1,000+ Clever Medium Publication Instagram Name Ideas [2024]
Like other social platforms, Instagram now plays a pivotal role in business strategy and growth.
Did you know that 71% of US businesses use Instagram and the platform helps 80% of Instagram users decide to buy a product or service?
Finding a good Instagram handle and account name for your medium publication is a critical step in establishing your brand and growing your audience.
Because your Instagram name defines how your customers will discover and search for you, so it’s important you choose a unique Instagram page name that you'll stick with forever.
In this article, we provide you with:
- 1,000+ clever medium publication instagram name ideas [2024]
- Free Instagram name availability check (+ Twitter, Tik-Tok, Youtube, Website & Pinterest Name Availability Check)
- Step-by-step guide on how to choose a cool Instagram name
Here's a list of creative medium publication Instagram names you can choose from:
Medium Publication Instant Instagram Availability Checker
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Instagram Username Generator
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Our free tool allows you to get username inspiration + check availability for your username.
Medium Publication Instagram Username Ideas:
Catchy medium publication Instagram usernames
- Suasion Publication (@suasionpublication)
- Mansion Publication (@mansionpublication)
- The Latest (@thelatest)
- Cave in Publication (@caveinpublication)
- Forthcoming Periodical (@forthcomingperiodical)
- Own Yarn (@ownyarn)
- Timely Editor Group (@timelyeditorgroup)
- The Aqueous (@theaqueous)
- The Low (@thelow)
- Interstellar (@interstellar)
- Familiar (@familiar)
- Second Stuff (@secondstuff)
- Interstellar Intermediate Collective (@interstellarintermediatecollective)
- The Two (@thetwo)
- Prior Magazine (@priormagazine)
- Prior Paper (@priorpaper)
- English Publish Spot (@englishpublishspot)
- Brazen Publication (@brazenpublication)
- The Strange Narration (@thestrangenarration)
- The Nonlinear Intermediate (@thenonlinearintermediate)
- ConditionedMedium (@conditionedmedium)
- Short Storytelling (@shortstorytelling)
- Disobedience Medium (@disobediencemedium)
- Unauthorized (@unauthorized)
- Publish Pro (@publishpro)
- The Neutral (@theneutral)
- Simple Storyline (@simplestoryline)
- Second Yarn (@secondyarn)
- Primary (@primary)
- Graven Publication (@gravenpublication)
- ThirdStory (@thirdstory)
- MagneticMedium (@magneticmedium)
- Short Collective (@shortcollective)
- Chronicle Group (@chroniclegroup)
- Modified Midsize (@modifiedmidsize)
- Short Stuff (@shortstuff)
- Chief Midsize (@chiefmidsize)
- The Monthly (@themonthly)
- Porous Term Spot (@poroustermspot)
- Prompt Newsletter Group (@promptnewslettergroup)
- The Favorite Account (@thefavoriteaccount)
- Remedial Medium (@remedialmedium)
- Similar Screenplay (@similarscreenplay)
- MonthlyPublication (@monthlypublication)
- The Previous Issue (@thepreviousissue)
- Immediate Editor Collective (@immediateeditorcollective)
- NiceStory (@nicestory)
- Newsletter Co (@newsletterco)
- Strange Storey (@strangestorey)
- The Rich Average (@therichaverage)
- GaseousMedium (@gaseousmedium)
- Lenient Medium (@lenientmedium)
- Yarn Collective (@yarncollective)
- Publish Co (@publishco)
- Cooked Co (@cookedco)
- Coherent (@coherent)
- Weary Story (@wearystory)
- MinimalMedium (@minimalmedium)
- Minimal Mild (@minimalmild)
- Basal (@basal)
- The Terrible Yarn (@theterribleyarn)
- The Synthetic Intermediate (@thesyntheticintermediate)
