Daily Newsletter Business

Daily Newsletter Business Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 6th, 2024

Want to create a profitable and engaging venture without requiring a huge upfront investment? Consider starting a daily newsletter business.

In essence, you curate and deliver valuable content straight to your subscribers' inboxes each day. The focus could be on niche topics like tech insights, financial tips, or lifestyle hacks—whatever aligns with your expertise and passions.

Such a business is appealing because the barriers to entry are relatively low. All you need is a basic understanding of email marketing tools, strong writing skills, and the ability to source compelling information. Success hinges on consistent content quality and growing your subscriber list, but the rewards can be substantial in terms of both revenue and brand loyalty.

A daily newsletter can also serve as a springboard for other ventures, such as sponsored content or affiliate marketing, providing multiple revenue streams from a single effort.

In this list, you'll find real-world daily newsletter business success stories and very profitable examples of starting a daily newsletter business that makes money.

1. Morning Brew ($49.2M/year)

Back in 2014, Alex noticed that his college peers lacked knowledge about current business news while he was helping them prepare for interviews. In response, he decided to create a valuable resource for them and launched a daily newsletter called The Market Corner.

Initially, it was in PDF format, but it later evolved into what we now know as Morning Brew.

How much money it makes: $49.2M/year


How Alex Lieberman Grew Morning Brew to 2.5M Subscribers & Sold for $75M

Case study about the rapid growth and successful acquisition of Morning Brew, a daily newsletter founded in 2017, which was acquired by Business Insider for $75M in 2020 after reaching over 70K subscribers and generating an average of $4.1M/month in revenue.

Read by 698 founders

2. Startups.fyi ($96K/year)

Jaisal's had keen interest in new online ventures and methods of online income generation. While on Twitter, he stumbled upon the "build in public" phenomenon, where entrepreneurs openly shared their revenue and other crucial business metrics.

This transparency and community engagement inspired him to leverage his prior experience with newsletters. Combining this with a fascination for these startups' stories, Jaisal launched a unique newsletter, initially seeding it with a selection of promising startups, all showcased on a simply designed website he created on Webflow.

How much money it makes: $96K/year
How much did it cost to start: $145


How Jaisal Rathee Built Startups.fyi to $60K ARR in 12 Months

Discover how Jaisal Rathee leveraged the "build in public" movement to create a free newsletter featuring real-life online startups, scaling it to over 1,000 subscribers through Twitter and Product Hunt, and generating an impressive $8,000 per month through sponsorships, promoted listings, and affiliate deals.

Read by 287 founders