Browse AI

How Ardy Naghshineh Built Browse AI To $1.3M

Ardy Naghshineh
Founder, Browse AI
Browse AI
from Edmonton, AB, Canada
started January 2020
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Browse AI allows users to easily set up web scraping automation using a point-and-click interface and download data as a spreadsheet or sync it with a Google Sheet.

Monthly Revenue
95 πŸ”₯
Year Started
B2B & B2C

Browse AI Revenue

Browse AI Growth Timeline
  1. Ardy Naghshineh starts the business [source]
  2. Browse AI hits $515K in revenue [source]
  3. Browse AI hits $1.3M in revenue [source]
  4. Browse AI hits $1.3M in revenue [source]

About The Browse AI Founder

Who is Ardy Naghshineh?

Ardy Naghshineh is the founder of Browse AI, a web scraping automation tool.

Before becoming an entrepreneur, Ardy was a director of engineering at Versett, a product design and engineering consultancy. He led the completion of some of the largest engineering projects there and also worked as a technical lead, helping engineers make better technical decisions.

Before joining Versett, he was a Senior Developer at Critical Mass, a full-service digital experience design agency.

Ardy holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the Sharif University of Technology and a Google Tag Manager Fundamentals certification from Google Analytics Academy.


About The Business

What problem is Browse AI solving?

Data scraping is challenging due to the complexities of adapting to changes in website structures and regulations and the need for continuous updates.


How did Ardy Naghshineh get the idea for Browse AI?

Ardy was working on a project that involved scraping web data for marketplace sellers. He found it challenging to maintain custom scrapers due to the constantly evolving websites and regulations.

Understanding that tech giants monopolized valuable live data, he aimed to democratize web data access for individuals and small businesses. This led to the launch of Browse AI in 2021, which aims to break down barriers to accessing important web data.


How did Ardy Naghshineh build the initial version of Browse AI?

Ardy hired a developer friend to help him with coding while he worked on marketing and developing the initial landing page.

Browse AI Tech stack:

  • Typescript
  • GraphQL
  • AWS Lambda

A snapshot of Browse AI landing page from 2020*


How did Ardy Naghshineh launch Browse AI?

Browse AI launched on Product Hunt.


Ardy announcing PH launch


What is the growth strategy for Browse AI?

Browse AI initial users came through Indie Hackers posts and Twitter.

Ardy was building in public and sharing progress on Indie Hackers. The IH noticed the progress and tweeted about Browse AI, which drove traffic to their initial website.

Ardy's update on how he acquired initial Browse AI users


How does Browse AI price their products?

Browse AI offers a free version and 5 pricing plans:

  • Starter @ $48.75/Month
  • Professional @ $123.75/Month
  • Team @ $311.25/Month
  • Custom Company Plan

Browse AI Pricing as of June 2024.

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More about Browse AI

Who is the owner of Browse AI?

Ardy Naghshineh is the founder of Browse AI.

When did Ardy Naghshineh start Browse AI?


What is Ardy Naghshineh's net worth?

Ardy Naghshineh's business makes an average of $108K/month.

How much money has Ardy Naghshineh made from Browse AI?

Ardy Naghshineh started the business in 2020, and currently makes an average of $1.3M/year.

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