User Generated Content
Social Media (Organic)
Updated: October 8th, 2022


Social Media (Organic)

What Is Regram?

Content regram is when you share another account's Instagram post to your own feed. Regram & repost content is similar to Twitter's retweet feature.

However, regramming takes a few more steps than Retweeting.

Sharing user-generated content builds connections with your customers and can also boost engagement.

You can do this by reposting someone else's post on your feed, or by adding a tagged photo to your story.

Regram Key Takeaways

  • 79% of people say UGC highly impacts their purchasing decisions.
  • Millennials trust UGC 50% more than original content generated by the brands.
  • Brand engagements rise by 28% when consumers are exposed to a mixture of professional marketing content and user-generated content.

How Content Regramming Works In Instagram

Regrammed content is not new material. Instead, regramming involves repurposing content that was previously posted by a user and then reposting the content to your Instagram feed.

Unlike most other social sites, Instagram does not have the simple regram button that you can use to repost.

However, you could regram posts manually or use applications that make the regramming process much more manageable. (source)

Various social media scheduling tools also simplify the process of regramming.

Despite the lack of a repost button on Instagram, regramming is a practice that has been going on for a very long.

In Instagram, users need to be open and upfront about any regramming they do.

In particular, seek approval from the original post owners before regramming.

Similarly, avoid regramming content by professional photographers without getting their explicit permission.

Ideas Of content That Brands Can Repost

Here are a few ideas of content that brands can repost to enhance their brand value and build brand trust & credibility.

  • Content that compliments the brands marketing strategy
  • Posts directly related to your brand
  • User-generated content posted by your real customers
  • Images that reflect the aesthetic of your brand and align with your brand's ideology
  • Hashtag campaign featuring photos or videos
  • Worthy and encouraging posts
  • Tagged posts by your existing customers.

Generally, it is important you maintain the consistency of the feed while reposting the content.

Real World Examples Of Brands Regramming Content On Instagram

Here are examples of brands that regram and repost Instagram content

1. How National Geographic Reposts Content On Instagram

National Geographic is our first example of a brand that regrams and reposts content on Instagram. For National Geographic, reposting content is done strategically.

They identified relevant posts, to ensure the content reflects the interests of their followers.

besides, The brand mentions the content owner and even urges their followers to follow the content owner.


This post attracted over 1 million engagements.

2. How La Croix Uses UGC to curate Brand Look

La Croix is another example of brands that regram and repost user-generated content on Instagram.

The brand curates content from fan art to photos posted by young adults, who happen to be the brand's target demographic.

To maximize engagement, La Croix populates its feeds with content created by followers who truly love the brand's products.

Although La Croix comes from a variety of creators, La Croix manages to maintain a consistent look throughout.


The user-submitted content helps the brand to build trust and credibility among its target audience.

How To Regram and Repost Content On Instagram

Here are important tips to bear in mind when regramming and reposting content on Instagram.

1. Define What Content To Repost & Educate Your Team

The first consideration when it comes to regramming and reposting user-generated content on Instagram involves choosing the content type carefully.

You can identify content from your brand's hashtag, mentions, tagged content, or generally relevant content.

Remember to educate your social media team on what type of content they can regram and repost.

2. Curate Content From Diverse Sources

The primary rule when it comes to regramming and reposting content is to ensure you are focusing on relevant UGC from Instagram.

Thus, curating relevant content puts you in a better position when it comes to filtering the best and most valuable content.

As you funnel down, you will be able to regram and repost content that meets the legal reposting terms.

3. Ask For Permission From Users

Seeking express authority from original content owners is of utmost importance when reposting on Instagram.

If you do not have the user's consent or permission to repost the content, then you should stay away from the content.

This is because you are violating Instagram terms on content reposting.

4. Implied Permission With Brand Hashtag

Ask Instagram followers to submit their valuable UGC using the brand's hashtag.

In addition, ask them to mention that the content will be reposted on your profile.

This is an implied form of taking permission from the content creators as the owner is already consenting to regramming and reposting by the mentioned brands.

5. Give Credit Where It Deserves!

When reposting the UGC, it pays if you give credit where it deserves. Therefore, mention the content creator in your post.

The advantage of this is that it shows you acknowledge the user and their content.

This also helps to build a brand community with a loyal following and earns you a consistent engagement.


Although regramming is entirely appropriate in many circumstances, the bulk of your posting should be original content. An Instagram page comprising only regrams looks to many people to be lazy Instagramming.

Mix Instagram regrams with fresh, original content. The secret to any successful social policy is to share a varied range of content that interests your target audience.

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.