How We Grew Our Meme Coins Crypto Business To 120K Users And $10K/Mo [Update]

Published: May 15th, 2024
Artur Makowka
Founder, MintMe
from Belize City, Belize
started May 2020
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Hello again! Remind us who you are and what business you started.

Hello again! I'm Artur Makowka, a former Unix engineer turned entrepreneur. Alongside my wife and a diverse team from around the globe, we've pioneered MintMe—a revolutionary platform at the intersection of cryptocurrency and crowdfunding.

MintMe operates on a freemium business model, where users can create and monetize their own tokens at no initial cost. We generate revenue primarily through small trading fees and a range of premium features designed to enhance user engagement and platform functionality. Currently, our platform earns about $10,000 per month.

For those who missed our journey's beginning, you can delve into our original story here.

MintMe's flagship service is its innovative ecosystem for creating and trading tokens and digital coins, designed for monetizing and crowdfunding projects within and outside the crypto realm. Our customers range from digital creators and artists to enterprises, seeking novel ways to engage with their supporters financially.

Today, MintMe stands as a testament to our belief in the power of blockchain to democratize the digital economy, serving over 120k users worldwide and continuously expanding. Our journey as a startup highlights not just financial success, but a groundbreaking approach to how projects get funded in the digital age.


Tell us about what you’ve been up to. Has the business been growing?

Since our last update, MintMe has experienced significant growth, fueled by the launch of version 2.0—a complete overhaul of our platform enhancing user experience and expanding functionalities. This update has been pivotal, leading to a noticeable uptick in user engagement and the diversity of projects hosted on our platform.

With over 20k monthly active users, the expansion of our user base and the increased activity on MintMe speaks volumes of our forward momentum.

Our approach to scaling has been multi-dimensional, while not losing focus on user satisfaction (some of the main contributors to our growth had been word of mouth from our users and overall quality of service), focusing on targeted marketing, SEO, and partnerships with big exchange platforms such as LBank and BitMart.

These efforts are supported by a robust content strategy and social media engagement, designed to educate and engage our community. Additionally, we’ve introduced many new features, continually refining our platform based on user feedback to keep our community at the core of our development.

Marketing channels have evolved; we’ve ventured into new territories and optimized our strategies based on performance analytics. This dynamic approach has allowed us to remain agile and responsive to the market's needs, ensuring that our message reaches the most receptive audiences.

Customer retention has been paramount. We’ve leveraged direct communication, updates, and personalized support to foster a strong, engaged user community. PR efforts around the launch of version 2.0 have also contributed to our visibility, together with the listing of Coin (MINTME) on LBank and BitMart, opening new avenues for growth and collaboration.

In sum, the journey of MintMe since our last conversation has been marked by strategic expansion, community engagement, and a steadfast commitment to innovation. As we continue to evolve, our focus remains on providing a revolutionary platform for token creation and crowdfunding.

Luck and timing have undeniably played roles in our journey, particularly with the surge in interest in cryptocurrencies and crowdfunding. These trends have propelled the relevance of MintMe's platform, highlighting the foresight in our foundational vision.

What have been your biggest challenges in the last year?

Navigating the past year at MintMe, amidst rapid growth and evolving markets, has presented a suite of challenges that tested our resolve and ingenuity. One of the most persistent challenges has been ensuring our platform not only keeps pace with the technological advancements within the crypto and crowdfunding industries but also remains intuitive and user-friendly for a diverse global audience.

Balancing innovation with accessibility has been a daily endeavor, as we strive to demystify the world of cryptocurrency for our users while providing advanced functionalities for seasoned enthusiasts.

Following the saying, "What worked in the past won’t necessarily work in the future," we've had to rethink and change our plans. The rapid changes in digital marketing landscapes demanded a shift towards more organic growth strategies, like content marketing and community engagement, to sustain and amplify our reach.

Internally, the challenge of scaling our team while maintaining our core values and culture led to hiring key positions that were once the sole responsibility of few, a decision that highlighted the fine line between delegation and relinquishing control. This transition was crucial for MintMe's growth but introduced a period of self-doubt and adjustment within the company.

These challenges, while daunting, have fostered a culture of resilience and continuous learning within MintMe. Embracing change, confronting internal doubts, and the relentless pursuit of improvement have become integral to our journey. Sharing these vulnerabilities is not just about being relatable; it's a testament to the strength and adaptability at the heart of MintMe, as we continue to strive towards our vision amidst the complexities of an ever-changing industry.


What have been your biggest lessons learned in the last year?

This past year at MintMe has been a profound learning experience, underscored by both challenges and triumphs. One significant lesson came from a decision that seemed promising at the outset but taught us the importance of timing and market readiness.

We ventured into integrating new features slightly ahead of their maturity curve, anticipating a shift that didn't materialize as expected. This taught us the valuable lesson of aligning our innovations more closely with market readiness, ensuring our resources are invested in developments that offer immediate value to our users.

Amidst these lessons, a personal milestone has been the evolution of my leadership approach. Learning to delegate more effectively and trust in the capabilities of our team has been both challenging and rewarding. This transition was pivotal, allowing me to focus on strategic growth and innovation, which in turn facilitated better decision-making, particularly in forming partnerships that expanded our presence significantly.

