Instagram Usernames Generator: 700+ Creative Ideas (+ Availability Check)
Are you looking for creative username ideas to inspire you and help make a good impression on your followers? In this article, we provide you with a list of 700+ username ideas so that you can find the perfect one.
Instagram has grown rapidly to 1 billion active members since its debut in October 2010, making it one of the top four social networks in the world.
What does this mean in terms of scale? Every month, almost a fifth of the world's active internet users will utilize the app!
Finding the perfect Instagram username may be difficult, but it's essential for your brand. Your Instagram handle serves as a visual representation of your identity as well as a description of your content to others that come across your profile.
If you want to change your Instagram username or create a new account, you'll need to come up with something original, accessible, and memorable.
In this post, we'll provide you with:
- Free Instagram username generator (+ Availability Check)
- 700+ Creative Instagram usernames
- A step-by-step guide on how to create an IG username
Instagram Username Ideas Generator (+ Availability Check)
Coming up with an Instagram username doesn’t have to be stressful or boring. You can make use of our Instagram username generator to create cool, creative, and memorable names for your profile.
Our username generator is a creative way to construct a catchy name. This free tool allows you to get username inspiration + check availability for your username.
Want to try it?
Instagram Username Ideas That Will Get You Noticed
Here are some username ideas based on your specific interests:
Cute usernames ideas for girls
Girls can be pretty picky when it comes to choosing Instagram usernames. This is reasonable since their Instagram usernames may become a lasting personal brand. Therefore, choosing an appealing Instagram handle is crucial.
But, in the vast world of social media, how can you choose a username that best reflects your personality?
That is why we have compiled a list of hundreds of cool, creative, and unique Instagram username ideas for girls. These names will undoubtedly spark your creativity and help you in deciding on an appropriate username for your Instagram account.
- Working Woman (@WorkingWoman) check availability
- Illusion (@Illusion) check availability
- The Casual Lady (@TheCasualLady) check availability
- Hyped Co. (@HypedCo) check availability
- Seasonal (@Seasonal) check availability
- Limitless Woman (@LimitlessWoman) check availability
- Fancy Work (@FancyWork) check availability
- Glitter Co. (@GlitterCo) check availability
- Pleasantly Pink (@PleasantlyPink) check availability
- Artsy Co. (@ArtsyCo) check availability
- Craftswoman (@Craftswoman) check availability
- Delightfully Yours (@DelightfullyYours) check availability
- Floral Beauty (@FloralBeauty) check availability
- Homelike (@Homelike) check availability
- Social Butterfly (@SocialButterfly) check availability
- Likeable (@Likeable) check availability
- The Mellow (@TheMellow) check availability
- Compassionate Creator (@CompassionateCreator) check availability
- Lovely Cost (@LovelyCost) check availability
- The Moderate Collision (@TheModerateCollision) check availability
- The Favorable (@TheFavorable) check availability
- Pacifically (@Pacifically) check availability
- Sunny Side Up (@SunnySideUp) check availability
- Lively Co. (@LivelyCo) check availability
- Storyline (@Storyline) check availability
- The Beauty Hub Co. (@TheBeautyHubCo) check availability
- Smooth Skin Shop (@SmoothSkinShop) check availability
- Hastily Love (@HastilyLove) check availability
- The Gift Of Magi (@TheGiftOfMagi) check availability
- Zany (@Zany) check availability
- Pretty Things Inside (@PrettyThingsInside) check availability
- The Urban Woman (@TheUrbanWoman) check availability
- Quiet Place (@QuietPlace) check availability
- The Blissful Clothing Co. (@TheBlissfulClothingCo) check availability
- Fascinating Love Inc. (@FascinatingLoveInc) check availability
- Chic Next Door (@ChicNextDoor) check availability
- Town Girl (@TownGirl) check availability
- The Rosy Lips (@TheRosyLips) check availability
- Cherry Pop Blush (@CherryPopBlush) check availability
- Susana (@Susana) check availability
- Bright and Clear Women (@BrightandClearWomen) check availability
- The Cloudy (@TheCloudy) check availability
- Coleslaw (@Coleslaw) check availability
- Wind Chime and Sweets (@WindChimeandSweets) check availability
- The Soft Heart (@TheSoftHeart) check availability
- Insider (@Insider) check availability
- Silvery Club (@SilveryClub) check availability
- Adequate (@Adequate) check availability
- Comfort Co. (@ComfortCo) check availability
- Favorable (@Favorable) check availability
- The Fem Store (@TheFemStore) check availability
- Sweet Sixteen (@SweetSixteen) check availability
- TwenTeen (@TwenTeen) check availability
- Little Drama (@LittleDrama) check availability
- Glitter Magic (@GlitterMagic) check availability
- Happily Yours. (@HappilyYours) check availability
- Isabella (@Isabella) check availability
- Fortune (@Fortune) check availability
- Happily Ever After (@HappilyEverAfter) check availability
- The Ideal Store (@TheIdealStore) check availability
- FeminLike (@FeminLike) check availability
- She Knows (@SheKnows) check availability
- Her (@Her) check availability
- Touch Of Wonder (@TouchOfWonder) check availability
- Undesired (@Undesired) check availability
- Ladylike Love (@LadylikeLove) check availability
- Tender (@Tender) check availability
- The Eve Queen (@TheEveQueen) check availability
- Miss Lassie (@MissLassie) check availability
- Dollar Miss (@DollarMiss) check availability
- The Bright Blue (@TheBrightBlue) check availability
- Lady Pink (@LadyPink) check availability
- Purple Sheets (@PurpleSheets) check availability
- Dandy Doodles (@DandyDoodles) check availability
- Fairy Homes (@FairyHomes) check availability
Best Instagram username ideas for boys
For boys who are new to the social scene, there is no need to be concerned because we have a plethora of Instagram username ideas for you as well.
