Cigar Subscription Box Business

Business Idea: Start A Cigar Subscription Box Business in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Startup Costs
Market Size
Avg Revenue
Min Revenue
Max Revenue
Avg Days To Build
120 days

People who smoke always look for a cigar subscription service that can supply cigars on a regular basis. Cigar subscription boxes are a great way to get high-quality cigars delivered to your door every month. They're a great gift idea for cigar lovers, and they can be a good way to get started in the cigar business.

However, in most countries, cigarette retailing ensures a very small revenue. Generally, the retailers earn revenue on volume selling. So, before initiating a cigar subscription business analyze the financial feasibility of the business model.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do Cigar Subscription Box Businesses make?

Examples Of Successful Cigar Subscription Box Businesses

Successful Cigar Subscription Box Business businesses and case studies

Learn how Taster's Club, a subscription service for craft spirits, went from a side-hustle to a profitable business with $270K/month in revenue, by launching fast and staying focused on providing an outstanding customer experience.

$270K Monthly Revenue
Read by 43,522 founders

Southern Cigar Co. is a cigar subscription box business founded by Michael Arciola III while he was a student at Florida State University, currently bringing in $250k a year and growing at 20% year over year.

$20K Monthly Revenue
Read by 27,997 founders

See full list of successful Cigar Subscription Box Businesses.