Her Handy Help

What solution does Her Hand Help provide?

The auto and home services fields are heavily male dominated. HerHandyHelp.com provides a directory of women-owned and operated services by geographical location. In addition to listing available companies, we offer them services for design, SEO, content and social media management as well as business process automation via AI. Our objective is to promote women-owned businesses and help them be as successful as possible.

Edge: Why does Her Hand Help win?

I have have been a single homeowner and car owner and I would have appreciated this type of directory. I also work in an industry where I know a lot of women who fit this target market - I have already talked to some and they are waiting for the MVP to go live. I also have a lot of knowledge about and experience with home maintenance and improvement (today we replaced the front door!).

ICP: Ideal Customer Profile for Her Hand Help

Women led households who are homeowners and/or own vehicles. Secondary - any home/auto owner who wants to support women-owned businesses

Distribution: How Her Hand Help Reaches Its Users

social media posts with tips and tricks to performing repairs, etc. as well as for how to hire the right provider. once there is a big enough directory, paid ads would also be an option.