I make £1,500 a month hugging strangers in my bed

Updated: November 19th, 2023

At Starter Story, we find and catalogue business case studies from all over the internet, for you! This case study was not conducted by Starter Story, but it has been verified by our team. You can check out the full story here.

Kristiina Link, 30, from East London, is a certified ‘cuddle therapist,’ offering hugs to those feeling lonely and isolated, with her sessions lasting up to three hours at a time.

  • In 2019, after her breakup, Kristiina started missing cuddling and realized how it can work as a therapy and help someone calm down and relax.
  • She took a professional course in cuddling and started her career as a cuddling therapist.
  • She is qualified in healing therapy, life coaching, hypnotherapy, mindfulness, carer, and more.
  • Today, Kristiina earns up to £170 per cuddling session and has managed to build a good client base.


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