While we recognize that you may want to choose your username based on the concept or reason for which your account was created. You can always combine such a reason with other ideas you have in mind to come up with a more creative username.
That’s why we compiled some Instagram username ideas for a little more inspiration.
- The Mustache Club (@TheMustacheClub) check availability
- Shady Men (@ShadyMen) check availability
- Boyish Grin (@BoyishGrin) check availability
- All Male Co. (@AllMaleCo) check availability
- Hunky Hank (@HunkyHank) check availability
- Jack (@Jack) check availability
- The Tough Club (@TheToughClub) check availability
- Supreme (@Supreme) check availability
- Ideal Men (@IdealMen) check availability
- The Walk (@TheWalk) check availability
- Mega Male (@MegaMale) check availability
- The Alpha (@TheAlpha) check availability
- Mascots (@Mascots) check availability
- The Royal (@TheRoyal) check availability
- The Strong Road (@TheStrongRoad) check availability
- Former (@Former) check availability
- Prime Hub (@PrimeHub) check availability
- Ryan and Co. (@RyanandCo) check availability
- Adam Sheets (@AdamSheets) check availability
- Controlled Trouble (@ControlledTrouble) check availability
- Bright Blue (@BrightBlue) check availability
- Energetic (@Energetic) check availability
- The Centre Heart (@TheCentreHeart) check availability
- The Stark (@TheStark) check availability
- Sparkle (@Sparkle) check availability
- Powerfully Built (@PowerfullyBuilt) check availability
- The Source (@TheSource) check availability
- Wholesome (@Wholesome) check availability
- Laced and Pro (@LacedandPro) check availability
- Capable (@Capable) check availability
- The Live Green (@TheLiveGreen) check availability
- Tone up (@Toneup) check availability
- Alive (@Alive) check availability
- The Man Jam (@TheManJam) check availability
- Musketeers (@Musketeers) check availability
- The Rational (@TheRational) check availability
- Reciprocal (@Reciprocal) check availability
- Fundamental (@Fundamental) check availability
- Indulged (@Indulged) check availability
- Manish (@Manish) check availability
- The Courteous (@TheCourteous) check availability
- Finesse (@Finesse) check availability
- The Finneas (@TheFinneas) check availability
- The Man Store (@TheManStore) check availability
- Considerable Store (@ConsiderableStore) check availability
- The Sharp Oath (@TheSharpOath) check availability
- Brittle Blue (@BrittleBlue) check availability
- Fancy Fan (@FancyFan) check availability
- Sympathetic (@Sympathetic) check availability
- The Florish (@TheFlorish) check availability
- Blooming Mind (@BloomingMind) check availability
- The Untied (@TheUntied) check availability
- Without Force (@WithoutForce) check availability
- Extreme Men (@ExtremeMen) check availability
- Intense Co. (@IntenseCo) check availability
- Formal Invention (@FormalInvention) check availability
- Overpowering (@Overpowering) check availability
- Remarkable (@Remarkable) check availability
- The Served Pro. (@TheServedPro) check availability
- Brave Minded (@BraveMinded) check availability
- With Purpose (@WithPurpose) check availability
- Confident Co. (@ConfidentCo) check availability
- Knot and Tie (@KnotandTie) check availability
- Notable (@Notable) check availability
- Reliable Inc. (@ReliableInc) check availability
- High Hunk (@HighHunk) check availability
- Wide Volume (@WideVolume) check availability
- Vivid View (@VividView) check availability
- Flexible (@Flexible) check availability
- The Men Armor (@TheMenArmor) check availability
- Locked (@Locked) check availability
- Shielded Folk (@ShieldedFolk) check availability
- Glitter Gavin (@GlitterGavin) check availability
- Unchanged (@Unchanged) check availability
- Variable Vow (@VariableVow) check availability
- Blunt Blue (@BluntBlue) check availability
Short Instagram username Ideas
Short usernames for Instagram are easier to remember and comprehend. When creating your Instagram username, one important thing to remember is to make it short, simple, and appealing. It should also tell the story behind your person or personal brand.
