10 Best Videography Pitch Email Templates [2024]

Updated: January 19th, 2023

Are you looking to start your own videography business? Video is quickly growing as a form of content marketing and is becoming a powerful way to connect with consumers.

Alongside other forms of videography, the demand for wedding videographers is at an all-time high and is only expected to increase over the next few years.

Using email templates is essential for your business and outreach strategy. It's a great way to connect on a regular basis with your customers, save time and energy, and generate more leads/sales.

Here are 10 free videography templates to use in 2022.

What To Include In Your Videography Email

When it comes down to crafting your email, there are a few key elements to include:

  1. Showcase Your Value
  2. Request Referrals
  3. Utilize Social Media
  4. Demo Great Quality Work
  5. Choose The Perfect Template

Reply To Website Contact Form

title=Thanks for getting in touch! Hi There,

Thanks for your inquiry! I know that planning a wedding is a very busy time, so I really appreciate you taking the time to get in touch! As you can probably guess, this is an automatic reply to your inquiry. I’ll send you a proper reply as soon as I’ve had a chance to check my diary & confirm that I’m available.

In the meantime, I thought you may find it helpful to get a little more information about how I work, so below are a few links to some sample weddings and a few frequently asked questions.

[Link Your Sample Work]

  • Question 1
  • Question 2
  • Question 3


[Your Name]


Short Reply To Inquiry

title=Videography on [Date] Hi [Name],

Thanks again for taking the time to make an inquiry about videography for your [x event]! I’m delighted to say that I am available on [Date], which is great news! Why don’t we line up a meeting to talk through your plans and spend a little time getting to know each other?


[Your Name]


Detailed Reply To Inquiry

title=Videography on your [Event Name] on [Date] Hi [Name],

Thanks again for taking the time to make an inquiry about videography for your [Event]! I’m delighted to say that I am available on [Date], which is great news!

Examples on Hall is such a wonderful choice of venue for a wedding celebration, and I’ve had the pleasure of working there many times before! Sarah and the team at the Hall are fantastic, and I always love working there – you’re going to have a great day! You can see some of my favorite videos from weddings that I’ve shot there on my website: www.example.com/exampleton-hall-wedding-videos

Why don’t we line up a meeting to talk through your plans and spend a little time getting to know each other?

Best Regards,

[Your Name]


Pricing, Rates & Services

title=Videography price details Hey (name of potential client),

I am attaching my pricing guide with this email, and that should be able to give you a better idea of what I charge for different types of videography services. If you want to modify a package or want to create your own, I’d be happy to talk about that too.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


No Response Follow-Up

title=Follow-Up For Videography Hello [Name],

I know wedding planning must be keeping you busy, but here’s a small reminder that I am still interested and available for videography on your big day. If something was unclear in my previous email or you have any doubts or questions, please feel free to ask. You can call or email me, I’d be happy to offer clarification.


[Your Name]


Meeting Confirmation Email

title=Confirmation [Event Name] Hey (couple names),

Thank you for choosing me as your [X event] videographer, and I am really looking forward to the journey we are going to share together. Before we dive in, I would love to get to know you guys better.

Would it be possible for us to arrange a meeting sometime next week? You could come over to my studio, or I know this really great place in (area name) that serves amazing desserts. You get to pick.

Here are a few dates and times that we could set up the meeting, so let me know what you prefer: (Enter dates and times).


[Your Name]


Contract Signing About Videography

title=Contract Details Hi (client name),

I am so excited to be working with you! There are two necessary steps to secure your wedding date with me:


Please take a moment to review and sign the contract (link provided below). For it to be valid, please make sure ALL of the fields are filled out (this includes the name and address of your venues).

[Sign the contract here:]

Retainer Payment

Check: If you elect to pay by check, please promptly mail your retainer check to (Add your address)

Credit card: If you elect to pay by credit card, your credit card will be charged for the retainer within 24 hours.

Thanks! I look forward to videography your special day!


Overview of services

title=Offer For You Hi (client name),

Now that we are done with all the formalities, allow me to give you a little overview of what the next few (time duration) are going to look like. I just wanted to send over a bullet-point checklist of our future interactions, just so you know what to expect from me:

[Event Name] Session (complimentary)

  • Shoot 4-6 months prior to your wedding
  • Anywhere in (area name)
  • It takes 2 weeks for the images to be available online

Pre [Event Name] Preparation

  • Event Name] questionnaire filled out 4-6 weeks prior – a 20-minute phone call to review details 4 weeks prior
  • Final balance due 4 weeks prior

[Event Name] Day

  • Pure fun, joy, and awesomeness

Post [Event Name]

  • 3-4 weeks for the videos to be ready for viewing
  • Studio Premiere viewing of wedding videos (optional)
  • All images posted online for viewing and ordering – Wedding album design provided 4 weeks after images are posted online

Please let me know if anything here doesn’t look right!


