Email Signature Rescue
Email Signature Rescue is a create your own HTML email signatures online without having to code.
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Email Signature Rescue Product Features
Create your own HTML email signatures online without having to code.
Email Signature Rescue Pricing
How does Email Signature Rescue pricing work?
Email Signature Rescue is a freemium product.
Learn more about Email Signature Rescue pricing ➜
Email Signature Rescue Alternatives
Looking for an alternative to Email Signature Rescue? We've put together a list of all Email Signature Rescue competitors and alternatives.
List of best alternatives to Email Signature Rescue:
# | Tool | Description | Pricing | Using | |
1 | Opensense | Opensense delivers beautiful email signatures, on every device--including mobile & all platforms; it works with Office365 and G-Suite and with marketing automation and sales platforms such as Adobe Marketo, Pardot, Eloqua, Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce, and HubSpot as well as corporate email to automatically add consistent, branded signatures along with marketing banners to every email to promote content, messaging, sales, promotions, events, and power targeted ABM campaigns | **** | see all businesses using ➜ | |
2 | Exclaimer Cloud | Exclaimer is the premier email signature management provider for Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365), Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), and Microsoft Exchange | **** | see all businesses using ➜ | |
3 | BrandMail | BrandMail, developed by BrandQuantum, is a software solution that seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Outlook to empower every employee in the organisation to automatically create consistently branded emails via a single toolbar that provides access to brand standards and the latest pre-approved content | **** | see all businesses using ➜ | |
4 | Sigstr | The average person spends about 6 | **** | see all businesses using ➜ | |
5 | CloudM Manage | CloudM's email signature management tools help maintain brand consistency across your entire organisation, and offers IT teams the opportunity to increase security and automate email signatures throughout your organisations user lifecycle | **** | see all businesses using ➜ | |
6 | Bybrand | Bybrand is a secure email signature manager made for IT Managers and Marketing Professionals | **** | see all businesses using ➜ | |
7 | Brand My Email | Home of the famous eLetterhead, the full-size custom Outlook email signature | **** | see all businesses using ➜ | |
8 | Email Signatures for Office 365 | With CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365, your company gains central control over Office 365 email signatures and disclaimers | **** | see all businesses using ➜ |
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