For some inspiration, here are some amazing and creative short Instagram username ideas that can get you more followers.
- Spectate (@Spectate) check availability
- The Display (@TheDisplay) check availability
- The Monolog (@TheMonolog) check availability
- Blazing (@Blazing) check availability
- Pathway (@Pathway) check availability
- Habitual (@Habitual) check availability
- The Route (@TheRoute) check availability
- Comprehensive (@Comprehensive) check availability
- The New New (@TheNewNew) check availability
- Golden Girl (@GoldenGirl) check availability
- The New New (@TheNewNew) check availability
- Causal Co. (@CausalCo) check availability
- The Talk (@TheTalk) check availability
- Wordliness (@Wordliness) check availability
- Case Co. (@CaseCo) check availability
- Endure (@Endure) check availability
- The Thorough (@TheThorough) check availability
- Simpler (@Simpler) check availability
- Happening (@Happening) check availability
- Eventual (@Eventual) check availability
- Tiny Fashioned (@TinyFashioned) check availability
- Ultimate (@Ultimate) check availability
- Immidiate (@Immidiate) check availability
- Superlative (@Superlative) check availability
- Highest Co. (@HighestCo) check availability
- Epitome (@Epitome) check availability
- The Peak (@ThePeak) check availability
- The Utmost (@TheUtmost) check availability
- Supressed (@Supressed) check availability
- Be Still (@BeStill) check availability
- Trendy (@Trendy) check availability
- Lace Love (@LaceLove) check availability
- Reality Co. (@RealityCo) check availability
- Rationional (@Rationional) check availability
- Every Thing (@EveryThing) check availability
- Litlle (@Litlle) check availability
- Happy (@Happy) check availability
- Lifestyle (@Lifestyle) check availability
- Silent Beings (@SilentBeings) check availability
- The Postion (@ThePostion) check availability
- Comfort Co. (@ComfortCo) check availability
- Active Company (@ActiveCompany) check availability
- Lifetime (@Lifetime) check availability
- The Course (@TheCourse) check availability
- Energy (@Energy) check availability
- Foodie (@Foodie) check availability
- The Spunk (@TheSpunk) check availability
- Ginger Home (@GingerHome) check availability
- Individual (@Individual) check availability
- Creature (@Creature) check availability
- Story Co. (@StoryCo) check availability
- Essence (@Essence) check availability
- Roots and Rub (@RootsandRub) check availability
- Grain (@Grain) check availability
- Cheer (@Cheer) check availability
- optimism (@optimism) check availability
- Bravery (@Bravery) check availability
- Plucked (@Plucked) check availability
- Karma (@Karma) check availability
- The Social (@TheSocial) check availability
- Strickly (@Strickly) check availability
- Habit (@Habit) check availability
- Life In Jail (@LifeInJail) check availability
- Traditional (@Traditional) check availability
- The Trend (@TheTrend) check availability
- Nature (@Nature) check availability
- Actualness (@Actualness) check availability
- Object (@Object) check availability
- Flora and Fauna (@FloraandFauna) check availability
- Realism (@Realism) check availability
- Integar (@Integar) check availability
- Structural (@Structural) check availability
- Circular (@Circular) check availability
- Cosmos (@Cosmos) check availability
- The Role (@TheRole) check availability
Cool & Creative Instagram usernames Ideas
Are you for cool and creative Instagram username ideas to help you become insta-popular with plenty of followers?
We’ve compiled some of the best cool, creative, and sassy usernames that are attention-grabbing and can easily influence other people to follow your account.
Don't forget to use our free username generator to get more Instagram username ideas for your account.
