Amazon Seller Coaching

Amazon Seller Coaching Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 6th, 2024

Want to thrive in the growing world of Amazon e-commerce? Consider Amazon seller coaching.

This business involves guiding new and existing sellers to succeed on Amazon’s competitive platform. You'll teach them how to choose profitable products, optimize listings, manage inventory, and leverage Amazon’s advertising tools.

Your role is to transfer vital skills and strategies that can turn struggling sellers into thriving entrepreneurs. With e-commerce expanding rapidly, more individuals are seeking expert advice to navigate the complexities of selling on Amazon.

Starting this business can be incredibly rewarding, both intellectually and financially. If you possess experience in e-commerce, this is a practical way to share your expertise and create a significant impact on other sellers’ success. The demand for knowledgeable coaches is high, making this a viable business opportunity for those who know the ropes of Amazon selling.

In this list, you'll find real-world amazon seller coaching success stories and very profitable examples of starting a amazon seller coaching that makes money.

1. Seller Repay ($60K/year)

Robin McCartney, an Amazon seller, came up with the idea for Seller Repay out of frustration with the time-consuming process of filing FBA reimbursements. After developing a prototype and testing it on his own seller account, McCartney rebranded the software as Seller Repay and launched it as a SaaS tool to help sellers easily file FBA reimbursements. Despite facing competition in the market, Seller Repay differentiates itself by providing exceptional customer service and building strong industry relationships. While still in the investment phase, McCartney remains optimistic about the future growth potential of the business.

How much money it makes: $60K/year
How much did it cost to start: $30K
How many people on the team: 3


How I Created A $5K/Month Amazon FBA Reimbursement Solution

Amazon seller and entrepreneur, Robin McCartney, shares how she created a successful software-as-a-service (SaaS) tool, Seller Repay, that helps Amazon sellers file FBA reimbursements, generating $5k per month and recovering $7k for her own account during the first run.

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