15 Best Pet TikTok Video Ideas, Challenges & Trends [2024]

Updated: April 21st, 2022

15 Best Pet TikTok Video Ideas, Challenges & Trends [2024]

TikTok for pets has been growing in popularity over the last few years, and there's no sign of this slowing down.

From cheering at your dog to doggy diet challenges, TikTok can be an extremely effective and lucrative way to market your social media business.

TikTok’s algorithm favors creators that post trending videos, so it's imperative to stay on top of these trends in order to get more views, engagement, and followers.

So if you already have a pet’s TikTok account or you are looking to expand your presence on TikTok, feel free to experiment with the following 15 Best TikTok content ideas and trends to get started.

1. The Clapping At Your Dog Challenge

Have you ever seen the Clap for Your Dog TikTok challenge? It's exactly what it sounds like: people clapping at their dogs and seeing how they react. This challenge is simple but effective – all you need to do is clap your hands at your dog and see how they react!

When you get your family together to start applauding for the pup, they will be able to see how happy and excited the animal makes them feel.

From startled pups to dogs that just can't figure out what's going on, this challenge is sure to put a few laughs into everyone involved!

Alexandrajane, (380.3KFollowers ) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 3.3M views and 658.2K likes.


Hashtags to use #clapforyourdog, #clapforyourdogchallenge, #dogchallenge

2. The Hide And Seek challenge

Hide and seek is one of the most engaging games for dogs. This TikTok challenge is a great way to get your pet moving and having fun. Simply hide somewhere in your house or yard, and see if your pet can find you!

Your pet will be so focused on finding you that they won't notice all of these obstacles in their path. It's a great way for pets and owners alike, with the added bonus being more movement!

Your furry friend has to use their brain power as well, planning or strategizing how to best move around obstacles in order to find their target. This Hide And Seek challenge is sure to have your followers both laughing and cheering.

Bandit The Husky, (1.9M Followers ) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 9.4M views and 1.2M likes.


Hashtags to use #hideandseek, #dogshideandseek, #dogchallenge

3. The Level Up Challenge

Level Up Jumps is an interactive game on TikTok where pet owners can create challenges for their pets. This fun challenge will have them jumping over different levels and can provide an engaging and exciting experience that will have you on your toes!

This challenge is perfect fun and an easy way to bond with your furry friend will keep you both looking forward to the next level. You can bond with your pet by using treats, toys or even just talking to them in an engaging way and see how far they'll go!

This Challenge will help you create an even stronger connection with your pet, and is sure to get a few likes along the way.

Mia, (72.7K Followers ) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 18.4M views and 516.9K likes.


Hashtags to use #levelupchallenge, #levelup, #dogsoftiktok

4. The Learning To Dog Challenge

This TikTok challenge is perfect for those who have a pet that is willing to learn new tricks. The Learning To Dog Challenge is all about teaching your pet a new trick and then filming their reaction.

It's a great way to bond with your pet and help them learn new things at the same time. See how fast your pet can learn a new command, and film the entire process! just talk to them in an engaging way and see how far they'll go!

You can teach your pet anything from how to sit to how to roll over, and see their adorable reaction when they finally accomplish the trick. This challenge is a great way to show off your pet's personality and their adorable antics.

This is sure to be a hit with both dog lovers and those who are just learning themselves. Your followers will love, and one that they'll be sure to try with their own pets.

Five By Five Canine, (229.1K Followers ) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 8.4M views and 585K likes.


Hashtags to use #learningtodog, #dogchallenge, #dogsoftiktok

5. The Obstacle Challenge

The Obstacle Challenge is all about setting up an obstacle course for your pet and seeing how they do.This TikTok challenge is perfect for those pets that just love to run and play. Set up an obstacle course in your yard or house, and see how fast your pet can complete it!

This challenge is a great way to have some fun with your pet and show off their impressive skills. You just have to be careful with this one – make sure your pet is safe and not going to hurt themselves before you start filming.

This challenge is perfect for those who want to show off their pet's athleticism. Your followers will surely cheer, and maybe even inspire them to set up their own course.

AFVofficial, (9.6M Followers) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 1.5M views and 57.2K likes.


Hashtags to use #obstaclechallenge, #dogsoftiktok , #catsoftiktok

6. The Cat Face Filter Challenge

The Cat Face Filter Challenge is a hilarious way to show off your pet's unique personality. This challenge is all about using the cat face filter on TikTok and then filming your pet's reaction.

A lot of pet owners have been using the cat face filter on their face and seeing the cat's reaction, and the results are absolutely hilarious.

If you haven’t tried this challenge yet, be sure to give it a go because the results are always hilarious when people use these pet-themed filter apps like “cat face" or even "dog."

The Sun, (961.9K Followers) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 1.3M views and 1.3M likes.


Hashtags to use #catfacefilter, #catfacefilterchallenge, #filtercat

7. The Mario Kart Challenge

This challenge can be very exciting. Simply lay your pet's favorite treats and toys out on the floor, and see how fast they run to get them! It will be more fun when you have more than one pet.

This is a great way to test your pet's coordination and see how they react under pressure and a best way to bond with your pet, as you'll be working together to get those treats!

This challenge is also a great way to bond with your pet, as you'll be working together to get those treats! This challenge is sure to be a hit with your followers and is sure to get you a few likes.

Cotch & Donut, (28.2K Followers) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok. The video received over 4.4M views and 209K likes.


Hashtags to use #mariokart, #mariochallenge, #mariokartchallenge

8. The Dogs React Challenge

The Dogs React Challenge is a great way to show off your personality and their funny reactions. This challenge is all about filming your dog's reaction to different things, such as food, toys, or sounds.