- Latter Published (@latterpublished)
- Modified Midsized (@modifiedmidsized)
- Prompt Published (@promptpublished)
- Eventual Periodical (@eventualperiodical)
- Agent Publication (@agentpublication)
- Magnetic Method (@magneticmethod)
- Short Place (@shortplace)
- Publishes Spot (@publishesspot)
- Excellent (@excellent)
- Familiar Chronicle (@familiarchronicle)
- Tommy Story (@tommystory)
- Report Group (@reportgroup)
- Excellent Newsletter (@excellentnewsletter)
- Liquid Midsize (@liquidmidsize)
- Short Scoop (@shortscoop)
- The Transparent Cooked (@thetransparentcooked)
- The Physical (@thephysical)
- Periodical Place (@periodicalplace)
- FantasticStory (@fantasticstory)
- Charming (@charming)
- Humorous (@humorous)
- Earlier Published Trading Co (@earlierpublishedtradingco)
- Average Group (@averagegroup)
- Sad Script (@sadscript)
- KnownStory (@knownstory)
- Present Pamphlet (@presentpamphlet)
- Sad Scoop (@sadscoop)
- Previous Publish (@previouspublish)
- Primary Term Pro (@primarytermpro)
- Old (@old)
- Vanadium Medium (@vanadiummedium)
- Previous Publishes (@previouspublishes)
- Sad Stuff (@sadstuff)
- Spiritualist Group (@spiritualistgroup)
- Dreary Story (@drearystory)
- Eyrie Story (@eyriestory)
- The Useful Newsletter (@theusefulnewsletter)
- Narration Co (@narrationco)
- Isotropic (@isotropic)
- The Forthcoming (@theforthcoming)
- The Powerful Moderate (@thepowerfulmoderate)
Cool medium publication Instagram usernames
- Amazing Tale Group (@amazingtalegroup)
- Valuable Published Collective (@valuablepublishedcollective)
- Premiums Medium (@premiumsmedium)
- Sad Narrative Place (@sadnarrativeplace)
- Printed Publisher (@printedpublisher)
- Paramecium Medium (@parameciummedium)
- Visual (@visual)
- The Original (@theoriginal)
- Present Periodical (@presentperiodical)
- The Alkaline (@thealkaline)
- Incredible Report (@incrediblereport)
- Culture Medium Place (@culturemediumplace)
- The Complete Midsize (@thecompletemidsize)
- Present Publish (@presentpublish)
- Sterile (@sterile)
- The Elastic Intermediate (@theelasticintermediate)
- The Opaque (@theopaque)
- The Pretty (@thepretty)
- Modified Milieu (@modifiedmilieu)
- Anonymous Published Group (@anonymouspublishedgroup)
- Full Storey Pro (@fullstoreypro)
- Corny Story (@cornystory)
- Transparent Metier Co (@transparentmetierco)
- Different (@different)
- The Gaseous Metier (@thegaseousmetier)
- Anonymous Publishes Co (@anonymouspublishesco)
- PowerfulMedium (@powerfulmedium)
- Similar Account Trading Co (@similaraccounttradingco)
- Interesting (@interesting)
- Raven Publication (@ravenpublication)
- Only (@only)
- The Later (@thelater)
- SyntheticMedium (@syntheticmedium)
- Radiate Medium (@radiatemedium)
- Account Collective (@accountcollective)
- Dramatic Chronicle Place (@dramaticchronicleplace)
- Periodical Publisher (@periodicalpublisher)
- ArtisticMedium (@artisticmedium)
- Publisher Pro (@publisherpro)
- Previous Medium (@previousmedium)
- Special Publish (@specialpublish)
- Media Medium (@mediamedium)
- The Interplanetary (@theinterplanetary)
- Sterile Cooked Pro (@sterilecookedpro)
- Anonymous Periodical Collective (@anonymousperiodicalcollective)
- Periodical Publish Pro (@periodicalpublishpro)
- Posthumous Paper (@posthumouspaper)
- PosthumousPublication (@posthumouspublication)
- Expedience Medium (@expediencemedium)
- Annual (@annual)
- The Old (@theold)
- Weekly Issue Group (@weeklyissuegroup)
- SterileMedium (@sterilemedium)
- Humorous Tale Trading Co (@humoroustaletradingco)
- Whole (@whole)
- Essential (@essential)
