How I Built A Profitable PR And Event Production Company [Los Angeles]

Published: August 2nd, 2022
Tyra Nicole
Founder, LeNoir Agency
LeNoir Agency
from Los Angeles, CA, USA
started September 2017
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Hey Hey! My name is Tyra Nicole. I am the founder and CEO of LeNoir Agency. We are based out of Los Angeles, CA specializing in public relations, event production, & experiential marketing.

LeNoir Agency has experience working with various brands and influencers creating an experience (I call every event we do an experience because that’s exactly what we create) that is not only beautiful but also memorable, and in some cases profitable.

Some of the various brands and influencers that we have worked with over the years include: The American Heart Association, The Century City Chamber of Commerce, Hulu Has Live Sports, The Pan African Film Festival, Black Love, Kendrick Lamar, Tabitha Brown, KevOnStage Studios, April Q. Russell, PonchoTheArtist & more.

We are currently working on all of Black Love’s events for the year 2022, one-off events, revamping the LeNoir Agency brand, and expanding the team and reach of our audience/clientele.


What's your backstory and how did you get into entrepreneurship?

I grew up on the “best coast” in the bustling city of Los Angeles, CA. In a family-owned multi-unit building with my immediate and extended family. From the mindset that was provided to me as a child, I knew I wanted to own my own business.

I started out as a baker forming a company called “Cupcakes Galore”. I started right at home selling to the very people who were closest to me. Their purchases turned into referrals which brought me more business. I then ventured out using my other crafts designing centerpieces & other home decor items. This venture started the same, family first and then mild growth thereafter.


While baking & selling my centerpieces & home decor as a side hustle. I began to work at the Los Angeles Country Club (my first 9-5) obtaining some financial stability to help me support the dream I was living out.

While at the country club I continued to expound on my baking skills and falling in love with event production while working closely with an organization called “Art is My Drug” I was producing and facilitating all of their special events.

Save money, do research & understand that you do not have to immediately leave your 9-5. That is a misconception, you can still work a 9-5 & also pursue your dreams.

I could truly see event planning and marketing coming together as one vision for me. After 4 years at the country club, getting random gems and motivation from some of the members I was close with, I decided it was time to level up and get out of there.

I then managed two chiropractic offices in Santa Monica & Century City. With my event production skills, I started to build with these new companies and flourished in marketing. While managing the chiropractor's offices, I put my thoughts into action and took the true leap of faith on the road to entrepreneurship.

In 2017, I left managing the two offices and started “Tyra Nicole Productions” full-time. I left with my plethora of knowledge, my drive to learn more and succeed and three months' worth of bills to hold me over for a turnaround of revenue. I sat down, running full speed ahead, using every resource I had and their resources to grow this business. Before even exploring social media for advertisement, I went door to door giving each person “the personal touch” advertisement.

Three months were almost up and business started slow (I clearly did not save enough money). Once those three months passed, I had no money, literally -$800 in my bank account, a letter from the car financer saying If I did not make a payment soon my car would be repossessed (I couldn’t let that happen) so I struck into action even harder than before & with the help of my family & THE GRACE OF GOD I was able to get out of that hole and back on my feet.

I kept the drive going, always seeing the bigger picture. I began a part-time job working with a nail salon, I handled all things operational from the front desk to marketing & events. From the business with the salon, I got other referrals for Tyra Nicole Productions and was able to go back full-time on my own.

Business was booming. I’m grateful to the owner, who is now like a sister. Over time marketing transitioned to public relations. In 2018 I rebranded Tyra Nicole Productions to LeNoir Agency offering public relations & event production.

In early 2019 an opportunity came about to assist with The Pan African Film Festival (PAFF). I started off just assisting & helping where need be. I am now the Director of Compliance and on the Special Events team for them (we just celebrated 30 amazing years!!).

When Covid hit the U.S. in March of 2020, all business came to a screeching halt. LeNoir Agency was at a standstill for two years. Business had stopped, but my life was still growing as I was pregnant with my first son. As time progressed things started to pick back up.

I was thrilled to have the first production post covid be an event for none other than Tabitha Brown. Her husband was retiring and I was gratefully ready to make this an event to remember. At the time I really lowballed myself when it came to pricing (a common mistake as an entrepreneur) and Tab gave me some sound and kind words of advice…..”charge more, you are worth it, your work is phenomenal''. From that point on, the prices went up and we haven’t looked back! From that event, I met Melissa & Kevin Fredericks (KevOnStage Studios).

The referral led to another opportunity to work with Codie Elaine Oliver with “Black Love'' streaming on OWN Network. We produced their 4th Annual Black Love Summit in Los Angeles in 2021, but as of 2022, we will be producing all events for Black Love, nationwide.



