Furniture Chair Business

Furniture Chair Business Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 6th, 2024

Think you’ve got an eye for design and craftsmanship? Starting a furniture chair business might be your next venture. Creating and selling custom chairs involves both artistic flair and practical skills—meaning it’s ideal for those with a passion for woodworking and design.

You’ll begin by designing unique chairs that stand out in a crowded market. From the sourcing of quality materials to the intricate process of assembly, every step is an opportunity to showcase your skill. This isn’t just about selling furniture; it’s about offering a piece of art and comfort that enhances any space.

Marketing your creations could involve leveraging social media, attending craft shows, and perhaps even opening your own online store. Building a loyal customer base will require dedication to quality and unique design, but the payoff is the joy of seeing your pieces become part of people’s lives. Want a business that combines creativity with tangible results? This could be it.

In this list, you'll find real-world furniture chair business success stories and very profitable examples of starting a furniture chair business that makes money.

1. Seedia ($600K/year)

Piotr Hołubowicz came up with the idea for SEEDiA when he was sitting on a park bench with friends and their phones died. He wanted to create a bench that could charge mobile devices using renewable energy, leading to the development of their solar and off-grid benches and other smart city solutions. With a record year in 2020 and plans for new products in 2021, SEEDiA is continuing to innovate and improve urban spaces.

How much money it makes: $600K/year
How much did it cost to start: $2K
How many people on the team: 21


How We Started A $25K/Month Company Developing Smart City Solar Products

SEEDiA is a smart city technology company that develops solar-powered benches, trash cans, info kiosks, solar bus shelters, and smart hand sanitizers, and has sold 112% more products in 2020 than the previous year, while also introducing three new products in 2021.

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