- Shaven Publication (@shavenpublication)
- Moderate Spot (@moderatespot)
- Modified Method (@modifiedmethod)
- Regression equation Publication (@regressionequationpublication)
- Editor Group (@editorgroup)
- Thrilling Tale (@thrillingtale)
- The Denser (@thedenser)
- Classic Chronicle Place (@classicchronicleplace)
- The Only (@theonly)
- Gaseous Midsize Trading Co (@gaseousmidsizetradingco)
- Free Metier Pro (@freemetierpro)
- Original Recital (@originalrecital)
- Visual Short Group (@visualshortgroup)
- The Simultaneous Newsletter (@thesimultaneousnewsletter)
- The Printed (@theprinted)
- Simple Scoop (@simplescoop)
- Corky Story (@corkystory)
- The Good (@thegood)
- OriginalStory (@originalstory)
- Artificial Moderate Trading Co (@artificialmoderatetradingco)
- The Chief Short (@thechiefshort)
- The Complicated Fib (@thecomplicatedfib)
- The Biblical (@thebiblical)
- The Tragic (@thetragic)
- SimultaneousPublication (@simultaneouspublication)
- Newsletter Group (@newslettergroup)
- Original Publishing Group (@originalpublishinggroup)
- Interstellar Term (@interstellarterm)
- Incredible Narrative (@incrediblenarrative)
- Equation Publication (@equationpublication)
- Publishing Pro (@publishingpro)
- FreeMedium (@freemedium)
- Serial Editor Trading Co (@serialeditortradingco)
- Page Report Collective (@pagereportcollective)
- Promethium Medium (@promethiummedium)
- Cataloging Magazine Collective (@catalogingmagazinecollective)
- Classic (@classic)
- The Excellent (@theexcellent)
- Strange Stuff (@strangestuff)
- DifferentStory (@differentstory)
- TrueStory (@truestory)
- Latest Issue Co (@latestissueco)
- Meridian Medium (@meridianmedium)
- ValuablePublication (@valuablepublication)
- Moderate Trading Co (@moderatetradingco)
- Present Publisher (@presentpublisher)
- Expression Publication (@expressionpublication)
Cute medium publication Instagram usernames
- The Monthly Issue (@themonthlyissue)
- Safari Story (@safaristory)
- RecentPublication (@recentpublication)
- Nice Yarn (@niceyarn)
- Issue Collective (@issuecollective)
- Tragic Report (@tragicreport)
- Mary Story (@marystory)
- Final (@final)
- The Proper (@theproper)
- Viscous Midsized Co (@viscousmidsizedco)
- Kazan Publication (@kazanpublication)
- The Present (@thepresent)
- Publish Trading Co (@publishtradingco)
- Synthetic (@synthetic)
- The Rich Culture Medium (@therichculturemedium)
- The Terrible Chronicle (@theterriblechronicle)
- Minimal Midsized (@minimalmidsized)
- Interesting Report (@interestingreport)
- The Pre (@thepre)
- The Effective Moderate (@theeffectivemoderate)
- Narration Pro (@narrationpro)
- Average Co (@averageco)
- The Amusing (@theamusing)
- Spiritualist Collective (@spiritualistcollective)
- Interscience Periodical (@interscienceperiodical)
- The Official Publish (@theofficialpublish)
- The Isotropic (@theisotropic)
- Continuous Culture Medium (@continuousculturemedium)
- Selective Moderate (@selectivemoderate)
- Chief Midsize Trading Co (@chiefmidsizetradingco)
- Midsize Spot (@midsizespot)
- The Subsequent (@thesubsequent)
- Synthetic Culture Medium Group (@syntheticculturemediumgroup)
- Narration Collective (@narrationcollective)
- The Separate (@theseparate)
- Mediums Medium (@mediumsmedium)
- The Extracellular Average (@theextracellularaverage)
- Fantastic (@fantastic)
- The Classic Report (@theclassicreport)
- Proper (@proper)
- Account Group (@accountgroup)
- True (@true)
- Publications Publication (@publicationspublication)
- Prior Print (@priorprint)
- Annual Newsletter Co (@annualnewsletterco)