- Iconic Duo (@IconicDuo) check availability
- Complex Chic (@ComplexChic) check availability
- Life Hacks Co (@LifeHacksCo) check availability
- The Solitude (@TheSolitude) check availability
- Modern Millenial (@ModernMillenial) check availability
- The Fiery (@TheFiery) check availability
- Media Feast (@MediaFeast) check availability
- Parenthesis (@Parenthesis) check availability
- Word Metric (@WordMetric) check availability
- Bigger Picture (@BiggerPicture) check availability
- Modern Globe (@ModernGlobe) check availability
- BeRare (@BeRare) check availability
- Faces Today (@FacesToday) check availability
- Magic Ode (@MagicOde) check availability
- Posh Poet (@PoshPoet) check availability
- Graffiti Mind (@GraffitiMind) check availability
- The Furry (@TheFurry) check availability
- The secret Self (@ThesecretSelf) check availability
- Breathe (@Breathe) check availability
- Deep Mind (@DeepMind) check availability
- Significance (@Significance) check availability
- Vital (@Vital) check availability
- Sentimental Co. (@SentimentalCo) check availability
- Carnival (@Carnival) check availability
- Inner Thoughts (@InnerThoughts) check availability
- Usual Co. (@UsualCo) check availability
- Daily Essentials (@DailyEssentials) check availability
- Entity (@Entity) check availability
- Texture (@Texture) check availability
- Daily Charge (@DailyCharge) check availability
- Sphere (@Sphere) check availability
- The Gold (@TheGold) check availability
- Space Hub (@SpaceHub) check availability
- The Scenery (@TheScenery) check availability
- Everday Life (@EverdayLife) check availability
- Practical (@Practical) check availability
- The Walk (@TheWalk) check availability
- Duty (@Duty) check availability
- Radius Co. (@RadiusCo) check availability
- Inner Being (@InnerBeing) check availability
- The Core Mind (@TheCoreMind) check availability
- Lifetime (@Lifetime) check availability
- Movement (@Movement) check availability
- Action (@Action) check availability
- The Daily Wave (@TheDailyWave) check availability
- Undertaking (@Undertaking) check availability
- Funtioning (@Funtioning) check availability
- Intimation (@Intimation) check availability
- Mobiltiy (@Mobiltiy) check availability
- Fractional (@Fractional) check availability
- Party (@Party) check availability
- The Branch (@TheBranch) check availability
- Circular (@Circular) check availability
- Chain Group Co. (@ChainGroupCo) check availability
- Commitment (@Commitment) check availability
- Holy Raid (@HolyRaid) check availability
- The Daily Grain (@TheDailyGrain) check availability
- Grid (@Grid) check availability
- Square Motion (@SquareMotion) check availability
- The Flux (@TheFlux) check availability
- See Saw (@SeeSaw) check availability
- Turnover (@Turnover) check availability
- Ruglar (@Ruglar) check availability
- The Filp Flop (@TheFilpFlop) check availability
- Disturbance Media (@DisturbanceMedia) check availability
- Pandemonium (@Pandemonium) check availability
- Rhythm (@Rhythm) check availability
- Boucned Stress (@BoucnedStress) check availability
- Weed Creations (@WeedCreations) check availability
- The Swift Wave (@TheSwiftWave) check availability
- Urgent Co. (@UrgentCo) check availability
- Section (@Section) check availability
- Flourished (@Flourished) check availability
- Ideal Media Co. (@IdealMediaCo) check availability
- Progress Conjuction (@ProgressConjuction) check availability
Hipster Instagram usernames
Are you finding it hard to come up with hipster Instagram usernames that are creative and unique? You may even think that the best hipster usernames have already been taken. That, however, is not the case.
To help you, here is our collection of hipster Instagram username ideas to get you started.
You can also use our free username generator to find a suitable hipster username and modify it to fit your character and personality.
- The Eccentric (@TheEccentric) check availability
- Central (@Central) check availability
- Former (@Former) check availability
- The Casual Code (@TheCasualCode) check availability
- Outsider Co. (@OutsiderCo) check availability
- Skeptical Creations Co. (@SkepticalCreationsCo) check availability
- The Complex (@TheComplex) check availability
- Cap and Co. (@CapandCo) check availability
- Cashew Calculations (@CashewCalculations) check availability
- Heretic Code (@HereticCode) check availability
- Dropped (@Dropped) check availability
- Flower Child (@FlowerChild) check availability
- The Bohemian Inc. (@TheBohemianInc) check availability
- Fancy Fondle (@FancyFondle) check availability
- Audacity (@Audacity) check availability
- Oddly Yours (@OddlyYours) check availability
- Casual Critic (@CasualCritic) check availability
- Cross Check (@CrossCheck) check availability
- Zany (@Zany) check availability
- Misfit Master (@MisfitMaster) check availability
- Wolly Wanderer (@WollyWanderer) check availability
- Hobo Hub (@HoboHub) check availability
- Asylum (@Asylum) check availability
- Radical Energy (@RadicalEnergy) check availability
- Funny Chunk (@FunnyChunk) check availability
- Color Bliss (@ColorBliss) check availability
- Obvious Love (@ObviousLove) check availability
- Three Edges (@ThreeEdges) check availability
- The Square (@TheSquare) check availability
- Absurd Hub (@AbsurdHub) check availability
- The Charm (@TheCharm) check availability
- Quizzical (@Quizzical) check availability
- Dashboard (@Dashboard) check availability
- Boho Co. (@BohoCo) check availability
- Curious Magie (@CuriousMagie) check availability
- Wishful (@Wishful) check availability
- Wish Apart (@WishApart) check availability
- The Bizrro (@TheBizrro) check availability
- Classical (@Classical) check availability
- Forward (@Forward) check availability
- Fancy Fun (@FancyFun) check availability
- Backlinked (@Backlinked) check availability
- Fortune (@Fortune) check availability
- Fortress (@Fortress) check availability
- The Glow (@TheGlow) check availability
- Neon Life (@NeonLife) check availability
- Hippy Shell (@HippyShell) check availability
- Disorted (@Disorted) check availability
- Indigenous (@Indigenous) check availability
- Hangover (@Hangover) check availability
- Inclined Media (@InclinedMedia) check availability
- The Boho Life (@TheBohoLife) check availability
- The Queer (@TheQueer) check availability
- Outlandish (@Outlandish) check availability
- Unorthodox (@Unorthodox) check availability
- Unconvential Hope (@UnconventialHope) check availability
- The Fly (@TheFly) check availability
- Bloom (@Bloom) check availability
- The Grind (@TheGrind) check availability
- Usual Club (@UsualClub) check availability
- Beetle (@Beetle) check availability
- Too Close (@TooClose) check availability
- Darker (@Darker) check availability
- The Fate (@TheFate) check availability
- Makers Co. (@MakersCo) check availability
- Believer (@Believer) check availability
- Uniform Momentum (@UniformMomentum) check availability
- Ross Rust (@RossRust) check availability
- Old Love (@OldLove) check availability
- The Trainer Trade Company (@TheTrainerTradeCompany) check availability
- Fidget Inc. (@FidgetInc) check availability
- Glitter Mess (@GlitterMess) check availability
- Charged (@Charged) check availability
- Unparalleled (@Unparalleled) check availability
- Toned (@Toned) check availability
- Rational Bohemian (@RationalBohemian) check availability
Industry Based Instagram Username Ideas
Here are Instagram usernames based on industry:
Fashion Instagram usernames
Are looking for Instagram username ideas for your new fashion business? In this digital age, creating a unique Instagram username that reflects what your brand offers is your starting point, as a fashion entrepreneur.