This is a great way to get to know your dog better and to see how they react in different situations. Your pet 's reaction can be anything from adorable to hilarious.

Your pet's reaction might just be the key to getting a few extra likes on your video and is sure to get a few laughs from your followers. This challenge is a great way to show off your dog's reaction to the world around them.

The Husky Moon, (1.5M Followers) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 55.4M views and 16.4M likes.


Hashtags to use #dogreaction, #dogreactionchallenge, #dogchallenge

9. The Patatak Dance Challenge

The Patatak Dance Challenge is a fun and unique challenge that is perfect for those with furry friends. This challenge is all about filming your pet's reaction as they watch you dance on the Patatak beat.

If they enjoy dancing, this challenge will make them really happy because it allows for some creative movement and exploration in a new environment!

Your pet's reactions to the dance are going to be epic. They're just so funny! You'll want them all over this challenge. This is sure to get people laughing and remembering their favorite pets.

Patriot, (37.5K Followers) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 3.6M views and 243K likes.


Hashtags to use #patatakchallange, #patatakdance, #challengepatatak

10. Call Your Dog’s Name Challenge

The Call Your Dog Challenge is all about getting your dog to come when you call their name. This is a great way to show off your bond with your furry friend. This Challenge is all about filming your pup's reaction when you call them by name.

This challenge is perfect for those who want to show off their pet's obedience and their impressive skills. Your dog is always trying to get your attention, so it’s no wonder they will respond when you call their name.

You can use this challenge to bond with your pet and show off your relationship to your followers and be sure to get a few likes along the way.

Riley, (489.4K Followers) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 26.5M views and 3.4M likes.


Hashtags to use #callyourdog, #callyourdogchallenge #dogchallenge

11. The Triggering Dog Sound Challenge

The Triggering Dog Sound Challenge is all about making your dog react to different sounds. It's perfect for people who want their pets' attention drawn towards a particular sound or noise.

Since dogs have a higher frequency range of hearing, they'll notice this sound and start tilting their head side to side ever so adorably.

You can use anything from a squeaky toy to a doorbell to trigger your dog's reaction, and see their cute and hilarious reaction. This challenge is sure to amaze your followers and sure to be a hit with pet lovers.

Kendall & Gary, (404.7K Followers) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 4.5M views and 84.3K likes.


Hashtags to use #triggeringdogsounds, #triggeringsounds #dogtriggersound

12. My Boo Challenge

Make a video of your pup when you first got them and then one today, with all the major life milestones in between. It's always so much fun to go back through old photos or videos from our past!

The My Boo Challenge is all about showing off your love for your pet. This challenge is perfect for those who want to show their affection for their furry friend. It is a great way to show off your pet's growth and how much they've changed over the years.

This challenge is perfect for those who want to show off their pet's adorable baby pictures, and their journey to adulthood. This is sure to be liked by your followers and is sure to get a few likes along the way.

Ariana Valeria, (171.9K Followers) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 36.5M views and 8.9M likes.


Hashtags to use #myboo, #myboochallenge, #puppylove

13. Happy Dog Sound

The best part about this challenge is that you can use all of your stored videos from the past to make a great new video! Just find and select an archival video from the folder that has happy pup rolling on ground or jumping around blissfully-and place DJ Moody’s original audio over it!

When you play this fun game with your pup, they'll be able to show off their personality in ways that will make people laugh everywhere! It's also perfect for pups who enjoy being silly or getting attention.

You and your pup will have a blast with this challenge. It could become even more popular once followers see what kind of reaction their dog gives when hearing certain sounds.

Fenix ‘Happy Dog’ Lumiere, (2.1M Followers) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 349.4K views and 15.4K likes.


Hashtags to use #happydog, #happydogchallenge, #happydogsong

14. Bark At Your Dog

The “bark at your dog” challenge is becoming increasingly popular on TikTok. To complete the feat, owners must get very close to their pets' faces and bark loudly while recording themselves, all for an entertaining video!

You can make for a much more interesting and exhilarating TikTok experience with your dog by trying this safer trend. Most dogs get surprised or shocked when their owners do something unexpected, so it will be fun to see what they respond best too!

This challenge would make a great addition if you're looking into why pets react differently than people when hearing certain sounds or seeing something exciting happen.

Yoshi, (736.9K Followers) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 141.2M views and 24.6M likes.


Hashtags to use #barkatyourdog #barkatyourdogchallenge #barking

15. Doggy Diet

When it’s time for mealtime, just serve them with less food so they can see what happens when there isn't enough for an entire bowl! The best part about this pranking technique? You'll be able to laugh heartily knowing how much joy these little guys bring us every day.

The best part about this trick is trying not to laugh as you film your pup's reaction to being served a smaller portion of food. Give them just a few pieces of kibble instead of the full scoop so they have more left over for later!

You may find yourself laughing at first, as the dog completely baffles you with its actions. However, as soon as it hits what just happened to them - their faces change into something more serious and start eating faster than ever before.

Doggy Diet, (5.8M Followers) shared one of their premium listings on TikTok.

The video received over 76.7M views and 11.2M likes.


Hashtags to use #dogdietchallenge, #dogsoftiktok, #dietdogchallenge

Final Thoughts:

These are just a few of the best pet TikTok video ideas, challenges and trends to get you started. We hope you enjoyed this list and that it gave you some inspiration for your next pup-related post.

Don't forget to have fun with your furry friend while making these videos, as they'll be sure to bring a smile to your face (and your viewers' faces) no matter what.

Looking for more creative content ideas? Check out Starter Story's other blog posts for more inspiration!

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.