Luck and timing have undeniably played roles in our journey, particularly with the surge in interest in cryptocurrencies and crowdfunding. These trends have propelled the relevance of MintMe's platform, highlighting the foresight in our foundational vision. Applying the lessons learned, we've become more adept at navigating the fluidity of the crypto market, refining our strategies to leverage these external forces effectively.

This year has reinforced the value of resilience, adaptability, and the continuous pursuit of knowledge. These skills have not only been crucial in overcoming obstacles but have also shaped a more strategic and empathetic leadership style. As we move forward, these lessons will remain at the core of MintMe's ethos, guiding our decisions and innovations in the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency and crowdfunding.

One of the most common mistakes I see is a rigid adherence to initial plans without considering the dynamic market and technological advancements. Being open to pivoting your approach or even your entire business model based on feedback and market trends can be the difference between stagnation and growth.

What’s in the plans for the upcoming year, and the next 5 years?

In the coming year, MintMe is on a trajectory of significant expansion, with plans to integrate current trends and user interests into our platform, notably through the inclusion of meme tokens. These tokens, inspired by popular culture and internet phenomena, represent a growing interest in combining the lighthearted appeal of memes with the financial and creative potential of cryptocurrencies.

We're committed to enhancing our platform's functionality and accessibility, not just by supporting a broader range of cryptocurrencies but also by embracing these emerging trends that resonate with the global digital community. This strategy includes developing resources to simplify the crypto space for newcomers and expanding our presence in emerging markets, where we see a unique opportunity for growth in decentralized finance.

Over the next five years, our vision for MintMe is to become an integral part of the digital economy, transforming into a comprehensive ecosystem where innovators, from creators to philanthropists, can leverage blockchain technology to secure funding without the limitations of traditional finance.

Our ambition is to cultivate a global community that values direct, meaningful exchanges between creators and supporters, ensuring transparency and trust through blockchain.

The excitement for the future is fueled by the potential of blockchain technology not just to alter the landscape of financial support and investment but to do so in a way that embraces the vibrancy and dynamism of internet culture, including meme tokens.

By staying responsive to the latest digital trends, MintMe aims to lead in creating a more inclusive, creative, and equitable digital economy, demonstrating our commitment to innovation, and community, breaking down traditional barriers to finance and creative expression.

What’s the best thing you read in the last year?

In the last year, one of the most impactful reads for me has been "Blockchain Revolution" by Don and Alex Tapscott. This book delves into how blockchain technology is transforming the way we conduct business, manage assets, and even how we govern society.

Its comprehensive analysis of the potential of blockchain beyond just cryptocurrencies—into areas like supply chain management, intellectual property rights, and secure transactions—has been incredibly inspiring. It reinforced my belief in MintMe's mission and the transformative potential of blockchain technology to create a more transparent, equitable, and efficient world.

The book's insights into how blockchain can democratize access to the economy, reduce fraud, and empower individuals resonated deeply with the vision I hold for MintMe. It highlighted the importance of staying at the forefront of blockchain innovation and thinking critically about how these technologies can be leveraged to solve real-world problems.

"Blockchain Revolution" has not only inspired me personally but has also influenced how we at MintMe approach our platform's development, emphasizing the importance of creating accessible, user-friendly blockchain solutions that can have a profound impact on global economic systems.

Advice for other entrepreneurs who might be struggling to grow their business?

To fellow entrepreneurs navigating the challenging waters of business growth, my first piece of advice is to embrace adaptability and continuous learning as core principles. The landscape of business is ever-changing, and what worked yesterday may not work tomorrow.

One of the most common mistakes I see is a rigid adherence to initial plans without considering the dynamic market and technological advancements. Being open to pivoting your approach or even your entire business model based on feedback and market trends can be the difference between stagnation and growth.

Another critical area often overlooked is the power of community and network. Engage with your users, listen to their stories, and make them feel part of your journey. This approach not only enhances product development but also builds loyalty and trust, which are priceless in today’s competitive landscape.

Lastly, don't underestimate the importance of self-care and team well-being. Burnout and team fatigue are real challenges that can derail even the most promising ventures. Encouraging a culture where rest and mental health are prioritized contributes to a more creative, motivated, and productive team.

Remember, the marathon of entrepreneurship is not sprinted alone or without pause; it's a team effort that requires stamina, resilience, and regular intervals of rest and reflection.

Let this be your inspiration: the path of entrepreneurship is full of challenges, but each obstacle is an opportunity to learn, grow, and innovate. The journey of MintMe has taught me that with adaptability, community engagement, and a mindful approach to team well-being, even the loftiest visions can be realized.

Keep pushing forward, stay open to change, and let your passion fuel your perseverance. Your vision is valuable, and your contribution to the world is needed.

Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?

At the moment, MintMe is not actively seeking to fill any positions. Our team is currently fully staffed, and we are focusing on harnessing our collective strengths to further develop and expand our platform. However, the nature of the tech and blockchain industries is such that new opportunities can emerge as we continue to grow and evolve.

We are always interested in connecting with passionate individuals who share our vision for a decentralized, accessible digital economy. If you believe that your skills and passion align with MintMe's mission, we encourage you to send your CV to [email protected].

While we may not have immediate openings, we're keen on building relationships with potential future team members who are enthusiastic about making a difference in the blockchain space.

Where can we go to learn more?