Take us through your entrepreneurial journey. How did you go from day 1 to today?

Day 1 I leaped out on faith and just trusted God to direct & lead me, I stayed persistent & didn’t let roadblocks stop me. I had to learn quickly that it is all about the journey & if I gave up early I would never see my true potential and that was so true! Never did I think I would be where I am today making almost triple what I did at a 9-5 on a good month.

Starting as an Entrepreneur, it is important that your mindset does not stay the same, and that you have full belief in yourself & what you provide. Know you can accomplish anything you set your mind to as long as you do the work.

My company had many phases as you read. I went from marketing & event production to public relations & event production (one thing that stayed consistent was event production), changed the name, & we are ultimately landing at LeNoir Agency, a public relations & event production agency.

One lesson I learned in my career is to value relationships with not only your clients but also your vendors and colleagues. This industry can be cut throat, it is much easier to build relationships and help each other out than doing it alone.

I had to learn to shift with the different phases the company had, I am still shifting now in a phase of expanding the company and the team. With that comes a lot of trial & error, a lot of learning different work styles, etc. I learned so much in year 5 that I had no clue about on day 1.



How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

Today we have grown exponentially, God has truly blessed LeNoir Agency with retainer clients, amazing relationships, and the ability to constantly learn & grow. We are in the process of growing the company by building a larger team & expanding our reach across the U.S.

Short term goals are to finish the year off strong, hitting our financial goals, and build the team strong with a solid foundation. I want us to gain more production clients on retainer, and to be booked out months in advance.

Long term goals, I want the company to have doubled if not tripled what we are doing today. We will expand our services to be able to offer even more, and expand the team across the country.

Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?

I am always learning, I always keep an open mindset, and know that there is more out there. I try to constantly sharpen my skills, and figure out easier, more effective ways to do things. My goal is to always work smarter, not harder.

One lesson I learned in my career is to value your relationships with not only your clients but also your vendors and colleagues. This industry can be cut throat, it is much easier to build relationships and help each other out than doing it alone. A quote I love: “If you want to go somewhere fast go alone, If you want to go far, go together”.

Another lesson learned was not knowing my worth. I spoke about this earlier, I feel like this is a universal problem for most entrepreneurs figuring out pricing, and pricing what you are worth based on skill set & experience. I did a lot of research around going rates in my area, did some calculations and I am finally in a place (5 years in) where I am absolutely happy with what my prices are and how my profit margins look.

Lastly, I would tell anyone who is interested in the entrepreneur's life to always do research, always study and continue to learn. Stay persistent and never give up on your dream especially if you are passionate about it. Your passion will outweigh any doubt. Stay rooted in your faith and know that your steps are already guided; you just have to walk.

What platform/tools do you use for your business?

I use Canva for graphics such as announcements, small invites, and quick things I need. Invoice Simple for sending & processing invoices. Google Suite to organize internal documents.

Quickbooks to stay on top of all profits & losses. I also have all of the apps for the programs on my phone so I can work even when I am not near the office or my laptop.

What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?

“The 10x Rule” by Grant Cardone is a real light under your butt if you aren't pushing as hard as you should be, it gives you that push and motivation to get where you want to be.

Earn Your Leisure Podcast is great! I’ve learned so much about different things I was not privy to such as different real estate programs, business credit, and how to really gain generational wealth. The hosts are black men & make all topics relatable and fun.

I listen to One Church LA & Transformation Church, I am a christian so being able to go back to different sermons and hear God’s word is huge for me. This is where I get my foundation & how I try to start my days. — Then I blast Dreams & Nightmares by Meek Mill to the office because you have to have balance!

Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?

START! so many of us think that we have so much time to start building on our dreams when that is unfortunately not the case. Life is too short to stall & not put your gifts to work!

Save money, do research & understand that you do not have to immediately leave your 9-5. That is a misconception, you can still work a 9-5 & also pursue your dreams. Your 9-5 in some cases will fund your dreams, you just have to figure out what route is best for you. Everyone’s journey is different but you have to take that initial step & just start. If you never jump you will never realize how far you can actually fly!

Network, connect with other like-minded individuals, with potential future customers & nurture those relationships. Who you know will always take you further than what you know. Get rid of naysayers & people who do not support you, everyone can’t go with you to the next level.

Don’t give up! beat the odds & just keep the mentality of “but what if I keep going” don’t let the negativity stop you from reaching your full potential, all it takes is one client/project to accelerate your business.

Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?

I am not currently hiring long-term (I am always looking for additional event day staff), I just onboarded a couple of people so as of right now I don’t have any openings but I do accept interns if you are looking to gain experience.

Event Day Staff: (paid) you would assist with the full setup, during the event, & breakdown.

If you are interested in event day staff or an intern position you can email us at [email protected].

Where can we go to learn more?