Keep in mind that if you want to stand out in a crowd, you need to have a unique Instagram username. Here are some Instagram username ideas for the fashion industry to get you started.
- Retro Walk (@RetroWalk) check availability
- Hello Bunny (@HelloBunny) check availability
- Vintage Vault Clothing Co (@VintageVaultClothingCo) check availability
- Banana Wear (@BananaWear) check availability
- Imperative (@Imperative) check availability
- Wrender (@Wrender) check availability
- Dream in Fabric (@DreaminFabric) check availability
- Bewitched Boutique (@BewitchedBoutique) check availability
- Naturalis Fabrics (@NaturalisFabrics) check availability
- Grane (@Grane) check availability
- Times Up (@TimesUp) check availability
- Lurp (@Lurp) check availability
- Spin Up (@SpinUp) check availability
- Parachute (@Parachute) check availability
- Studio 51 Clothing Co (@StudioClothingCo) check availability
- Womenue Fashion (@WomenueFashion) check availability
- Clothina (@Clothina) check availability
- Retronic Wear (@RetronicWear) check availability
- Sunglow Fashion (@SunglowFashion) check availability
- Trendy Threads (@TrendyThreads) check availability
- Spook (@Spook) check availability
- Fashionista (@Fashionista) check availability
- Sacred Stitch (@SacredStitch) check availability
- Bobbi The Label (@BobbiTheLabel) check availability
- Zalya (@Zalya) check availability
- Sublime Trend (@SublimeTrend) check availability
- Body Canvas (@BodyCanvas) check availability
- Dwell (@Dwell) check availability
- Glamorous Glow Fashion (@GlamorousGlowFashion) check availability
- Righteous (@Righteous) check availability
Looking for more fashion username ideas? Check out the full list here
Photography Instagram usernames
So, you have decided to start your photography business, and you need to create a strong online presence by creating a unique username? Here are some Instagram username ideas for inspiration.
- Outstanding Studios (@OutstandingStudios) check availability
- Transformation Galleries (@TransformationGalleries) check availability
- Dawn Studios (@DawnStudios) check availability
- Perfect Shutters (@PerfectShutters) check availability
- Picsmania (@Picsmania) check availability
- Shutter Up (@ShutterUp) check availability
- Snap Captures (@SnapCaptures) check availability
- Caption Perfect (@CaptionPerfect) check availability
- The Open Studio (@TheOpenStudio) check availability
- Candid Clicks (@CandidClicks) check availability
- The Dark Room (@TheDarkRoom) check availability
- CLICK (@CLICK) check availability
- Bright Media (@BrightMedia) check availability
- Blissed (@Blissed) check availability
- Portraits And Poses (@PortraitsAndPoses) check availability
- Lucky Lens (@LuckyLens) check availability
- Capture Crew (@CaptureCrew) check availability
- Of Lenses & Light (@OfLensesLight) check availability
- Snap + Shade (@SnapShade) check availability
- Belle Photography (@BellePhotography) check availability
- Lenz (@Lenz) check availability
- Passion Studios (@PassionStudios) check availability
- Honeycomb Photography (@HoneycombPhotography) check availability
- Bare Bones (@BareBones) check availability
- Eclectic Snaps (@EclecticSnaps) check availability
- Flash Fiends (@FlashFiends) check availability
- Bump (@Bump) check availability
- Edge Photography (@EdgePhotography) check availability
- Urban + Wood (@UrbanWood) check availability
- Bayside Photography (@BaysidePhotography) check availability
Looking for more photography username ideas? Check out the full list here
Fitness & Personal Training usernames
Are you new in the fitness industry and want to create a catchy fitness and personal training username for your Instagram account? Here are some Instagram username ideas for the fitness and personal training industry to help you get started.
