Audiobooks Production Business

Audiobooks Production Business Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 6th, 2024

Have a passion for storytelling and strong audio production skills? Starting an audiobooks production business might be for you. This venture involves narrating and producing books into audio form, catering to an increasing number of people who prefer listening over reading.

You’ll work closely with authors, voice actors, and audio engineers to ensure each audiobook is polished and professionally produced. With the growing popularity of platforms like Audible, the market for quality audiobooks is expanding rapidly.

To get started, you'll need to invest in recording equipment and possibly a small studio space. Marketing your services to authors and publishers is crucial, and building a portfolio of high-quality work will be key to attracting clients.

Though it's a field that requires dedication and a certain level of technical skill, the demand for well-produced audiobooks means there’s significant potential for growth and profit in this business.

In this list, you'll find real-world audiobooks production business success stories and very profitable examples of starting a audiobooks production business that makes money.

1. Audivita Studios ($360K/year)

David Wolf, a long-time music composer and audio producer, recognized the growing market for spoken word audio content and decided to start Audivita Studios, an audio production company that produces audiobooks and podcasts. With $400k in annualized revenues in 2021 and a team of 4 core members, Audivita is experiencing rapid growth and expanding its reach in markets like India, Europe, and Australia.

How much money it makes: $360K/year
How much did it cost to start: $0
How many people on the team: 4


How I Started A $30K/Month Audiobooks And Podcasts Production Company

Audivita Studios, a podcast and audiobook production company, was founded by David Wolf and is rapidly growing with $400k annualized revenues in 2021, a team of a dozen freelance contractors and some 300+ clients, with a core team of four independent contractors.

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