- Synthetic Midsized Collective (@syntheticmidsizedcollective)
- SolidMedium (@solidmedium)
- Tedious Medium (@tediousmedium)
- The Aqueous Midsize (@theaqueousmidsize)
- Synthetic Moderate (@syntheticmoderate)
- PromptPublication (@promptpublication)
- Best Midsize (@bestmidsize)
- Terrible Recital Co (@terriblerecitalco)
- Full (@full)
- Minimal (@minimal)
- Everybody Story (@everybodystory)
- Biblical History (@biblicalhistory)
- Marry Story (@marrystory)
- Term Co (@termco)
- Opaque (@opaque)
- The Essential Midsized (@theessentialmidsized)
- The Suitable Term (@thesuitableterm)
- Short (@short)
- Presidium Medium (@presidiummedium)
- The Miscellaneous (@themiscellaneous)
- Sad Scandal (@sadscandal)
- ForthcomingPublication (@forthcomingpublication)
- The Universal (@theuniversal)
- Own (@own)
- Synthetic Metier (@syntheticmetier)
- AnnualPublication (@annualpublication)
- The Tragic Storey (@thetragicstorey)
- Present Publishes (@presentpublishes)
- Simultaneous (@simultaneous)
- Pathetic Narration Group (@patheticnarrationgroup)
- Basal Culture Medium Pro (@basalculturemediumpro)
- Barre Story (@barrestory)
- Initial Newsletter Pro (@initialnewsletterpro)
- Same Script (@samescript)
- Metier Pro (@metierpro)
- LatestPublication (@latestpublication)
- The Extraordinary Chronicle (@theextraordinarychronicle)
- The Dramatic Chronicle (@thedramaticchronicle)
- ActiveMedium (@activemedium)
- OnlinePublication (@onlinepublication)
- History Group (@historygroup)
- Humorous Yarn (@humorousyarn)
- Posthumous Publishes (@posthumouspublishes)
- Body Story (@bodystory)
- Long Tale Co (@longtaleco)
- Alkaline Midsize Place (@alkalinemidsizeplace)
- Azeri Story (@azeristory)
- The Beautiful Narration (@thebeautifulnarration)
- The Conditioned (@theconditioned)
- OriginalPublication (@originalpublication)
- Famous Account (@famousaccount)
- Simple Narrative Spot (@simplenarrativespot)
- Projection Publication (@projectionpublication)
- Periodical Pro (@periodicalpro)
- The Ceased (@theceased)
- Two Narration Place (@twonarrationplace)
- Aqueous Average Spot (@aqueousaveragespot)
- Metier Collective (@metiercollective)
Best medium publication Instagram usernames
- The Complex (@thecomplex)
- The Infinite (@theinfinite)
- PresentPublication (@presentpublication)
- Pre Publisher (@prepublisher)
- Ideal Culture Medium (@idealculturemedium)
- Acid Midsized Group (@acidmidsizedgroup)
- Monthly Published (@monthlypublished)
- Low (@low)
- Similar Stuff (@similarstuff)
- Freemason Publication (@freemasonpublication)
- The Famous (@thefamous)
- StandardMedium (@standardmedium)
- Modified (@modified)
- DelightfulStory (@delightfulstory)
- The Minimal (@theminimal)
- The Previous (@theprevious)
- Sad Yarn (@sadyarn)
- Unshaven Publication (@unshavenpublication)
- Devious Medium (@deviousmedium)
- Phase in Publication (@phaseinpublication)
- Essential Culture Medium Collective (@essentialculturemediumcollective)
- Anemia Medium (@anemiamedium)
- Forthcoming Editor Co (@forthcomingeditorco)
- The Earliest (@theearliest)
- The Coherent History (@thecoherenthistory)
- Universal Metier (@universalmetier)
- Yarn Pro (@yarnpro)
- Effective Intermediate Trading Co (@effectiveintermediatetradingco)
- The Inside Storey (@theinsidestorey)
- Curious Narration Collective (@curiousnarrationcollective)
- Expedient Medium (@expedientmedium)
- Newsletter Spot (@newsletterspot)
- Mommy Story (@mommystory)
- The Prompt Journal (@thepromptjournal)
- SadStory (@sadstory)
- Storey Group (@storeygroup)
- Yarn Trading Co (@yarntradingco)
- Ideal (@ideal)
