How We Grew Our Disability Law Firm To $700K/Month
Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?
My name is Edward Dabdoub. I am the founder and managing attorney of Dabdoub Law Firm. I built a law firm from the ground up to be a disability insurance law firm representing clients nationwide. Every attorney and staff member specializes in disability insurance claims.
We represent people at any stage of a disability insurance claim, including initial claim filing, appeals to the insurance company and litigation in federal and state court. Because this is a niche practice area, I saw an opportunity to brand ourselves as experts without limiting ourselves geographically.
Over the years, we have litigated and won some groundbreaking cases creating good law for future clients and disability claimants in general. I am particularly proud of a recent win on behalf of a liver transplant surgeon. It was a legally complex case and the insurance company tried hard to muddy the arguments but we stuck with our arguments and ultimately the court found our client was totally disabled from working in his own occupation.
What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?
I come from a family of lawyers, so going to law school was no surprise to anyone. Initially, I planned to finish law school and then go back to Jamaica, where I grew up. But then I started working in this practice area while I was in law school. Early on I represented a man and successfully got his claim approved. I saw the deep impact my work had on his life and his family and I knew then that this was what I wanted to do with my legal career. From that point forward, I spent every day studying case law to learn as much as I could about ERISA and disability insurance. I became an expert in disability law, ERISA, and disability insurance.
Simultaneously, I studied how to start a business and began planning how I was going to build my own disability insurance firm. Within a couple of years, I started Dabdoub Law Firm. I knew that I wanted our firm to be different from other firms, so we are structured differently than most firms.
We have highly specialized departments that each focus on a different area of disability law so we can provide the best service possible to our clients.
Today we generate around $500,000 to $700,000 in fees per month. When we first started the firm, we generated around $100,000 per month.
Take us through the process of building the first version of your product.
I started the firm with myself and 2 other attorneys. We had a handful of staff in the beginning. I built out departments dedicated to each stage of a disability insurance claim and staffed them with smart people.
For example, if a person was already receiving a monthly disability payment from an insurance company but did not want to jump through the hoops of dealing with the insurance company, we had a service where we could take over and handle their claim on their behalf.
If a person’s disability benefits were being denied, we had a different team that could jump in to work towards getting the insurance company to pay. If it is necessary to go to court, we have a litigation department. In short, the firm was built to handle every aspect of a disability case.
We even built out an accounting department to manage the transfer of funds as seamlessly as possible. In effect, we have the ability to handle any issue a disability insurance claimant is having, so they can work with just one firm and it’s much easier for them - they don’t have to worry about finding a different legal team for different aspects of their case. We can handle it all.
From the beginning, I built my reputation as an expert in this practice area which led to referrals of clients. With each case, we reinvested the fees we earned into the firm. These helped cover the initial startup costs and funding of new cases.
With consistent year-over-year growth, I was able to increase the marketing budget, which has allowed us to expand into new states. Over time, we became a national disability insurance law firm representing clients all over the country.
Describe the process of launching the business.
The fees from the cases we were bringing in helped fund the new firm and allowed me to grow my marketing budget. I relied on a credit line from the bank to manage cash flow. The overhead included salaries, bonuses, rent, costs for cases, building up the IT infrastructure, insurance coverages, and employee benefits. The overhead at the time I started the firm was floating around $75,000 per month.
I designed a new logo and built a new website with the goal of creating an online encyclopedia-type resource for disability insurance claimants. We have since redesigned the website a few times and it has grown into thousands of pages of disability insurance information, case law, videos, and more.
I also moved our marketing into a big company which helped build our online reputation. They manage the PPC campaigns, website, and social media. The marketing team works collaboratively with the firm’s in-house marketing team.
Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?
Client confidence and trust are at the forefront of attracting and retaining new clients. Once a client interacts with the firm, it becomes quickly apparent that we are a well-oiled machine.
