Erin On Demand

How Erin Built YouTube Channel To $120K ARR in 12 Months

Erin Winters
Founder, Erin On Demand
Erin On Demand
from Detroit, MI, USA
started October 2018
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Erin on Demand is a top resource created to empower side hustlers, business owners, and content creators to create stand-out brands on their websites and social media.

Monthly Revenue
96 🔥
Monthly Traffic
Year Started
B2B & B2C
Revenue Per Visitor

About The Erin On Demand Founder

Who is Erin Winters?

Erin Winters is the creative force behind the Erin On Demand YouTube channel and blog. She is a content strategist who graduated from Howard University in 2016, majoring in Broadcast Journalism.

Prior to starting her YouTube channel, Erin worked as a digital correspondent at National Geographic and earlier on as a spokesperson at Michigan First Credit Union.


About The Business

What problem is Erin On Demand solving?

People often turn to YouTube and other online platforms for tips and advice on starting and growing successful ventures.


How did Erin Winters get the idea for Erin On Demand?

Erin Winters started her YouTube channel full-time in 2018 after an epiphany led her to seek a more sustainable career. Torn between continuing her temporary contracts and taking a risk on herself, she chose to follow her gut, a decision she had always trusted.

Leveraging her experience from previous media roles, she began creating social media commercials and sharing content on YouTube, which eventually led her to provide business advice and resources through her eBrand Club.


What is the growth strategy for Erin On Demand?

Sharing the highs and lows of her journey as an entrepreneur grew her audience to 100,000 subscribers within a year.

One of the most frequent comments I get is, "I just love watching your journey." It's just crazy when you just start, and you don't care about the house you're in or the backdrop. — Erin Winters (Source)

Erin sharing her entrepreneurial journey

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More about Erin On Demand

Who is the owner of Erin On Demand?

Erin Winters is the founder of Erin On Demand.

When did Erin Winters start Erin On Demand?


What is Erin Winters's net worth?

Erin Winters's business makes an average of $10K/month.

How much money has Erin Winters made from Erin On Demand?

Erin Winters started the business in 2018, and currently makes an average of $120K/year.

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