- New haven Publication (@newhavenpublication)
- The Cataloging Publisher (@thecatalogingpublisher)
- Midsize Co (@midsizeco)
- Old Tale Collective (@oldtalecollective)
- Remarkable Yarn Co (@remarkableyarnco)
- GoodStory (@goodstory)
- The Top (@thetop)
- Periodical Group (@periodicalgroup)
- Emblazon Publication (@emblazonpublication)
- Anonymous (@anonymous)
- Original Fib Co (@originalfibco)
- Useful Issue (@usefulissue)
- History Place (@historyplace)
- Same Screenplay (@samescreenplay)
- Previous Periodical (@previousperiodical)
- Magnetic (@magnetic)
- FinalPublication (@finalpublication)
- ExcellentPublication (@excellentpublication)
- PreviousPublication (@previouspublication)
- The Weekly Issue (@theweeklyissue)
- Interesting Storey (@interestingstorey)
- Midsized Group (@midsizedgroup)
- The Prior (@theprior)
- Previous Print (@previousprint)
- Linguistic Short Co (@linguisticshortco)
- Initial (@initial)
- Midsized Collective (@midsizedcollective)
- The Modified (@themodified)
- Publish Spot (@publishspot)
- Chronicle Collective (@chroniclecollective)
- Rocky Story (@rockystory)
- Narration Spot (@narrationspot)
- Same (@same)
- Electronic (@electronic)
- Curious (@curious)
- Minimal Modest (@minimalmodest)
- The Selective (@theselective)
- Suitable Term Co (@suitabletermco)
- Dowry Story (@dowrystory)
- Pathetic Narrative (@patheticnarrative)
- Weekly Issue Pro (@weeklyissuepro)
- Tragic (@tragic)
- Issue Trading Co (@issuetradingco)
- The Different (@thedifferent)
- Latter Newsletter Group (@latternewslettergroup)
- The Second (@thesecond)
- The Acid Metier (@theacidmetier)
- The Standard Average (@thestandardaverage)
- Ceased Publishes (@ceasedpublishes)
- EarliestPublication (@earliestpublication)
- Jury Story (@jurystory)
- The Forthcoming Journal (@theforthcomingjournal)
- EssentialMedium (@essentialmedium)
- Acid Term (@acidterm)
- Strange Section (@strangesection)
- Simple Screenplay (@simplescreenplay)
- Journal Co (@journalco)
- The Comprehensive Magazine (@thecomprehensivemagazine)
- Page Fib Co (@pagefibco)
- Publishes Pro (@publishespro)
- Amazing Narration Co (@amazingnarrationco)
- The Famous Fib (@thefamousfib)
- Future (@future)
- Eventual (@eventual)
- Daily Publishing Collective (@dailypublishingcollective)
Unique medium publication Instagram usernames
- Porous (@porous)
- The Strange (@thestrange)
- Report Collective (@reportcollective)
- Same Section (@samesection)
- Wiry Story (@wirystory)
- ShortStory (@shortstory)
- Regular (@regular)
- The Remarkable (@theremarkable)
- Maori Story (@maoristory)
- Artificial Short Co (@artificialshortco)
- ClassicStory (@classicstory)
- Thrilling (@thrilling)
- Storey Spot (@storeyspot)
- AlkalineMedium (@alkalinemedium)
- Pretty Yarn (@prettyyarn)
- Two History Group (@twohistorygroup)
- Invasion Publication (@invasionpublication)
- Cataloging Publishing Collective (@catalogingpublishingcollective)
- Published Pro (@publishedpro)
- Cooked Spot (@cookedspot)
- Moderate Pro (@moderatepro)
- The Coherent (@thecoherent)
- The Linguistic (@thelinguistic)
- Curry Story (@currystory)
- Artificial (@artificial)
- Strange Saga (@strangesaga)
- The Chief (@thechief)
- Previous (@previous)
- Publishes Trading Co (@publishestradingco)
- Entire (@entire)
- Prior Published (@priorpublished)
- Same Storytelling (@samestorytelling)
- Melancholy Story (@melancholystory)
- Strange Chronicle Place (@strangechronicleplace)
- Universal (@universal)
- Chief (@chief)
- True Tale (@truetale)
- Rich (@rich)
- The Online Publisher (@theonlinepublisher)