[Your Name]


Feedback & Testimonials Request

title=Request For Feedback Hey (client names),

Thank you so much for having me as your [Event Name] videographer! I really loved being able to connect with both of you and your friends and family. It was such an amazing experience for me, and I hope you had an equally good time with me.

To learn more about your experience with (your brand name), I would really appreciate it if you could fill out the survey I’ve attached with this email. It would be immensely helpful for me and allow me to work on things that I might be lacking right now.

I look forward to reading your responses. Thank you so much for your time!


[Your Name]


Holiday Discounts Template

title=Discount Offer Hey (client names),

Since (occasion) is right around the corner, I wanted to let you know that I am (enter service/discount/offer you are offering). If this is something that’s on your TDL this festive season (or whatever else occasion), then please let me know and we can plan something together.

Your Videographer,

[Your Name]


25 Videography Email Subject Lines You Can Use

Here's a list of 25 popular email subject lines you can use for your videography business

  • We’d love to be your videographer!
  • I Have a Discount Offer for You
  • Sent you a demo work
  • Try Our Pro Videography Service
  • Let's Talk!
  • Give us a chance for your [Event Name] videography
  • We are available
  • Is that make sense?
  • Enjoy our videography service
  • Make your videography with top quality
  • We are always there!
  • Quick Question For Your [Event Name]
  • We are ready to setup
  • Watch Our Demo Work
  • We are going to make crazy
  • Pro Videography Service For Your [Event Name]
  • Try Something Unique
  • Thank You For Your Support
  • We are ready to give you a demo
  • Top videography for your valuable [Event Name]
  • Always remember our videography
  • We are ready for your [Event Name]
  • Give us a call if you need us
  • We are always there for you
  • We are available on [Day - Date]
  • You will never disappoint

Looking for more photography and videography email subject lines? Check out our full article here.

Tips For Writing A Successful Email

A well-written email can be a powerful communication tool. If you want to get your point across and have it read, write an email that is clear, concise and compelling.

Here are 6 tips to help you write better emails:

1. Keep it short.

People are busy, and they aren't going to read anything more than a few paragraphs long in their inboxes. If you have something important to say, be concise.

2. Be friendly and personable. The best emails show that their sender cares about the recipient: address them by name, make jokes and be friendly, compliment them on something they've done recently—demonstrate that you know them well enough to give them a personal touch.

3. Use bullet points or numbered lists where appropriate.

If you're making a list of suggestions or talking about multiple things, it's much easier on the reader if you use bullet points or numbers rather than listing every point out separately in paragraphs.

(Obviously this doesn't apply if you're using an email for something else entirely—such as a newsletter or informational message.)

4. Proofread your message carefully before sending it out.

Even though you may think you're a pro at typing emails, there are still some mistakes that you could be making. It's important to avoid these errors so that your message is clear and correct.

If you skimmed over the email, there is a good chance that you missed an error in the very sentence that you just changed.

Pro tip: Read your entire message out loud before hitting send. You are more likely to catch mistakes this way!

5. Be sure to include the recipient's name in the email.

This seems like an obvious tip, but it's easy to forget that we're not sending mass emails to a group of people but individual messages to each person on the list.

Your best bet is to craft your message carefully, and make it personal by using the recipient's name. It shows that you're paying attention and it also makes the email feel more personable.

6. Be clear about what you want

Be specific and don't beat around the bush. Think about what you're asking for clearly before you write anything down.

In the first line of your email, state clearly what you want and how the recipient can help.


Below we detail the most common questions as it relates to videographer for email.

Where Can I Advertise My Videography?

  • Vimeo.
  • Youtube.
  • Hippo Video.
  • Brightcove.
  • Sprout Video.
  • Wistia.

How Do I Network A Videographer?

  • Attend a local niche meetup.
  • Reach out on Instagram.
  • Join the Facebook groups.
  • Show up for each wedding.
  • Send Promotional Emails.

Do Videographers Make Good Money?

  • Videographers earned median annual salaries of $55,160 in 2019.
  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The top 10 percent of all USA videographers made over $110,790 per year, while the lowest 10 percent earned less than $26,560 annually.


In this article, you learned how to create email templates for a videography business. If your videography marketing emails aren't bringing in the right amount of sales, conversions, or subscribers you should consider revising, tinkering, or even retaking your video marketing email templates. After all, a winning videography marketing email isn't just about having your piece of content; it's also about having a well-spoken and defined goal for every email you send.

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.