You can also use our free Instagram username generator to generate creative and unique names for your fitness and personal training business.
- Legit Fit (@LegitFit) check availability
- Catalyst Fitness (@CatalystFitness) check availability
- Slow Burn (@SlowBurn) check availability
- Fit60 (@Fit) check availability
- Renegade Boot Camp (@RenegadeBootCamp) check availability
- Zero Gravity (@ZeroGravity) check availability
- Next Level Fitness (@NextLevelFitness) check availability
- Overload (@Overload) check availability
- RIPD (@RIPD) check availability
- Infinite Power (@InfinitePower) check availability
- Mind + Body (@MindBody) check availability
- Divergence (@Divergence) check availability
- The Tone Zone (@TheToneZone) check availability
- TriFIT (@TriFIT) check availability
- Sculpt45 (@Sculpt) check availability
- Shred Zone (@ShredZone) check availability
- Train360 (@Train) check availability
- StepUp Training (@StepUpTraining) check availability
- Pure Motion (@PureMotion) check availability
- Bodyfit (@Bodyfit) check availability
- The Fit Lab (@TheFitLab) check availability
- Core (@Core) check availability
- Crunch + Curl (@CrunchCurl) check availability
- Misfit Gym (@MisfitGym) check availability
- Nomad (@Nomad) check availability
- Beach Bodz (@BeachBodz) check availability
- Encore FItness (@EncoreFItness) check availability
- Limitless (@Limitless) check availability
- The Barre Method (@TheBarreMethod) check availability
- Flexx (@Flexx) check availability
Looking for more fitness and personal training username ideas? Check out the full list here
Food Instagram usernames
Are you a food blogger looking to start an Instagram account for your blog? Or are you new in the food catering industry and you are looking to start selling on Instagram? Below, you’ll find some creative Instagram username ideas for your inspiration.
- LocalCuisine (@LocalCuisine) check availability
- Carb Junkie (@CarbJunkie) check availability
- Fast + Fresh (@FastFresh) check availability
- ChefPro (@ChefPro) check availability
- Sauced (@Sauced) check availability
- The Cuban Cook (@TheCubanCook) check availability
- Stuffed (@Stuffed) check availability
- ComfortCuiz (@ComfortCuiz) check availability
- BonApetit (@BonApetit) check availability
- The Feast Beast (@TheFeastBeast) check availability
- CRAVE (@CRAVE) check availability
- Light Provisions (@LightProvisions) check availability
- Food Queen (@FoodQueen) check availability
- Grub God (@GrubGod) check availability
- Vino Vino (@VinoVino) check availability
- FutureFoodie (@FutureFoodie) check availability
- Snack Attack (@SnackAttack) check availability
- CravoryCrack (@CravoryCrack) check availability
- Crack Shack (@CrackShack) check availability
- The Menu Freak (@TheMenuFreak) check availability
- The Fit Diary (@TheFitDiary) check availability
- EATopia (@EATopia) check availability
- Milk + Honey (@MilkHoney) check availability
- Balanced Foodie (@BalancedFoodie) check availability
- Madhungry (@Madhungry) check availability
- Chips & Hips (@ChipsHips) check availability
- Honeycrisp mantra (@Honeycrispmantra) check availability
- Camp Avo (@CampAvo) check availability
- The Gouda God (@TheGoudaGod) check availability
- Green Things (@GreenThings) check availability
Looking for more food username ideas? Check out the full list here
Travel Instagram usernames
Choosing a creative Instagram username for your travel blog or travel business is quite essential when starting a journey of sharing your experiences.
A creative and unique Instagram username will get you more followers and help you stand out among competitors in the social space.
Below, you'll find our collection of creative Instagram username ideas for the travel industry.
- Passport + Prosecco (@PassportProsecco) check availability
- Nomad Movement (@NomadMovement) check availability
- Eastern Journey (@EasternJourney) check availability
- Up And Away (@UpAndAway) check availability
- Rode Less Traveled (@RodeLessTraveled) check availability
- Misguided Travel (@MisguidedTravel) check availability
- Destination Vacation (@DestinationVacation) check availability
- Top10Trips (@TopTrips) check availability
- UNPACK (@UNPACK) check availability
- Wanderlusters (@Wanderlusters) check availability
- Thirst For Travel (@ThirstForTravel) check availability
- The Bucket List (@TheBucketList) check availability
- Eat Drink Explore (@EatDrinkExplore) check availability
- Dream Catcher (@DreamCatcher) check availability
- Bold And Boundless (@BoldAndBoundless) check availability
- Travel Trek (@TravelTrek) check availability
- Insider Itinerary (@InsiderItinerary) check availability
- The Travel Junkie (@TheTravelJunkie) check availability
- Adventure Doctor (@AdventureDoctor) check availability
- The Globe Guru (@TheGlobeGuru) check availability
- Wine Me Dine Me (@WineMeDineMe) check availability
- Somewhere On A Beach (@SomewhereOnABeach) check availability
- Girl On A Train (@GirlOnATrain) check availability
- Wild Child (@WildChild) check availability
- Nomad Tribe (@NomadTribe) check availability
- Jet Setters (@JetSetters) check availability
- Daily Destination (@DailyDestination) check availability
- Next Up (@NextUp) check availability
- Curated Calendar (@CuratedCalendar) check availability
- Quality Quest (@QualityQuest) check availability
Looking for more travel username ideas? Check out the full list here
Remember that your business and brand will only be recognized if your username is unique, catchy, and descriptive.