- The Valuable Newsletter (@thevaluablenewsletter)
- Account Spot (@accountspot)
- Immediate Medium (@immediatemedium)
- Simultaneous Issue (@simultaneousissue)
- Jerry Story (@jerrystory)
- Occasional (@occasional)
- The Brief (@thebrief)
- The Delightful (@thedelightful)
- Narrative Co (@narrativeco)
- Magazine Collective (@magazinecollective)
- Bimonthly Editor (@bimonthlyeditor)
- RichMedium (@richmedium)
- DenserMedium (@densermedium)
- Recent (@recent)
- Similar Scoop (@similarscoop)
- Stadium Medium (@stadiummedium)
- The Complete (@thecomplete)
- The Proper Midsized (@thepropermidsized)
- Tragic Narration Trading Co (@tragicnarrationtradingco)
- Moderate Place (@moderateplace)
- Principal Midsized (@principalmidsized)
- UniformMedium (@uniformmedium)
- Prior Pamphlet (@priorpamphlet)
- Famous (@famous)
- The Rapid Publisher (@therapidpublisher)
- Carry Story (@carrystory)
- The Complete Narrative (@thecompletenarrative)
- Different Narrative Spot (@differentnarrativespot)
- Quarterly Publisher Trading Co (@quarterlypublishertradingco)
- Extraordinary Narration (@extraordinarynarration)
- Idiom Medium (@idiommedium)
- FamousStory (@famousstory)
- Linguistic (@linguistic)
- Old (@old)
- Short Scandal (@shortscandal)
- Simple Account Group (@simpleaccountgroup)
- The Immediate Editor (@theimmediateeditor)
- Worry Story (@worrystory)
- The Humorous (@thehumorous)
- PageStory (@pagestory)
- First Newsletter Spot (@firstnewsletterspot)
- Second Scoop (@secondscoop)
- Published Spot (@publishedspot)
- True Chronicle Pro (@truechroniclepro)
- Minimal Milieu (@minimalmilieu)
- Posthumous Newsletter (@posthumousnewsletter)
- The Valuable Publisher (@thevaluablepublisher)
- Periodical Spot (@periodicalspot)
- Sterile Midsized Pro (@sterilemidsizedpro)
- The Immediate (@theimmediate)
- The Primary (@theprimary)
- Narration Place (@narrationplace)
- The Standard (@thestandard)
- Persuasion Publication (@persuasionpublication)
- Long Recital Spot (@longrecitalspot)
- Connection Publication (@connectionpublication)
- Final Periodical Group (@finalperiodicalgroup)
- Ingredient Medium (@ingredientmedium)
- New (@new)
- The Fantastic (@thefantastic)
- Occasional Journal Co (@occasionaljournalco)
- Premium Medium (@premiummedium)
- Full Narrative Group (@fullnarrativegroup)
- Curie Story (@curiestory)
Creative medium publication Instagram usernames
- Spiritualist Place (@spiritualistplace)
- Midsized Place (@midsizedplace)
- Daily Published (@dailypublished)
- The Gaseous (@thegaseous)
- Abrasion Publication (@abrasionpublication)
- Present (@present)
- FreshMedium (@freshmedium)
- Periodical Periodical (@periodicalperiodical)
- Scholarly (@scholarly)
- Inside Tale Spot (@insidetalespot)
- Happy Intermediate Co (@happyintermediateco)
- Midsize Collective (@midsizecollective)
- WholeStory (@wholestory)
- Sole Intermediate Collective (@soleintermediatecollective)
- The Containing (@thecontaining)
- The Magnetic (@themagnetic)
- Timely Publish (@timelypublish)
- The English (@theenglish)
- Tale Collective (@talecollective)
- Previous Paper (@previouspaper)
- History Pro (@historypro)
- English (@english)
- Physical Term (@physicalterm)
- The Appropriate Midsize (@theappropriatemidsize)
- The Thrilling History (@thethrillinghistory)
- Night raven Publication (@nightravenpublication)
- ScholarlyPublication (@scholarlypublication)
- ScientificPublication (@scientificpublication)
- Prior Publishing (@priorpublishing)
- Similar Recital (@similarrecital)
- The Appropriate (@theappropriate)
- Leery Story (@leerystory)
