence, Friction Studio isn't just about building websites; it's about crafting digital experiences that leave a lasting impression and drive unparalleled success for our clients. We're excited about the journey ahead and remain committed to pushing the boundaries of eCommerce excellence.

We are making $20K per month right now. And the revenue we have generated is around 250k USD.


Tell us about what you’ve been up to. Has the business been growing?

Since we last spoke, Friction Studio has experienced remarkable growth and achieved several significant milestones. Our business has flourished, with a substantial increase in revenue and a steady influx of new clients. We've expanded our team to accommodate this growth, welcoming talented individuals who share our passion for eCommerce excellence.

One of our most notable achievements has been surpassing the 100-client mark, a testament to the trust and confidence placed in us by DTC brands worldwide. This milestone not only validates our expertise but also highlights our commitment to delivering exceptional results for our clients.

In terms of increasing traffic and sales, we've implemented a multifaceted approach. We've intensified our efforts in social media marketing, leveraging platforms like Instagram and Facebook to engage with our audience and showcase our portfolio.

Additionally, we've optimized our website for SEO, ensuring that we rank prominently in search engine results and attract organic traffic.

Through Facebook groups and connections, I have reached out to bigger businesses. Instagram was an inbound marketing channel for us.

Furthermore, we've explored new marketing channels to expand our reach and drive conversions. Email marketing campaigns have proven to be highly effective in nurturing leads and retaining existing customers.

Additionally, we've forged strategic partnerships with complementary businesses to tap into new markets and access a broader customer base.

While some growth tactics and marketing channels have continued to yield positive results, we've also encountered challenges. Certain advertising platforms have become saturated, requiring us to pivot and explore alternative avenues for customer acquisition. Like cold email, cold calling and Facebook outreach. However, our adaptability and agility have allowed us to navigate these changes effectively and maintain momentum.

Customer satisfaction remains a top priority for us, and we've implemented various initiatives to ensure that our clients are delighted with our services. From personalized support to regular check-ins and updates, we strive to exceed expectations and foster long-term relationships.

In terms of PR, we've been featured in several industry publications and podcasts, further solidifying our reputation as leaders in the Shopify ecosystem. These opportunities not only enhance our visibility but also reinforce our credibility among potential clients.

From failed marketing campaigns to missed opportunities, we've learned to pivot quickly and adapt our strategies to better align with our goals.

What have been your biggest challenges in the last year?

Over the past year, our biggest challenge has been navigating the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing and eCommerce. As the industry continues to change rapidly, we've found ourselves facing new obstacles and uncertainties that require constant adaptation and innovation.

Consumer behavior is changing so brands also change their approach. One of the most pressing issues we've grappled with is the saturation of certain advertising platforms, which has made it increasingly difficult to reach our target audience effectively.

In addition to external challenges, we've also encountered internal struggles, including the need to delegate responsibilities and scale our team strategically. As the founder, I've often found myself torn between micromanaging every aspect of the business and trusting my team to execute tasks autonomously. Letting go of control and empowering others to take ownership has been a constant battle, but it's essential for our long-term growth and sustainability.

Moreover, the pressure to maintain momentum and continue growing can sometimes lead to burnout and feelings of imposter syndrome. Despite our achievements, there are moments when self-doubt creeps in, and we question our ability to keep up with the demands of running a successful business.

However, acknowledging these challenges and embracing vulnerability has allowed us to confront them head-on and emerge stronger and more resilient as a team.


What have been your biggest lessons learned in the last year?

One of the most significant lessons I've learned is the importance of embracing failure and viewing it as a stepping stone to success. We've made our fair share of mistakes and encountered setbacks along the way, but each misstep has provided valuable insights that have propelled us forward.

From failed marketing campaigns to missed opportunities, we've learned to pivot quickly and adapt our strategies to better align with our goals.

On a personal level, I've also undergone a profound transformation, both professionally and personally. I've become more adept at delegating tasks and trusting my team, recognizing that I can't do it all on my own.

This shift has allowed me to focus on high-impact activities and strategic initiatives that drive our business forward. Additionally, I've prioritized self-care and mindfulness, realizing that my well-being is essential for sustaining long-term success.

In terms of good decisions, our strategic partnerships have been instrumental in expanding our reach and accessing new markets. Collaborating with complementary businesses has allowed us to leverage each other's strengths and create mutually beneficial opportunities for growth.

Furthermore, we've honed our marketing efforts to be more targeted and data-driven, ensuring that we maximize our ROI and effectively reach our target audience.

While there are many factors beyond our control, such as luck and timing, we've learned to capitalize on trends and seize opportunities as they arise. By staying informed and adaptable, we've positioned ourselves to ride the wave of emerging trends and capitalize on market shifts.

Moving forward, we'll continue to embrace a growth mindset and remain open to learning from both our successes and failures.

It's essential to focus on your strengths and unique value proposition. Identify what sets your business apart from competitors and double down on those strengths.

