I Leveraged My Popular Food Blog To Launch A 5-Figure Cookie Brand [Update]

Published: June 16th, 2024
Addison LaBonte
Organically Addison
from Dallas, TX, USA
started November 2018
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Hello again! Remind us who you are and what business you started.

When I was 22, I went from playing Division 1 college soccer to not being able to run at all. After I graduated from the University of Maine, I began distance running with the goal of completing a full marathon. But after 3 or 4 miles, my legs would start to go numb. If I kept running, I would lose all feeling in my legs.


A sports doctor diagnosed me with Compartment Syndrome and said I had two choices: stop running or get surgery on both legs. I believed there had to be another solution. I was training with my aunt at the time and she is gluten free. In an effort to feel better, I cut out gluten from my diet.

I stopped eating fast food and began checking every ingredient label. Within 3 days, I was able to run normally again. My legs stopped going numb when I ran, my headaches went away, my mind was clearer, my skin looked better, and I found a new love for healthy foods. I shared my entire journey on my blog and Instagram, Organically Addison.

Eight months after doctors telling me I was too sick to run, I crossed the finish line of my first marathon. I felt every step – trust me!


My story resonated with people and I quickly amassed a large following on Instagram. In December of 2022, I featured a “25 Days of Christmas Cookies” series on my Instagram, posting a different cookie recipe every day.

This series was a huge hit with my audience and I started getting questions about where my cookies were sold. I had a lightbulb moment and spent about 6 months in 2023 creating my first product and getting ready to launch Sweet Addison’s.

In the first 4 months of launching, I have sold over 7000 desserts, with chocolate chip cookies being the most popular. Every product is free from grains, gluten, dairy, refined sugar, soy, corn, artificial flavors, and preservatives. The business just had its first 5 figure month!


Tell us about what you’ve been up to. Has the business been growing?

The business has been booming! Since this is my first product-based business, I have had to learn a lot very quickly. I didn’t know what to expect in terms of sales, and although I’m very hard on myself, I have been pleased with the response. Hearing customer feedback has been BY FAR the best part.

Every single review on the site (aside from one!) is a 5 star review. Since my products are made with clean ingredients, I was expecting a little bit of pushback on the texture or flavor. However, everyone, and I mean everyone, has raved about them.

Selling in a local farmers market has been a game changer for increasing sales. Connecting with customers face to face has been fulfilling and has grown the brand. In addition, releasing new flavors and desserts has moved the needle. I had no idea how many people would become obsessed with the Fudge Brownies!

I’m still a one woman show, which has been equally rewarding and exhausting. I have baked, packaged, labeled, and shipped all 7000+ desserts by myself. I jokingly say that I am both the CEO and the dishwasher – but it’s true. I wear many hats.

Since DTC has been so successful, I haven’t pursued any other marketing channels yet. This is in the pipeline once I streamline manufacturing and hire another baker.

Creating a sense of community has been vital to the success of this business. I enjoy connecting with customers on Instagram via DM. The messages I receive truly make my day. I love hearing how much everyone loves cookies and brownies!

In just 5 short months, Sweet Addison’s has garnered national attention. Pinch me!

Sweet Addison’s was featured in TODAY.com for an article for National Chocolate Chip Day. That was surreal for me and this young brand! Article HERE.


In addition, Sweet Addison’s was featured in OK! Magazine’s “The Morning Honey” segment. Article HERE.


I was so honored to be featured in my hometown newspaper, The York Weekly. Article HERE.


What have been your biggest challenges in the last year?

The biggest challenges have been mental, not physical. In the first few weeks after launching, I dealt with Imposter Syndrome. There were days when I questioned what I was doing with my life while most of my friends were working traditional 9 to 5 jobs, getting married, and having children.

There is no handbook for how to build a business from scratch. Every single day I am forced to learn how to do something I’ve never done before. There are days when I am so far outside my comfort zone that I want to crawl out of my skin.

Four months in, I still have days when I question how I’m spending my time and if this commitment will all be worth it. I’ve chosen this business over birthdays, parties, and milestones for my family and friends. I have worked 16+ hour days and haven’t yet paid myself.

On the days that are tough mentally, I remind myself why I started this business. I started this business to spread joy through dessert. Every time I get a positive review or comment, I take a screenshot on my phone or laptop. I will go back and read those on hard days and it always, always keeps me going.

Become obsessed with your product and business. I don’t believe in work life balance. I LOVE what I do – so why wouldn’t I want to do it all the time? If you find something you are truly passionate about, work harder than anyone you know at it.

What have been your biggest lessons learned in the last year?

My biggest lesson has been to trust my gut instinct and push past fear. I was terrified of starting this business by myself with my own savings. I could have let fear hold me back and never started this business.

I used to think being fearless was the goal; I have realized that being courageous is the goal. If I had no fear at all, I’d be living a very comfortable, unfulfilling life. Instead, I want to feel the fear and do it anyway.

I’ve also learned a LOT of boring things (inventory management, calculating cost of goods, how to source ingredients, etc.). The biggest lessons I’ve learned will be with me the rest of my life, and for that, I am so grateful.


What’s in the plans for the upcoming year, and the next 5 years?

In the next 12 months, I plan to increase sales DTC online and increase brand awareness through influencer marketing and potentially paid marketing.

I always said I’d never go into retail, but I’ve been recently thinking about opening a bakery in Dallas, Texas. That’s for further down the road, but it’s been fun to dream!

In addition, I would love to have my desserts featured in a nationwide hotel and/or airline. It can be so difficult to find gluten free products while traveling, so I want to extend that luxury to as many people as possible.

What’s the best thing you read in the last year?

I loved “Ramping Your Brand” by James F. Richardson. It explains how to build a brand and not just a business. Highly recommend it!

I also enjoy listening to podcasts about entrepreneurship and mindset. A few of my favorites are The Ed Mylett Show, The Skinny Confidential, and The Game w/ Alex Hormozi. More than anything, these podcasts are so relatable and remind me that I’m not weird or different for being so passionate about what I do.


Advice for other entrepreneurs who might be struggling to grow their business?

In terms of mindset, become obsessed with your product and business. I don’t believe in work life balance. I LOVE what I do – so why wouldn’t I want to do it all the time? If you find something you are truly passionate about, work harder than anyone you know at it.

In a more practical sense, my biggest piece of advice is to listen to your customers and know your numbers. If you can create a great product and satisfy your customers’ needs while being profitable, then you should succeed!


Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?

I am not currently hiring but I will be hiring another baker in the near future. The demand has become too much for me to handle and I need help manufacturing.

In the future, I will also hire a sales broker to secure retail accounts.

If you’d like to get in touch about working for me in the future, please email [email protected]!

Where can we go to learn more?

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