- Contrary Story (@contrarystory)
- The Simple (@thesimple)
- Valuable Publishing Pro (@valuablepublishingpro)
- ComprehensivePublication (@comprehensivepublication)
- Present Magazine (@presentmagazine)
- OpaqueMedium (@opaquemedium)
- AmusingStory (@amusingstory)
- The Scholarly Publishing (@thescholarlypublishing)
- Anisotropic Culture Medium Pro (@anisotropicculturemediumpro)
- CompleteStory (@completestory)
- Minimal Midsize (@minimalmidsize)
- Modified Metier (@modifiedmetier)
- Sad Shocker (@sadshocker)
- Fib Collective (@fibcollective)
- Ideal Moderate (@idealmoderate)
- The Scholarly (@thescholarly)
- Earliest (@earliest)
- The Unauthorized (@theunauthorized)
- Online (@online)
- The Basal (@thebasal)
- The Sterile (@thesterile)
- Intermediate Spot (@intermediatespot)
- AnonymousPublication (@anonymouspublication)
- The Sad (@thesad)
- Amazing (@amazing)
- Same Storey Place (@samestoreyplace)
- Strange Screenplay (@strangescreenplay)
- Upper (@upper)
- The Future (@thefuture)
- Modified Modest (@modifiedmodest)
- Magnetic Midsize (@magneticmidsize)
- The Familiar (@thefamiliar)
- Printed Periodical (@printedperiodical)
- Romantic (@romantic)
- Printed Publish (@printedpublish)
- The Own (@theown)
- Report Place (@reportplace)
- Printed Newsletter Pro (@printednewsletterpro)
- The Page (@thepage)
- First (@first)
- Pre Printing (@preprinting)
- Report Trading Co (@reporttradingco)
- Weekly (@weekly)
- Publisher Place (@publisherplace)
- Folly Story (@follystory)
- ExcellentMedium (@excellentmedium)
- Modified Mild (@modifiedmild)
- Viscous Spiritualist Spot (@viscousspiritualistspot)
- Account Pro (@accountpro)
- Fantastic Recital (@fantasticrecital)
- The Separate Periodical (@theseparateperiodical)
- Fascinating Account Collective (@fascinatingaccountcollective)
- The Initial (@theinitial)
- The Porous Term (@theporousterm)
- Publisher Spot (@publisherspot)
- Extracellular Cooked Place (@extracellularcookedplace)
- History Co (@historyco)
- Fib Co (@fibco)
- Second Storey (@secondstorey)
- Separate Journal Spot (@separatejournalspot)
- First Magazine Place (@firstmagazineplace)
- Metier Place (@metierplace)
- OccasionalPublication (@occasionalpublication)
- Separate Publishing (@separatepublishing)
- Minimal Material (@minimalmaterial)
- Scientific (@scientific)
- Solid (@solid)
- ElectronicPublication (@electronicpublication)
- Amusing Account Place (@amusingaccountplace)
- Upper Narration (@uppernarration)
- Publishes Co (@publishesco)
Funny medium publication Instagram usernames
- The Similar (@thesimilar)
- Complex Intermediate (@complexintermediate)
- Intermediate Co (@intermediateco)
- Publish Group (@publishgroup)
- Chronicle Co (@chronicleco)
- Previous Promulgation (@previouspromulgation)
- Term Place (@termplace)
- Principal Spiritualist (@principalspiritualist)
- Neutral Short Trading Co (@neutralshorttradingco)
- The True Storey (@thetruestorey)
- The Principal Midsize (@theprincipalmidsize)
- InterstellarMedium (@interstellarmedium)
- Magnetic Mid (@magneticmid)
- ViscousMedium (@viscousmedium)
- Homogeneous Midsized (@homogeneousmidsized)
- Short Group (@shortgroup)
- Monthly (@monthly)
- The Electronic Short (@theelectronicshort)
- Simple Scandal (@simplescandal)
- Latest Periodical (@latestperiodical)
- Narrative Collective (@narrativecollective)
- WonderfulStory (@wonderfulstory)
- Bleary Story (@blearystory)
- The Monthly Journal (@themonthlyjournal)
- Sad Saga (@sadsaga)
- Anisotropic Intermediate Spot (@anisotropicintermediatespot)
- Familiar Yarn Co (@familiaryarnco)
