Startups Course

Startups Course Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 6th, 2024

If you have expertise in launching businesses, why not share that knowledge by creating a startups course? A startups course is an educational program designed to teach aspiring entrepreneurs the ins and outs of starting and growing a new business.

Your curriculum could include topics such as business planning, securing funding, marketing strategies, and scaling operations. The idea is to equip individuals with the tools and knowledge they need to turn their business ideas into reality.

Imagine the satisfaction of guiding others through their entrepreneurial journey and helping them avoid common pitfalls. Plus, given the high interest in entrepreneurship today, this could be a very lucrative venture. Create value for your students and carve out a niche for yourself in the booming world of online education.

In this list, you'll find real-world startups course success stories and very profitable examples of starting a startups course that makes money.

1. Commissioning and Startup ($42K/year)

Paul Turner, a professional electrical engineer and project management professional, came up with the idea for his business, Commissioning and Startup, after seeing numerous projects struggle due to poor commissioning. He created a suite of training programs to teach project managers and engineers the structured process of commissioning complex projects. These programs have been well received, with over 10,000 people taking the free intro course and positive feedback circulating on social media.

How much money it makes: $42K/year
How much did it cost to start: $5K
How many people on the team: 1

Making $3.5K/Month With Online Commissioning Training Programs

Learn how one professional engineer created online commissioning training programs to help project managers and engineers deliver complex projects on time and budget, with over 10,000 people taking his free mini-course and growing interest in his courses.

Read by 5,431 founders

2. Mini Startups ($14.4K/year)

Stefan, a former NASA analyst with a passion for space, launched Martian to fund his dream of flying to space. His new venture, Mini Startups, sold over $1,000 in pre-orders for a course on building “mini” tech companies before even beginning development.

How much money it makes: $14.4K/year
How much did it cost to start: $80
How many people on the team: 1


On Launching A Course On Building “Mini” Tech Companies From Scratch

Stefan, founder of Martian, launched an online course called Mini Startups that sold over $1000 (11 pre-orders) before it even started, teaching how to build "mini" tech companies from scratch without requiring a technical co-founder.

Read by 6,677 founders