99 Million-Dollar Problems [Report]

Updated: January 31st, 2025

How many problems do you experience in a day?

Think about it.

Cartons not opening correctly, receiving calls from unknown numbers, or… your precious plants dying.

Tiny, everyday annoyances that are actually a huge pain in the ass.

Did you know? The average person gets frustrated four times a day.

That's 1,460 times per year - or 87,600 in a lifetime!

But here’s the thing:

99% of people will see these frustrations as they are: problems - frustrating, annoying, and inconvenient.

1% will see these frustrations differently: they’ll see them as opportunities.

Now, let me ask you this:

When a problem comes up in your day -- what do you do?

Do you become curious and ask yourself more questions, like:

  • “Do others experience this, too?”
  • “Is anybody making money solving this problem?”
  • “And… could this problem be solved in a better way?”
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