11 Best Twitter Accounts To Follow For Finance [2024]

Updated: January 20th, 2022

Looking for some guidance on what content you should be tweeting, or who you should be following in your niche?

We’ve rounded up 11 of today’s best finance Twitter accounts below.

These accounts are the most informative, relevant, and engaging accounts on Twitter in 2021.

Here they are:

1. Matt Paulson - @MattPaulsonSD

Matt Paulson is the founder and CEO of MarketBeat - a media business that provides real-time analyst ratings, dividend information, earnings results, financials, headlines, insider trades and much more.

About Matt:

  • Matt is the founder of MarketBeat
  • 17.2K followers on Twitter


2. Bespoke Investment Group - @bespokeinvest

In recent years, Bespoke Invest has become one of the go-to resources in the financial space. Their website gives you easy to read reports on the latest trends and their twitter account provides you with short snippets on the financial market analysis you should know in real-time.

Bespoke Investment Group has 175K followers on Twitter.


3. MarketWatch - @MarketWatch

MarketWatch is a website that provides financial information, business news, analysis, and stock market data.

They have over 3 million followers and provide real-time market updates (every minute) to their followers. The platform is especially useful for those experienced in trading and the stock market.

MarketWatch has 4.44M followers on Twitter.


4. Wall Street Oasis - @WallStreetOasis

Wall Street Oasis is a finance community with over 700K+ members and over 5M page views/month. Their services include online forums, courses, talent search, resume review and mentorship.

The company was founded in 2006 by Patrick Curtis and is based in Bay Area CA.

Wall Street Oasis has 12.2K followers on Twitter.


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About :

6. Money Geek - @yourmoneygeek

Michael Dinich started the personal finance and pop culture blog, Your Money Geek.

Their readers and followers are the people who don't like to read other blogs because they are too 'judgey' or too 'preachy.' They use lots of pop culture references and gamification to make personal finance topics fun and accessible.

Money Geek has 1.24K followers on Twitter.


7. IBD Investors - @IBDinvestors

Investor's Business Daily provides leading stockmarket news and analysis, powerful investing products & education to help investors make money in the market.

IBD consistently posts about the latest trades and how to make the most of those investments. They're also a great resource for new traders as they provide them with teaching tools and strategies.

IBD Investors has 286K followers on Twitter.


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About :

9. StockTwits - @Stocktwits

Stocktwits - a social media platform designed for sharing ideas between investors, traders, and entrepreneurs is one of the largest social networks for finance.

Their tweets are consistent and valuable to the consumer - as they post daily about trending stocks and end of the day trading results.

StockTwits has 973K followers on Twitter.


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About :

  • is the founder of Real Money
  • 108K followers on Twitter

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About :

  • is the founder of StockCharts
  • **** followers on Twitter
meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.