Tutorial Video Creator

4 Tutorial Video Creator Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 6th, 2024

A tutorial video is a subcategory of instructional videos that share knowledge and interact with viewers. Different forms of tutorial videos include:

  • Presentation: common among college professors and teachers
  • Niche videos: short 10-15 minutes tutorials covering a wide range of topics
  • Training videos: teach candidates the skills they need to perform better at work

Creating tutorial videos is not a difficult task. With a proper strategy, you can make a tutorial video. Invest in a professional camera for your business and start creating a tutorial video. Then, outline the video contents you intend to create and create scripts.

In this list, you'll find real-world tutorial video creator success stories and very profitable examples of starting a tutorial video creator that makes money.

1. Animation Explainers ($1.02M/year)

Aaron Connolly and Dylan Healy, the co-founders of Animation Explainers, came up with the idea for their business after discovering the increasing popularity of explainer videos during a market research project. They decided to turn their passion for animation into a business and have since built a successful company that has worked with over 350 clients and created over 750 videos. Through their flexible approach and focus on storytelling, Animation Explainers has become an industry leader in the animation space, with plans to expand globally.

How much money it makes: $1.02M/year
How much did it cost to start: $5K
How many people on the team: 20


We Built A $1M/Year Business Creating Explainer Videos

Animation Explainers is an animation video production company that specializes in explaining complex products, services, and messages for organizations worldwide, with over 350 clients, 750 created videos, and generating $960k annually through their services.

Read by 5,391 founders

2. Swim University ($600K/year)

Matt worked in pool stores from the age of 13 to 25, where he gained extensive knowledge about pools. During this time, he also taught himself how to create websites. One day, his boss noticed him working on a website and asked him to make one for the pool company.

As he became more skilled in web design, Matt envisioned creating a website to educate people on pool and spa care. It took him two years to develop the website and an additional seven years to transform it into his full-time occupation.

How much money it makes: $600K/year
How many people on the team: 2

How Matt Giovanisci Built Swim University to $50K MRR

Learn how Matt Giovanisci built Swim University from scratch, turning it into a successful business that brings in an average of $50K/month and $600K/year, using SEO and social media as the main growth strategy.

Read by 427 founders

3. All Things Secured ($336K/year)

Josh Summers, founder of All Things Secured, came up with the idea for his personal security and privacy brand while living in China, where he experienced heavy censorship and surveillance. Recognizing the need for accessible online security and privacy content, Josh started producing tutorials and educational content to help everyday internet users protect themselves. With over 11 million people reached through 160 written guides and 110 videos, All Things Secured has become a trusted resource in the field.

How much money it makes: $336K/year
How much did it cost to start: $100
How many people on the team: 2


My Security YouTube Channel Hit 100K Subscribers & Makes $25K/Month

All Things Secured is a personal security and privacy brand with over 100,000 YouTube subscribers, 160 written guides, and 110 videos that have reached 11 million people worldwide; the founder's goal is to make online security and privacy attainable to anyone regardless of their age or technical proficiency.

Read by 6,546 founders

4. Better Sheets ($100K/year)

Andrew Kamphey came up with the idea for Better Sheets while working on a web app and realizing the creative potential of Google Sheets. Seeing a gap in the market for tutorials on using Google Sheets for businesses, he launched Better Sheets with a landing page, free and paid videos, and quickly gained traction, making $2,291 in revenue in just one month.

How much money it makes: $100K/year
How much did it cost to start: $109
How many people on the team: 0

On Creating And Monetising Google Sheets Tutorials

Better Sheets is a Google Sheets tutorial providing screencasts to small businesses, earning $2,291 from 134 sales in May, with sales being mainly driven by AppSumo.

Read by 8,752 founders