Ali Abdaal

How Ali Abdaal Hit 10K Subscribers With Just 91 Videos In 6 Months

Ali Abdaal
Founder, Ali Abdaal
Ali Abdaal
from London, UK
started October 2017
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Ali Abdaal's YouTube channel explores evidence-based strategies and tools for being more productive and building a life that we love.

Monthly Revenue
Starting Costs
95 🔥
Year Started
B2B & B2C

About The Ali Abdaal Founder

Who is Ali Abdaal?

Ali Abdaal is the digital content creator behind the @aliabdaal YouTube Channel. Before starting his YouTube Channel, Ali worked as a Junior Doctor in the UK's National Health Service. He studied medicine for six years at the University of Cambridge and graduated in 2018.


About The Business


How did Ali Abdaal get the idea for Ali Abdaal?

Back in 2017 while Ali was still a student at Cambridge University. He was studying to become a doctor (his dream was to specialise in plastic surgery). Back then, he started creating videos to help other people with studying and passing exams. This is when he started his first business with his brother, 6Med, a platform to help people pass the entrance exams and get into medicine.


How did Ali Abdaal build the initial version of Ali Abdaal?

Ali's YouTube journey began in 2017 while he was a student at Cambridge University. During that time, he created videos to assist others with their studies and exam preparation. After graduating, he shifted to producing content focused on productivity and sharing the knowledge that helped him during medical school. He devoted a lot of time to planning, scripting, and researching for his videos.

Ali reached 100,000 YouTube subscribers in 2018 and hit 1 million in September 2020. Following his success, he began offering online courses to share his knowledge. Subsequently, he expanded his team to manage the channel.

Ali's first video teaching medical students how to pass exams


What is the growth strategy for Ali Abdaal?

Ali approached YouTube growth with a very analytical approach. He studied that a channel with 1M subscribers has 4,000 uploaded videos. This means, on average, you’d need to have uploaded 418 videos to get 10k to 100k subscribers and 152 for your first thousand subscribers. After he figured out these statistics, Ali started uploading videos at least twice a week, once he got serious about becoming a YouTuber. This, with his content strategy combined, enabled him to hit 10k subscribers with just 91 videos in 6 months.


How does Ali Abdaal price their products?

Ali's income is generated through 17 streams, including YouTube ads, affiliates, etc. He also has created different online courses priced at $995 and $4,995

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More about Ali Abdaal

Who is the owner of Ali Abdaal?

Ali Abdaal is the founder of Ali Abdaal.

When did Ali Abdaal start Ali Abdaal?


What is Ali Abdaal's net worth?

Ali Abdaal's business makes an average of $333K/month.

How much money has Ali Abdaal made from Ali Abdaal?

Ali Abdaal started the business in 2017, and currently makes an average of $4M/year.

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