We track where every phone call comes from with dozens of call tracking numbers through our website and PPC as well as third-party referral websites. We collect data on all the leads that come from the various sources and outlets. This helps us make data-driven decisions when it comes to our marketing strategies.
We rely heavily on online reviews to demonstrate the quality of our work and the trust our clients put in us. It is how we show potential clients we are who we say we are.
Since starting Dabdoub Law Firm, we have worked with thousands of clients. We consistently grow with over 200 new clients each year. Our year to year growth rate is about 10% to 20% in fee generation.
How are you doing today and what does the future look like?
Every year we grow in both fees and the number of clients and also with new talent to the firm. That has been the firm's trajectory since day one and we are optimistic it will continue to head in that direction as awareness of the firm grows nationwide.
Today we generate around $500,000 to $700,000 in fees per month. When we first started the firm, we generated around $100,000 per month. The idea is to have sustained growth at least 15% annually.
We have grown into a multi-million dollar law firm, but we still put the quality of our work product above all else. We do not compromise our quality of work for a fee. We will continue to serve clients nationwide and take that responsibility very seriously.
So many entrepreneurs have to do it all in the beginning, but it’s worth investing in third-party professionals to help with the aspects of running a business that are not your strength.
Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?
We are in the business of doing right by our clients. As it turns out, making decisions for the firm based on what's right for the client has proven itself to be the right decision for the firm. Because we are so client-focused, the firm’s business model and serving clients are intertwined.
One of the biggest difficulties we have faced is finding a case management program that works for us. The out-of-the-box products do not fit our unique structure.
What platform/tools do you use for your business?
Some of our marketing tools include Google PPC, SEO, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and an internal marketing dashboard that gives us robust data on our website and PPC performance. We use Outlook for our email and scheduling calendar and Zoom for virtual meetings as needed.
What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?
I’m sure there are numerous books, podcasts, and other resources that my colleagues could name, but for me, my clients are what influence me to be excellent. Helping people get the disability insurance that they deserve and helping them and their families through what is often a difficult time is all the motivation I need to do what I do.
Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?
The entrepreneurial journey can be one of the most exhilarating yet challenging paths. One of the best bits of advice I ever got was, “Do what you do best and hire out the rest.” So many entrepreneurs have to do it all in the beginning, but it’s worth investing in third-party professionals to help with the aspects of running a business that are not your strength.
For example, hire a tax professional to help with your business's accounting needs. While it might be an additional expense in the early days, the complexity of tax laws and the potential for savings through deductions and credits can transform this decision into one of your most cost-effective investments.
A tax professional will help you ensure that you are meeting city, state, and federal business regulations, effectively avoiding costly penalties. They can also provide strategic advice on financial planning and growth, which allows you to focus on your core business without the headache of navigating tax complexities.
Another valuable piece of advice for emerging entrepreneurs is to embrace the power of saying "no." In the initial stages of your business, opportunities will come in various shapes and sizes. The instinct is often to grab every chance for the experience if nothing else. However, discernment in choosing what truly aligns with your vision and values is key.
Not every opportunity is the right opportunity, and spreading yourself too thin can dilute your efforts, leading to burnout and a deviated path from your original goals. Learning to say "no" allows you to focus intensely on the actions that propel your business forward in the direction that you have envisioned for yourself.
Finally, never underestimate the value of building a supportive community around your venture. Not just mentors and peers in your industry, but also a circle of support that extends to friends, family, and even online communities of entrepreneurs.
The journey of building a business is filled with ups and downs. Having a network of people who can offer advice, share experiences, and just listen, can be a tremendous source of strength and inspiration.
In the realm of entrepreneurship, the only constant is change, so go into it with a mindset prepared for learning, adaptability, and resilience. Nothing will ever be perfect, so go for it!
Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?
Yes, we are. We are looking to hire more assistants, more attorneys, and marketing and accounting experts.
But we are very meticulous about the hiring process. We make our hiring decisions very carefully to make sure that the person is not just a good fit for the position, but also a good fit for the firm.
Where can we go to learn more?
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