Side Hustle Blog

Side Hustle Blog Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 6th, 2024

Have a knack for writing and want to earn some extra income? Consider starting a side hustle blog.

A side hustle blog is a platform where you share insights, tips, and real-life experiences about juggling a regular job and a side business. It’s a way to connect with a broad audience looking for additional income streams, and you can monetize through ads, sponsored content, or selling your own e-books.

The appeal is straightforward: you write content in your spare time, build an audience, and generate income gradually.

For those willing to commit to consistent writing and engagement, starting a side hustle blog can be a viable way to turn your side projects into a profitable venture.

In this list, you'll find real-world side hustle blog success stories and very profitable examples of starting a side hustle blog that makes money.

1. Buildapreneur ($960K/year)

Spencer Mecham, the founder of Buildapreneur, was introduced to the concept of affiliate marketing while working at a digital marketing agency.

Inspired by a co-worker's successful blog that reviewed vacuum cleaners, Spencer decided to enter the affiliate marketing space.

He initially struggled with starting a blog and trying other platforms like Instagram, but found success by accident when a YouTube video he created blew up and received hundreds of thousands of views.

From there, he pivoted to YouTube and has since grown his audience to nearly half a million people across various platforms, using content marketing to attract and retain customers.

How much money it makes: $960K/year
How much did it cost to start: $0
How many people on the team: 0

My Affiliate Marketing Business Earns $500K/Year Profit [No Employees]

This case study explores how Spencer Mecham founded Buildapreneur, an affiliate marketing business, and has made over half a million dollars in profit with no employees, relying solely on content marketing through platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

Read by 24,508 founders