7 Best Thank You Email After Interview Templates [2024]

Updated: February 22nd, 2024

As soon as you leave a job interview, it’s best to follow up with a sincere, professional, and engaged thank you email. Make sure they know you appreciate their time and attention in meeting with you!

A well-written interview thank you email could be that very gear. Most candidates don’t send them or send out thank-you notes that just don’t cut it. Thanks to this guide, you’ll learn how to write the best thank you email after an interview and keep the conversation running.

Here are 7 free Best Thank You Email After Interview templates to use in 2022 that will save you time and help you with your email marketing efforts.

What To Include In Your Best Thank You after interview Email

When it comes down to crafting your email, there are a few key elements to include:

  1. Show you are enthusiastic about the job
  2. Stay top of mind
  3. Leave your contact info so they can reach you quickly
  4. Thank them for their time and consideration
  5. Offer to answer any questions

Thank You Email After a Phone Interview

title=Thank you for your time today Dear [[Contact Name]],

I appreciate having the opportunity to speak with you today about the [[job title]] position at [[company name]]. After our conversation, I’m very excited about this opportunity. I believe my skills and interests are a perfect match for this role.

I am particularly interested in [[aspect of job or hiring organization.]]

[[Add personal note, specific to the conversation or share a link to something you mentioned in conversation, like your personal website.]]

I appreciate the time you took to interview me today, and I look forward to having the opportunity to meet you in person.

If you need any additional information from me, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Again, thank you for your time and consideration.


[[Your Name]] [[Your LinkedIn URL]]


Simple and Short Thank You Letter

title=Thank You [Interviewer’s Name]! Hello [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me and talk about the position of the [Position Name] yesterday. It was a pleasure to learn more about your business approach.

Our conversation made me even more excited to join the [Company Name]. What interested me in particular was [something specific you discussed during the interview].

I was thinking about what you said on [the upcoming challenge your interviewers mentioned]. In my current/previous role as [your current position] I found that [a quick explanation of how you tackled a similar problem].

I’m sure my experience can translate into similar success as your new [the name of the position you’re applying for].

If you need any additional information from me at this point, please feel free to contact me. Looking forward to hearing back from you on [the specific date established during the interview].

Thanks again for your time!


[Your sign-off]


Thank You Email After an Informational Interview

title=Thank you from [[your name]] Dear [[Contact Name]],

Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to meet with me today. It was great to discuss career opportunities in [[industry/company/location]] with you! Your comments were insightful and gave me lots of ideas for my ongoing job search. I’m excited to follow up on your suggestions to [[contact/attend/apply]].

It was especially exciting to talk to you about [[reference the highlight from the conversation you had.]]

Again, your suggestions and time are so appreciated, and I hope to chat again soon! Please let me know how if there is a way I can return the favor, now or in the future.


[[Your name]] [[Your LinkedIn URL]]


An Informal Approach to a Thank-You Email

title=Great speaking with you! Hi [Interviewer’s Name],

I had a lot of fun learning more about the challenges ahead of the next [the name of the position] with [Company Name] yesterday! I’d be really excited to join your team and help [bring more users/increase revenue/anything else you’d be doing].

I was thinking about what Michael said regarding [a specific issue one of the interviewer’s discussed]. In my last role as [the name of your current/previous position] I found that [a specific solution you used to tackle a similar problem] is by far the most effective strategy. It helped bring an overall increase of X% in [a specific metric in question]. I hope that helps!

Please feel free to contact me if you find you need any more information. I look forward to our call next week. Thanks so much again!

Best wishes,

[Your sign-off]


Detailed thank you note

title=Thank you for meeting with me Hello [[Name]],

Thank you for taking the time to interview me this morning. I enjoyed our conversation about the Marketing Manager position and appreciated learning more about how the role works. The way the marketing and advertising teams work together sounds ideal for reaching goals and optimizing performance.

The Marketing Manager position sounds like a rewarding role, especially given the opportunities for leadership and advancement. I think my master's in marketing from [[University Name]] and more than [[Number]] years of experience leading marketing teams would make me an excellent candidate for this position.

I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you more. Please don't hesitate to contact me to arrange a follow-up interview.

Thank you,

[[Contact Name]]


Formal thank you letter

title=Thank you for the interview Dear [[Name]],

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about the Marketing Manager position this morning. It was inspiring to have such an insightful conversation about marketing metrics, and it was a pleasure to learn more about your insight into the industry.

The details you shared about the position and future goals for the marketing team convinced me that the role would be an ideal match for my qualifications. I believe that my [[Degree Name]] in marketing from [[University Name]] and [[Years count]] of experience as a marketing specialist would allow me to make a valuable contribution to the department.

