Update: How I Have Grown My Blog To 3.1M+ Clicks [10x Growth] In The Last 12 Months
This is a follow up story for Bloggers Ideas. If you're interested in reading how they got started, published over 3 years ago, check it out here.
Hello again! Remind us who you are and what business you started.
My name is Jitendra Vaswani, I’m an affiliate marketer and I’ve been in the business for more than 9 years. I’m a digital nomad, I love this laptop lifestyle because I prefer freedom over money. My life goal is to have that freedom, travel the world, visit all those beautiful places, and ultimately just be happy. And I think what’s important on this journey is to be kind to others.
In 2012, I took a leap of faith and made the jump into an SEO job - despite my family wanting me to follow more traditional programming paths. Although it came with a tiny salary ($100/mo), I was determined that this was the industry for me.
After two and half years of working hard in both startup companies & on personal projects, such as BloggersIdeas.com; that determination paid off! It's been quite the journey since then-& what started off as just an inkling has taken me further than ever before.
Many prosperous businesspeople got their first start by working for someone else. It's okay to take it gradually at first.
Currently, I making 6 figures in profits with this blog.
Tell us about what you’ve been up to. Has the business been growing?
Throughout the past few months, I have been working hard to establish Digiexe.com, a digital marketing business I founded. Because many companies are moving their operations online as a result of the epidemic, I want to convert this into a money-making juggernaut. Bloggers and search engine optimization specialists have never been in a better position to cash in.
Here is my last 3 months' blog traffic distribution:
Here is last 1 year's traffic distribution from the Google search console with countries:
Ahrefs Domain Authority:
Languages on my blog:
My blog is multilingual and traffic is growing internationally in these geographies: UK, US, EU, India, SG, MY, TH, ID, AU, NZ, SE, RU & Ukraine.
My blog is a top-notch blog in the affiliate industry receiving 2.5 M+ traffic every year and it is well respected in the SEO space because of its high authority and 100% organic traffic.
My Mindvalley affiliate stats for last month can be viewed here.
Udacity, Datacamp, and other program stats for last month can be viewed here.
CXL.com Affiliate Stats can be viewed here.
Kicksta's top affiliate can be viewed here.
Here is my feedback from one of the top LMS in the world: Teachable top 10 affiliates proof.
Here is one of my Impact.com account earning proofs.
What have been your biggest challenges in the last year?
The most difficult thing for me was to ensure that the workplace was transparent and that I took as much responsibility as possible.
Transparency in the workplace may make employees feel more connected while also encouraging innovation and accountability. Transparency via open and constant communication helps your team members to feel respected, which is essential for overall job happiness and productivity.
This can also give your team members more confidence in providing ideas and solutions to the workplace, which will benefit everyone involved.
If you want to be a competent manager, you must be willing to learn new things regularly. While you may be in a higher position than the team members you supervise as a manager, you should have an open mind about what your colleagues can teach you regularly.
Aside from learning from your colleagues, you should also keep up with current trends and advancements and engage in your own continuing professional growth.
SMART objectives help teams comprehend and achieve new goals. Clear expectations and detail make these goals simpler to achieve. SMART objectives match these criteria:
- Specific: Set team member expectations, metrics, and deadlines.
- Use measurable goals. This sets expectations rapidly.
- Achievable: Establishing realistic goals lets you assess your team's performance.
- Relevant: Performance evaluation is a measurement, but your team's goals should still benefit the organization. Keep your aim aligned with corporate and employee tasks.
- Time-based: Time your goals. This limits expectations so your SMART objective may properly evaluate efforts.
What have been your biggest lessons learned in the last year?
Focus on one blog and scale it to the next level. I turned my blog into a media house and we are doing tons of PR marketing for my clients. I am doing SEO for many of my clients through my agency Digiexe.
Everyone seems to think that SEO is simple and you can quickly climb the search engine rankings with a little 'black hat' or spamming. However, I like to call this "the short-term strategy".
The key to real success in SEO lies in developing a long-term plan instead. It takes patience and determination; two things that often get overlooked when we're hungry for quick wins! After all, how many of us have seen people give up on their dreams after investing just 2 years? If you want sustainable results from your efforts - don't fall into the trap of seeking shortcuts.
Also, in 2020 my team got bigger but I didn’t have any SOPs, that was my biggest mistake as a leader. I was away in Thailand, as I said, and I was super anxious about the transparency of processes in my team back home: who was doing the work, who was not, who was doing a good job, and who was dragging the team down.
So I and my business partners decided to create SOPs for everyone so the guys can follow the structure and implement it in all my niche websites. And it made a difference, for sure. It made me more focused. In any case, 2020 changed our business completely and we’re looking at 10x revenue growth since the beginning of the pandemic.
What’s in the plans for the upcoming year, and the next 5 years?
AI is taking over in 2023 and many things gonna change in SEO. Creating content is now easy but Google will rank those websites higher in SERP based on good quality content.
