1,000+ Trendy Restaurant Instagram Name Ideas [2024]
Like other social platforms, Instagram now plays a pivotal role in business strategy and growth.
Did you know that 71% of US businesses use Instagram and the platform helps 80% of Instagram users decide to buy a product or service?
Finding a good Instagram handle and account name for your restaurant is a critical step in establishing your brand and growing your audience.
Because your Instagram name defines how your customers will discover and search for you, so it’s important you choose a unique Instagram page name that you'll stick with forever.
In this article, we provide you with:
- 1,000+ trendy restaurant instagram name ideas [2024]
- Free Instagram name availability check (+ Twitter, Tik-Tok, Youtube, Website & Pinterest Name Availability Check)
- Step-by-step guide on how to choose a cool Instagram name
Here's a list of creative restaurant Instagram names you can choose from:
Restaurant Instant Instagram Availability Checker
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Instagram Username Generator
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Our free tool allows you to get username inspiration + check availability for your username.
Restaurant Instagram Username Ideas:
Catchy restaurant Instagram usernames
- The Brunch (@thebrunch)
- Homely Café (@homelycaf)
- The Eat Spot (@theeatspot)
- The Hash House (@thehashhouse)
- The Pit Spot (@thepitspot)
- The Snack Bar (@thesnackbar)
- The Pub (@thepub)
- The Deli (@thedeli)
- The British Tea House (@thebritishteahouse)
- The Beerhouse (@thebeerhouse)
- Cocktail (@cocktail)
- The Tied House (@thetiedhouse)
- Brasserie (@brasserie)
- Café Spot (@cafspot)
- The Outlet Hub (@theoutlethub)
- The Former (@theformer)
- The Juke (@thejuke)
- Entertainment Spot (@entertainmentspot)
- The Food Resort (@thefoodresort)
- The Pub Hub (@thepubhub)
- Sustainable (@sustainable)
- The Minor (@theminor)
- Eatable (@eatable)
- The Long Dinner (@thelongdinner)
- The Star Hub (@thestarhub)
- The Deli Food (@thedelifood)
- Flourish (@flourish)
- Egg and Bowl (@eggandbowl)
- The Rice Bowl (@thericebowl)
- The Dune (@thedune)
- Casual Restaurant (@casualrestaurant)
- The Shabby Space (@theshabbyspace)
- The Incorporative (@theincorporative)
- The Natural Resort (@thenaturalresort)
- Eatery Spot (@eateryspot)
- The Coffee Spot (@thecoffeespot)
- The Ample Service (@theampleservice)
- Busy Dine (@busydine)
- The Tasty Spot (@thetastyspot)
- Fancy Co (@fancyco)
- The Meals (@themeals)
- The Dawn (@thedawn)
- The Fresh Feed (@thefreshfeed)
- Typical Dine In (@typicaldinein)
- Toned (@toned)
- The Classical Bar (@theclassicalbar)
- Discriminated (@discriminated)
- The Bistro (@thebistro)
- The Wise Men (@thewisemen)
- The Raw Eatery (@theraweatery)
- Spice Market (@spicemarket)
- Local Food Spot (@localfoodspot)
- The Differentials (@thedifferentials)
- Starry Night Eatery (@starrynighteatery)
- More Food (@morefood)
- Spice Drama (@spicedrama)
- The Freshly Baked (@thefreshlybaked)
- Noshery (@noshery)
- Steakhouse (@steakhouse)
- The Gateway (@thegateway)
- Outlet (@outlet)
- Confetti (@confetti)
- My Night Spot (@mynightspot)
- Boozer (@boozer)
- Counter (@counter)
- Daily Food Club (@dailyfoodclub)
- Pastry Pub (@pastrypub)
- Bruncheonette (@bruncheonette)
- Food Fusion (@foodfusion)
- Dig In (@digin)
- Food Outlet (@foodoutlet)
- Display (@display)
- The Mess Hall (@themesshall)
- Refectory (@refectory)
- Eat O’café (@eatocaf)
- The Spiritual (@thespiritual)
- The Injudicious Eatery (@theinjudiciouseatery)
- Upscale Bar (@upscalebar)
- Hotel Pro (@hotelpro)
- CasualDiner (@casualdiner)
- Dining Collective (@diningcollective)
- Much Foodstuffs Collective (@muchfoodstuffscollective)
- The Grand (@thegrand)