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Want to try your own username to see if it's available?
Instagram Usernames: Why You Should Choose The Right Username
Your Instagram username is essentially the name of your profile or account. It's the name that appears in bold underneath your profile picture or avatar at the top of your profile page. It's also part of your profile URL:
Although it may seem like a small thing, your Instagram username is more than a string of characters. Your username serves as an extension of your brand and a direct reflection of your products, services, and overall culture. It directly covers all aspects of your social media image.
Your Instagram username also makes it simple for people to search for your brand. In addition, your Instagram profile has become your brand's new homepage.
So, if your Instagram username isn't catchy — or is difficult to spell — you're already behind the eight ball in terms of social media marketing.
GUIDE: How To Create A Great Instagram Username: 6 Steps
Wondering how to come up with an Instagram name? Here's a quick guide to creating the perfect Instagram username, whether you're starting from scratch or wondering whether you should change your existing one.
Instagram accounts are divided into three categories: business, personal profile, and curation.
- Business: In most instances, if you're launching a shop, your Instagram username should be the same as your business name. The goal of your Instagram account should be to promote your company and increase brand recognition.
- Personal Profile: Because you are the brand, your username should reflect who you are and what you want to be known for. You may use an abbreviated form of your name, such as @jlo, or your full name, like @taylorswift.
- Curation: Creating a username for an account that curates + creates unique material that matches a subject allows for a lot of creativity. @thegoodquote, @zociety_, and @powerofpositivity are all great examples. They're short, memorable, and tailored to their target demographic, which are all important qualities in an Instagram username.

1. Make Your Username Relatable to Your Audience and Content
Create a username that reflects your content strategy and target audience. If your content is on adorable animals, for example, your username should represent that.
@Cuteigpuppies, @_cutedogs_, and @Cutecatonline
are three excellent examples of this. These accounts concentrate on key descriptive terms related to their content strategy, such as "cute" + "puppies" or "cat."
Using these phrases in your username improves the likelihood that your profile will appear at the top of the search results when these terms are searched. If you're going to create your username around keywords, try to choose prominent phrases that are less competitive to rank for.
3 tips to keep in mind when doing keyword research:
- Use to find popular keywords.
- See who comes up when you search for a term on the Instagram app to see how competitive it is.
- Analyze the number of followers, see whether the username contains a term, and see how engaged their fans are by looking at the number of likes/comments on recent posts.
If the hashtag's results are dominated by accounts with large followings and active users, the hashtag is probably excessively competitive. It's a long process of trial and error, but it'll pay off in the end.
2. Keep Your Instagram Username Short & Simple
Instagram usernames are limited to 30 characters. Letters, numerals, periods, and underscores may all be used in user names. That isn't to say that it's a free pass to stuff everything with keywords and jargon.
You want your username to be memorable—a collection of words that are simple to say and convey. Word of mouth continues to be the most effective form of marketing. You make it tougher for yourself to have your Instagram profile noticed if you make it difficult for others to say your username.
Take, for example, @AwwwCuteDogs. Your content strategy is effectively communicated via your username. The written version is clear and simple. When you say the username out loud, though, the first thing that comes to mind is "with how many Ws?"
Another tip is to avoid using profanity or other offensive words in your username. Avoid anything that may lead someone to report your account in today's sensitive world. It's preferable to avoid the hassle of having your account unbanned in the first place.
3. Create A Memorable & Unique Instagram Username
You may be enticed to follow the example of a well-known account by riding on their coattails. You can't simply create a copy of a copy if you want to be successful. To make it work, you'll need to put in a lot of effort and thousands of iterations of your tactics.
Even if you are successful in imitating a brand, you may face copyright and trademark problems. You could, for example, create an account named @Nike.Jordans. There will be people who will follow you because they are Nike fans. However, once your account becomes big enough, Nike has the right to delete it due to trademark violations.
On Instagram, your goal isn't to get as many followers as possible. It should be consistent with your entire brand, message, and goal in order to reach out to your target audience. It will be tough to keep your followers and pretty much impossible to attract them to your product or causes if you don't have a unique connection.