What’s in the plans for the upcoming year, and the next 5 years?

In the short term, we're focused on expanding our service offerings to cater to a broader range of clients and industries. This includes exploring new product lines, such as custom app development and advanced analytics solutions, to provide even greater value to our customers.

Additionally, we're actively seeking opportunities to expand into new geographic regions, capitalizing on emerging markets and strengthening our global presence.

In the long term, our vision for the next five years revolves around becoming the premier destination for eCommerce solutions, renowned for our unparalleled expertise and customer-centric approach.

We aim to solidify our position as industry leaders, setting new standards for excellence and innovation in eCommerce design, development, and strategy. This entails scaling our operations, expanding our team of experts, and forging strategic partnerships with leading technology providers.

What excites us most about the future is the endless potential for growth and impact. We're passionate about empowering businesses of all sizes to thrive in the digital age, and we're committed to driving meaningful change in the eCommerce ecosystem.

Whether it's revolutionizing the way brands engage with their customers or pioneering cutting-edge technologies, we're excited to be at the forefront of innovation and shape the future of commerce.

Our short-term goals revolve around increasing market share, enhancing customer satisfaction, and driving revenue growth. This includes optimizing our marketing efforts, streamlining internal processes, and investing in talent development to ensure that we're well-positioned for success.

In the long term, we aim to achieve sustained profitability and expand our reach to become a global leader in eCommerce solutions.

Overall, our vision for the future is ambitious yet attainable, driven by our unwavering commitment to excellence and our passion for empowering businesses to succeed.

With a clear roadmap in place and a dedicated team behind us, we're confident that Friction Studio will continue to thrive and make a lasting impact in the years to come.

What’s the best thing you read in the last year?

One of the most impactful pieces of content I encountered in the past year was the book "Measure What Matters" by John Doerr. This book introduced me to the concept of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and provided invaluable insights into how to effectively set and achieve goals within an organization.

Doerr's framework not only helped me refine our business objectives but also provided a structured approach to tracking progress and driving accountability within our team. By aligning our efforts with clear objectives and measurable key results, we've been able to make more informed decisions and drive meaningful progress towards our strategic goals.

Additionally, I found immense value in various podcasts focused on entrepreneurship and eCommerce, such as "The Tim Ferriss Show" and "The GaryVee Audio Experience."

These podcasts feature interviews with industry leaders and thought-provoking discussions on topics ranging from business strategy to personal development. Listening to these podcasts has broadened my perspective, challenged my assumptions, and provided valuable insights that have informed our business strategy and decision-making process.

Overall, the knowledge and inspiration gained from these sources have been instrumental in shaping our approach to business and driving our continued growth and success.

Advice for other entrepreneurs who might be struggling to grow their business?

For entrepreneurs facing challenges in growing their business, I can offer several pieces of advice based on my own experiences and observations. Firstly, it's essential to focus on your strengths and unique value proposition. Identify what sets your business apart from competitors and double down on those strengths.

This could be a particular expertise, a niche market, or exceptional customer service. By highlighting what makes your business special, you'll attract customers who resonate with your brand and are more likely to become loyal advocates.

Another crucial tip is to embrace a growth mindset and remain adaptable to change. The business landscape is constantly evolving, and what worked yesterday may not work tomorrow. Stay open to new ideas, technologies, and market trends, and be willing to pivot your strategy as needed.

This might involve experimenting with different marketing channels, refining your product offerings, or exploring new revenue streams. Remember that setbacks and failures are inevitable, but they also present valuable learning opportunities that can ultimately fuel your growth.

Additionally, I encourage entrepreneurs to prioritize building strong relationships with customers and partners. Invest time and effort into understanding your customers' needs and delivering exceptional experiences that exceed their expectations.

Cultivate a community around your brand, engage with your audience authentically, and leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Collaborate with complementary businesses and industry influencers to expand your reach and tap into new markets.

Ultimately, success in business is not just about selling products or services; it's about building meaningful connections and adding value to people's lives.

Above all, don't lose sight of your passion and purpose. Entrepreneurship is a challenging journey filled with ups and downs, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Stay true to your vision, persevere through obstacles, and celebrate every milestone along the way.

Remember that every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow stronger. Keep pushing forward with determination, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome any challenge that comes your way. The journey may be tough, but the rewards are well worth it. Keep dreaming big, and never stop striving for greatness.

Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?

Yes, we are currently hiring for several positions to join our dynamic team at Friction Studio. We are looking for talented individuals to fill roles including Shopify developers, UX designers, and visual designers.

As a Shopify Agency dedicated to revolutionizing commerce, our team members will play a pivotal role in designing, building, and scaling Shopify stores for DTC brands. These positions offer the opportunity for full-time employment with competitive compensation packages.

If you're passionate about eCommerce and want to be part of a fast-paced, innovative team, we encourage you to apply! Interested candidates can find more information and submit their applications through our website or by sending their resume to [email protected].

Where can we go to learn more?

If you have any questions or comments, drop a comment below!