Thank you,



Thank You Email after a Second Interview

title=Thank you for the opportunity! Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

It was a pleasure to come and chat for the second time, thank you for this opportunity! Now I’m even more certain that I will be able to help deliver great results working as [the name of the position] with [Company Name]. What’s most exciting for me is [a detail you discussed that makes you most eager to join the company].

As regards the project we discussed, I started to think about what is necessary for us to make it successful. Please have a look at the attached presentation where I outlined my preliminary ideas. If you have any questions, please let me know. I’ll be happy to elaborate on the details.

Thank you again for your time. I look forward to hearing from you on [the established date] as discussed.


[Your sign-off]


25 Best Thank You after interview Email Subject Lines You Can Use

Here's a list of 25 popular email subject lines you can use for your [[ BUSINESS IDEA ]]

  • The internship position at [company name] – Thanks for considering me
  • Thanks for the phone interview yesterday
  • Thanks for the second interview!
  • I enjoyed learning more about [Company Name]
  • [Interviewer’s Name], thank you for making it happen!
  • Thank you for an awesome interview
  • Thanks for being a great candidate for [job title]
  • That was a cool meeting on [date]!
  • [Meeting name] – Your participation is much appreciated
  • Thanks for the [idea/opinion] you shared
  • [Name], thanks for that meeting
  • Thank you for the referral
  • The meeting was great
  • (Include your first name and last name): Thanks for the interview – any feedback for me?
  • Thank you for meeting with me
  • Thank you for your interest in (company’s name)
  • I appreciate your guidance
  • Thank you – [job title] consideration
  • Thank you for meeting with me to discuss the [job title] position
  • Thank You—First Name Last Name, Job Title
  • Great meeting you on (Include date of interview), and thanks
  • Thanks for the interview – should I send more details?
  • Thanks for discussing the position with me
  • Thanks for meeting with me. I enjoyed our interview!
  • Thank you for sharing your industry insight with me

Tips For Writing A Successful Email

A well-written email can be a powerful communication tool. If you want to get your point across and have it read, write an email that is clear, concise and compelling.

Here are 6 tips to help you write better emails:

1. Keep it short.

People are busy, and they aren't going to read anything more than a few paragraphs long in their inboxes. If you have something important to say, be concise.

2. Be friendly and personable. The best emails show that their sender cares about the recipient: address them by name, make jokes and be friendly, compliment them on something they've done recently—demonstrate that you know them well enough to give them a personal touch.

3. Use bullet points or numbered lists where appropriate.

If you're making a list of suggestions or talking about multiple things, it's much easier on the reader if you use bullet points or numbers rather than listing every point out separately in paragraphs.

(Obviously this doesn't apply if you're using an email for something else entirely—such as a newsletter or informational message.)

4. Proofread your message carefully before sending it out.

Even though you may think you're a pro at typing emails, there are still some mistakes that you could be making. It's important to avoid these errors so that your message is clear and correct.

If you skimmed over the email, there is a good chance that you missed an error in the very sentence that you just changed.

Pro tip: Read your entire message out loud before hitting send. You are more likely to catch mistakes this way!

5. Be sure to include the recipient's name in the email.

This seems like an obvious tip, but it's easy to forget that we're not sending mass emails to a group of people but individual messages to each person on the list.

Your best bet is to craft your message carefully, and make it personal by using the recipient's name. It shows that you're paying attention and it also makes the email feel more personable.

6. Be clear about what you want

Be specific and don't beat around the bush. Think about what you're asking for clearly before you write anything down.

In the first line of your email, state clearly what you want and how the recipient can help.


Below we detail the most common questions as it relates to Best Thank You after interview for email.

What to say thank you after an interview?

  • Address the email to the person who interviewed you and make sure you spell their name correctly
  • Thank the person for their time and consideration
  • Briefly highlight your draw to the organization
  • Express your continued interest in the job opportunity
  • Offer to answer any questions

How do you show your gratitude after an interview?

  • Send a Thank-You note
  • Remember Names
  • Follow Up
  • Be Gracious
  • Always be willing to interview again

What not to say in a thank you note after an interview?

  • Avoid negativity and improper tone
  • Don't wait too long
  • Don't ask for additional information
  • Don't apologize
  • Avoid sounding desperate
  • Don't forget to proofread


Hopefully, the email templates provided in this article will help you get your desired result.

You can customize these templates according to your need, change the company & receiver's name and send them across to as many prospective clients as you want.

meet the author
Pat Walls