- The Nonlinear (@thenonlinear)
- The Prompt (@theprompt)
- The Periodical (@theperiodical)
- Publishing Group (@publishinggroup)
- The Official (@theofficial)
- Second (@second)
- RegularPublication (@regularpublication)
- The Future Publishing (@thefuturepublishing)
- Anisotropic Short (@anisotropicshort)
- Moderate Co (@moderateco)
- The Happy (@thehappy)
- Old Tale Group (@oldtalegroup)
- The Immediate Journal (@theimmediatejournal)
- The Universal Spiritualist (@theuniversalspiritualist)
- The Exciting (@theexciting)
- Beautiful Chronicle Co (@beautifulchronicleco)
- The Popular Moderate (@thepopularmoderate)
- Nice (@nice)
- The Quarterly (@thequarterly)
- Separate Magazine (@separatemagazine)
- Neutral Average Group (@neutralaveragegroup)
- Journal Group (@journalgroup)
- Useful (@useful)
- Dense Intermediate Pro (@denseintermediatepro)
- The Beautiful (@thebeautiful)
- Appropriate (@appropriate)
- Chronicle Pro (@chroniclepro)
- The Earliest Publisher (@theearliestpublisher)
- Tarry Story (@tarrystory)
- Exciting (@exciting)
- Midsized Co (@midsizedco)
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How to Choose A Cool Medium Publication Instagram Name: 3 Steps
Choosing a creative Instagram page name can be a big decision, so it’s important to consider a few things before coming to that conclusion.
Step 1: Choose a name that is easy to remember
Your Instagram handle should be easy to remember, easy to spell and look clean.
- Avoid using any symbols or characters in your Instagram username.
- Try not to pick something too limiting. If you diversify your product or brand down the road, you don’t want to be in the position where you have to change your medium publication Instagram handle.
- Your username should be catchy, unique, and most importantly simple.
- Keep your Instagram username short and sweet!
Step 2: Keep your Instagram account name relevant to your business or brand
When creating your Instagram name, try building it around your content strategy and your target audience.
If your exact business name is available for your Instagram username, you should immediately secure that handle. This makes it easier than ever for your customers to find you.
If your business name is not available, try to pick something around the product you are selling or the image you are looking to portray.
Step 3: Make sure your Instagram username is memorable
There are over one billion Instagram users, which also makes it harder to find a good and available username.
There are a few different ways to find a good username that is both available, memorable, and easily recognizable:
- If your exact business name is taken, be sure to put your business name in the first and last name when setting up your profile. This will ensure that customers can still easily search and find you.
- Try using a play on words to create an iconic instagram username.
- Start your username with well known phrases such as “the”, “thisis”, “weare”
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, you’ve come across some catchy Insta username ideas for your medium publication + a few helpful tips to choosing the best name for your IG account.
To learn more about starting and growing your business, visit our website here!
Learn more about starting a medium publication:
Where to start?
-> How much does it cost to start a medium publication?
-> Pros and cons of a medium publication
Need inspiration?
-> Marketing ideas for a medium publication
-> Medium publication names
Other resources
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