Along with that, voice search has become increasingly popular in recent years as consumers explore methods to save time and effort. Therefore, marketers are increasingly turning to voice assistants powered by artificial intelligence to collect data more quickly and accurately.
Websites need to be optimized for voice search so that they rank highly in response to queries made through services like Google Home or Amazon Alexa, as this is quickly becoming a popular method of conducting online research.
When it comes to voice searches, how can you improve your site's performance?
1: Make Use of Long-Tail Keywords
Using long-tail keywords is a great strategy to make your site compatible with voice search. Long-tail keywords are phrases that are both lengthier and more particular than those often used in voice searches.
If you want to find the top coffee shops in New York City, rather than just coffee, you may use that phrase as your keyword.
- Tailor your site's content for regional queries
Your website can also be optimized for voice search by being optimized for local search. Add your location (city, state, or country) to your keywords and titles. Put "coffee shop New York City" in the headline and across the site if you run a coffee shop in the Big Apple.
- Use Natural Language
To improve your site's performance in voice searches, you should write in an approachable, conversational tone. This implies expressing yourself in words that a normal person would use to communicate with another. Instead of searching for "coffee shops," you may instead ask, "Where can I locate a nice coffee shop near me?"
Optimization for voice search is just one way that AI is contributing to the content production revolution brought about by speech generators. Natural language processing (NLP) technology is leveraged by these technologies to automatically generate high-quality material that is relevant to the consumer.
So overall I plan to scale my blog BloggersIdeas.com close to 7 a figure yearly profit. and I did receive a 7 figure offer from an investor who wants to buy my blog.
What’s the best thing you read in the last year?
I do listen to Jordan Peterson Podcast, Joe Rogan, and Patrick Bet David. These 3 podcasts are gamechanger for me.
Indeed, my outlook has greatly broadened since then. Quite a few months ago, I first watched Dr. Peterson's video in which he emphasized the value of being honest. As someone who suffers from moderate social anxiety, I've always been reluctant to express my genuine thoughts and sentiments out of fear of offending or alienating others.
I'm not referring to intentionally hurtful language, but rather to express how I truly feel. Every day that I put in some practice, I noticeably improve. Even though I know it will take months, I am winning this war.
The time you spend listening to podcasts is time well spent. You can educate yourself in fields as diverse as advertising, history, property investment, the arts, economics, and even style.
They provide a great way to meet like-minded people and learn more about a specific topic. Podcasts are also widely available, with content covering virtually any interest. As a result of podcasts, education has never been more accessible.
I read ** Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki** to learn how to better manage my finances and understand the difference between liabilities and assets.
Then, I found Experts Secrets by Russel Brunson – it quickly became one of my favorite books for learning about marketing online using expertise as a tool!
Dale Carnegie's: How To Win Friends And Influence People helped me gain clarity around human relationships - plus The Quick And Easy Way To Effective Speaking taught me vital communication skills that have been essential in advancing both my personal life and business endeavors.
Together these reads provided invaluable knowledge which enabled me to embrace growth mindset thinking- something incredibly important to making progress from day to day!
Advice for other entrepreneurs who might be struggling to grow their businesses?
As an entrepreneur myself for 10 years, I understand the highs and lows of starting a business. It is no small undertaking - launching something new carries potential rewards as well as risks.
Investing time, money, and resources mean taking on substantial financial risk to potentially reap returns; however many entrepreneurs find that their businesses fail within several years due to lack of funding or poor decision-making amongst other factors such as economic crises and low demand for products/services offered by start-ups.
First, you should begin.
A successful business owner takes risks. Being an entrepreneur and striking out on one's own can be a terrifying prospect, but it need not be. Many prosperous businesspeople got their first start by working for someone else. It's okay to take it gradually at first. Stop procrastinating and get going.
Don't be proud; instead, constantly seek to improve and grow
When you're just getting started, it's easy to act as if you already know everything there is to know about your field. It's not hard to put on an air of self-assurance and an air of being a capable business owner.
On the other hand, certainty is something you need when it comes to information. Successful businesspeople have insatiable curiosities and never stop questioning and expanding their knowledge.
Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?
Currently, I am hiring a full-time remote SEO specialist for my affiliate websites.
SEO Specialist Requirements (Salary $2.5k per month) (Exp 4yrs+)
- Experience with developing and implementing search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns for at least two to three years.
- Awareness of how search engines work and how they rank results
- knowledge of SEO software like Google Analytics, Ahrefs & SEMrush
- Experience with data mining and keyword research techniques
- Competent in conducting market research and benchmarking against competitors (email, phone, etc.)
- at ease performing daily data analysis at a high volume
- The ability to use WordPress or another content management system
- Knowledge of and practice in other areas of marketing, such as audience development and advertising, is highly desirable.
Email resume: [email protected]
Where can we go to learn more?
BloggersIdeas aims to help digital entrepreneurs start an online business. Here, you’ll learn how a small blog turn into money making machine & how you can earn 10k+ per month from affiliate marketing.
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