Legendary Ideas Group

How Building A Successful Pet Grooming Business Led To Starting A Consulting Business And Boutique Marketing Agency

March 1st, 2021
Liz Illg
Legendary Ideas G...
from Phoenix, AZ, USA
started March 2019
market size
avg revenue (monthly)
starting costs
gross margin
time to build
210 days
growth channels
Word of mouth
business model
Consulting & Services
best tools
Google Workspace, WordPress, Google Analytics
time investment
Full time
pros & cons
39 Pros & Cons
16 Tips
Discover what tools recommends to grow your business!
social media
Discover what books Liz recommends to grow your business!
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Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?

I’m Liz Illg! I’m a multi-industry entrepreneur with brick-and-mortar businesses across Arizona and several online businesses including my own consulting business and boutique marketing agency.

Legendary Ideas Group was founded when business owners continually asked me how I grew my storefront to multiple locations in a short amount of time. I attribute all of my success in business growth to systems, effective delegation, and strategic launch planning.

In 2020, I was able to triple my business revenue, execute hundred of client projects and launches, and was recognized as one of the top launch experts to watch in 2021 by Yahoo! Finance. My business grew so much that I was able to divide it into two sectors, consulting and my boutique launch agency. We’re able to serve my business owner clients that need one-on-one consulting in their business and with my boutique team, we’re able to help them launch their big ideas.


What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?

Early on in my entrepreneurship, I learned that I needed help if I wanted to be a brand visionary. I couldn't do all of the daily duties while still being the dreamer and strategist for my business so I became the systems and documentation expert.

Once I was able to effectively train my team members to tackle the daily tasks, I stepped into my dream role and became the visionary. Now, with the systems we created, I’m able to focus my energy and brainpower on epic launches.

Before I started my first business, Puff & Fluff Grooming and Pet Sitting in Phoenix, Arizona, I had a very successful career in corporate sales. I felt like I was called to do something for myself and to start a business in my community. I bought my first location when I was 26 and now, I’ve grown that business to six locations.

Since I was a little girl, I always had big ideas and when I became an entrepreneur, I was able to turn my ideas into profitable businesses. I graduated with a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business. My studies did prepare me for much of the work I would be doing in my consulting career but much of my business experience came from boots on the groundwork while growing my company.

Take us through the process of designing, prototyping, and manufacturing your first product.

I remember vividly when my idea of business consulting came to me. I was at a networking conference with other business owners and when I stood up to introduce myself to the group, I called myself a systems consultant.

Industries change. Times are constantly changing. Relationships, if built regularly, can last forever!

From that day forward, I created the perfect way to audit an operational system or create one, effectively and efficiently. My systems consultation service is still available to this day and I’ve helped business owners dial in theirs to allow them to grow and transform their teams.

Luckily, I had grown my grooming shop business at this point so I was at a good financial place to invest in my digital business.

Describe the process of launching the business.

Because I had been in the pet industry for some time with my brick-and-mortar businesses, I was able to connect with other pet businesses who needed that systems service.

Since I had built my pet grooming businesses on my own from the ground up, I was able to connect with my pet business clients on such a deeper level. I knew the industry, I knew the systems, I knew what did and didn’t work, and it was my job to put those systems in place for them!

Delegating is everything. As a business owner, you can’t do it all on your own. When you rely on your business genius and abilities, you can only go so far.

I started offering discovery calls to get to know my potential clients and created my first website early on.

I learned pretty quickly that if I was solving a business problem or providing a solution and that if I was helping my clients, the clients would come. And they did. I was able to grow beyond the pet industry after only a few months so I’m very grateful for such rapid growth and the pet businesses I’ve worked with. Now I primarily serve business coaches and small businesses that need help with business development and launches like courses, campaigns, events, and more. I will always have a special place in my heart for pet-preneurs.

Because I realized there was a need for more support for first-time entrepreneurs and freelancers, I partnered with my business partner, Danielle Demi to start a new business, GrowthFocus.

The main theme in starting and growing my businesses is listening to what my clients need and fulfilling it. Being in tune with what’s missing in our industries and really working to serve has been such a key in my success.


Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?

The biggest factor in keeping our clients happy and hiring us for more projects is our ability to change and adapt to industry changes. Especially in the digital world, things are constantly changing and moving and we work to grow with the times and not fall into a place of being stagnant or playing it safe.

I find new clients by showing up online as myself and always sharing my experiences and how they can help other businesses grow.

Instagram is my favorite social media platform to use because it allows me to share a deeper look into my life with my clients. I think my clients find it refreshing that I’m able to live a balanced life and not always be stressed out. Because I have such an epic team and a structured business, I’m able to rest, recharge, and refocus on my work every day.

Most of the clients I work with have heard about my team and me from word of mouth. I also get many of my clients from Instagram. I’ve created a cohesive and consistent brand across social media platforms and my website so clients often want to work with me so I can help them achieve the same look.

I always encourage my clients to prioritize relationship-building in their business and one free, effective way to build relationships is to share on social media.

Industries change. Times are constantly changing. Relationships, if built regularly, can last forever!

How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

In 2020, my business tripled in growth. I attribute the growth to my incredible team support and our ability to pivot in challenging times.

In 2021, I plan on stepping back completely from the everyday operation of the digital marketing agency side of my business and devoting my time to my clients that need one-on-one direct consulting in their companies.

I’m allowing my team members to shine in their zones of genius and with their support, I can serve my clients intensively and intimately.

This year, I have about 25 people on my team. My team consists of brand consultants, project managers, virtual assistants, designers, technical geniuses, and writers. The team is very tight-knit and we’ve created such a warm, encouraging work environment.

Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?

Delegating is everything. As a business owner, you can’t do it all on your own. When you rely on your business genius and abilities, you can only go so far.

Growing a support team of talented individuals who can help you manage your bookkeeping or your client relationships can allow you to focus on the things that your clients are depending on you for. Your unique craft and ideas shouldn’t be gone to waste because of burnout. Get the help you need and watch your business grow.

What platform/tools do you use for your business?

My consulting business has been able to grow in an organized and seamless way because of the amazing platforms we use daily.

We use Dubsado as our CRM platform. It stores our bookkeeping data, contracts, and all of our project proposals. With financial reporting and email integrations, Dubsado is such a no-brainer for digital businesses.

I use Calendly to schedule appointments that fit my clients’ schedules and it’s able to connect to my Zoom for conference details and even my calendar so that I’m not overbooked.

Of course, Zoom has been such a game-changer for my once in-person consulting business. It’s allowed me to connect with clients around the world.

What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?

I recommend How to Create A Story Brand by Donald Miller for anyone who’s starting a business or brand. I also love the E-Myth Mastery: The Seven Essential Disciplines for Building a World-Class Company by Michael E. Gerber.

I think the best investment for learning would be a mentor to work with you on your business goals.

Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting?

My business advice for entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs is to never consider failure for even a second. Failure is only a distraction. Trust in your dreams and hard work and you can make your business dreams come true.

Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?

At Liz Illg Consulting, we’re always looking for new talent and skills to bring onto our team to serve our clients in new ways. We welcome any digital geniuses to apply for an open role on our team by contacting [email protected]. We love working with skilled writers, assistants, project managers, tech gurus, and website builders!

Where can we go to learn more?

If you have any questions or comments, drop a comment below!

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