4. Make Sure Your Username Is Easy To Spell
Letters, numerals, periods, and underscores can all be used in Instagram usernames, but you may not want to use all of them.
What's the bottom line? The simpler it is to spell your username, the simpler it is to find.
Here's an example of a short, simple and easy to spell username:

With this in mind, it's best to avoid using difficult terms or complicated combinations in your username.
PRO TIP: If you're unsure, tell a friend or coworker about your Instagram username and have them write it down 10 minutes later. It may be worth going back to brainstorming if they do not remember your exact username.
5. Add Favorite Things to Your Username
Do you like blue, dragons, sweets, or the number 8? A username like @SweetBlueDragon8 will go a long way.
Make a list of some of your favorite things, including your work or career goals, favorite meals, celebrities, sports teams, movies, and so on. Simply said, be creative!
6. Consider What's Around You When Creating Your IG Handle
Have you used up all of your favorite things? Consider school nicknames, your hometown, or other aspects of your life that are relevant to where you live and what you value. However, be cautious about disclosing too much information. Online predators may be able to determine your location based on your screen name.
@SweetNYHighDragonGirl97 may seem innocent at first glance, but it may most likely be decoded as a New York high school girl who graduated or was born in 1997.
On that point, for even greater anonymity, you may want to pick something particular that doesn't really relate to you.
FAQ: Everything You Should Know About Your Instagram Username
How do I create an Instagram username and secure my IG handle?
Follow these steps to create and secure an Instagram username:
- Log in to Instagram (or create an account) using your username and password.
- In the bottom right corner, tap your avatar.
- Under your bio, tap Edit Profile.
- In the Username box, type your new username.
- In the upper right corner, tap the checkmark.
How do I create an Instagram username and secure my IG handle?
Follow these steps to create and secure an Instagram username:
- Log in to Instagram (or create an account) using your username and password.
- In the bottom right corner, tap your avatar.
- Under your bio, tap Edit Profile.
- In the Username box, type your new username.
- In the upper right corner, tap the checkmark.
How many times can you change your Instagram username?
You are free to change your Instagram username as many times as you want.
However, if you changed your username twice in a row, you will have to wait for 14 days to change it again.
How many times can you change your Instagram username?
You are free to change your Instagram username as many times as you want.
However, if you changed your username twice in a row, you will have to wait for 14 days to change it again.
What is a good username for Instagram?
To choose an Instagram username that is both unique and appealing, first determine the purpose of your account. Full names are ideal for a personal profile, particularly when it comes to creating a professional image.
What is a good username for Instagram?
To choose an Instagram username that is both unique and appealing, first determine the purpose of your account. Full names are ideal for a personal profile, particularly when it comes to creating a professional image.
What is an Instagram username?
Your Instagram username is how others will identify you on the platform: Your username is connected to everything you do, from what you publish to how you interact with others.
At the top of the profile and the last part of the Instagram URL is the username.
What is an Instagram username?
Your Instagram username is how others will identify you on the platform: Your username is connected to everything you do, from what you publish to how you interact with others.
At the top of the profile and the last part of the Instagram URL is the username.
How do I get an inactive Instagram username?
As of 2021, there is no formal method to claim an Instagram username that is no longer active.
However, you may report a fake account or trademark infringement, and Instagram will assist you in securing an inactive Instagram username.
How do I get an inactive Instagram username?
As of 2021, there is no formal method to claim an Instagram username that is no longer active.
However, you may report a fake account or trademark infringement, and Instagram will assist you in securing an inactive Instagram username.
How do I find someone on Instagram without knowing their username?
Here's how to use Instagram search to find someone (even if you don't know their username):
- Navigate to the search tab on Instagram.
- Find a profile with a picture of the individual by searching for their first name.
- If you still can't find them, try searching for their full name.
How do I find someone on Instagram without knowing their username?
Here's how to use Instagram search to find someone (even if you don't know their username):
- Navigate to the search tab on Instagram.
- Find a profile with a picture of the individual by searching for their first name.
- If you still can't find them, try searching for their full name.
Why can't I change my username on Instagram?
It's quite likely that Instagram won't allow you to submit a new username since it doesn't satisfy the requirements.
The most common error is because the username you entered is already in use, so try something else.
Another possible reason is app caching, which may occur when you change your Instagram username.
Why can't I change my username on Instagram?
It's quite likely that Instagram won't allow you to submit a new username since it doesn't satisfy the requirements.
The most common error is because the username you entered is already in use, so try something else.
Another possible reason is app caching, which may occur when you change your Instagram username.
Final Thoughts
Finding and selecting the ideal Instagram username is a serious decision. It has an impact on your brand's online exposure since it determines how many people can discover your account.
Plus, if your username properly conveys what you're providing, it may help you attract new customers.
Because a good username makes you simple to find, you should make sure that it is also easy to find for users. With the help of this guide, including our collection of Instagram username ideas, you can choose the perfect username for your business right now!
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