- Little (@little)
- The Discerning (@thediscerning)
- Buffet Car Place (@buffetcarplace)
- Empty Restaurant Trading Co (@emptyrestauranttradingco)
- The Sweet Meal (@thesweetmeal)
- Buffet Car Trading Co (@buffetcartradingco)
- TypicalDiner (@typicaldiner)
- Nutrient Group (@nutrientgroup)
- The Wonderful (@thewonderful)
- Floor Cuisine Collective (@floorcuisinecollective)
- Revolving Remainder (@revolvingremainder)
- Hotel Co (@hotelco)
- Dining Co (@diningco)
- The Free (@thefree)
- Survivor Diner (@survivordiner)
- The Undigested (@theundigested)
- ShabbyDiner (@shabbydiner)
- Raw Foodstuff Place (@rawfoodstuffplace)
- The Small (@thesmall)
- Petit Deli (@petitdeli)
- Grocery Spot (@groceryspot)
- Best Grocery Pro (@bestgrocerypro)
- Lonely (@lonely)
- Foodstuff Place (@foodstuffplace)
- The Frozen (@thefrozen)
- Coffeehouse Spot (@coffeehousespot)
- Nylon Restaurant (@nylonrestaurant)
Cool restaurant Instagram usernames
- VietnameseRestaurant (@vietnameserestaurant)
- Biter Diner (@biterdiner)
- OnlyDiner (@onlydiner)
- UpscaleRestaurant (@upscalerestaurant)
- Posh Store Place (@poshstoreplace)
- Headstrong Restaurant (@headstrongrestaurant)
- The Petit Eatery (@thepetiteatery)
- The Green (@thegreen)
- The Fancy (@thefancy)
- Favorite Fresh (@favoritefresh)
- Fast (@fast)
- Favourite Nutrition (@favouritenutrition)
- Run Rehabilitation (@runrehabilitation)
- Pure Groceries Trading Co (@puregroceriestradingco)
- The Natural (@thenatural)
- The More (@themore)
- CrowdedDiner (@crowdeddiner)
- Buffet Car Trading Co (@buffetcartradingco)
- The Pure Nutrient (@thepurenutrient)
- Meals Co (@mealsco)
- Nylon Restaurant (@nylonrestaurant)
- Upscale Pub (@upscalepub)
- Sufficient Grocery Trading Co (@sufficientgrocerytradingco)
- Better Foodstuff (@betterfoodstuff)
- TrendyRestaurant (@trendyrestaurant)
- Eatery Co (@eateryco)
- Exclusive Diner (@exclusivediner)
- Mere Bar Place (@merebarplace)
- Raw Foodstuff Place (@rawfoodstuffplace)
- Wiser Diner (@wiserdiner)
- ClassRestaurant (@classrestaurant)
- Average Buffet Car Pro (@averagebuffetcarpro)
- Hotel Pro (@hotelpro)
- NaturalFood (@naturalfood)
- The Star (@thestar)
- Romantic Restoring (@romanticrestoring)
- The Hour Deli (@thehourdeli)
- FellowDiner (@fellowdiner)
- Restaurant Spot (@restaurantspot)
- Kosher Foodstuffs Group (@kosherfoodstuffsgroup)
- The Elegant (@theelegant)
- Biker Diner (@bikerdiner)
- Downtown Bistro Pro (@downtownbistropro)
- Petit (@petit)
- Run Restored (@runrestored)
- Plain (@plain)
- LocalDiner (@localdiner)
- Romantic Restauration (@romanticrestauration)
- The Italian (@theitalian)
- Kosher (@kosher)
- Dingy (@dingy)
- Nearest Coffeehouse Place (@nearestcoffeehouseplace)
- CheapFood (@cheapfood)
- DiscriminatingDiner (@discriminatingdiner)
- The Undigested Nutrition (@theundigestednutrition)
- RomanticRestaurant (@romanticrestaurant)
- Discriminating Restaurant Pro (@discriminatingrestaurantpro)
- The Favourite (@thefavourite)
- Favourite Forage (@favouriteforage)
- Classic Deli Group (@classicdeligroup)
- Night Deli Collective (@nightdelicollective)
- Cuisine Place (@cuisineplace)
- Much Meat (@muchmeat)
- WholesomeFood (@wholesomefood)
- Bad Foodstuff Group (@badfoodstuffgroup)
- Star (@star)
- Frozen Fed (@frozenfed)
- The Fast (@thefast)
- Foodstuffs Trading Co (@foodstuffstradingco)
- The Authentic (@theauthentic)
- Good (@good)
- The Liquid (@theliquid)
- The Poor (@thepoor)
- Meals Group (@mealsgroup)
- Owned Deli (@owneddeli)
- OldDiner (@olddiner)
- FancyRestaurant (@fancyrestaurant)
- Popular (@popular)
- CasualDiner (@casualdiner)
- Enough Nutrient Collective (@enoughnutrientcollective)
- Class Bar Spot (@classbarspot)
- The Lonely (@thelonely)
- Nice Deli (@nicedeli)
- Deli Co (@delico)
- The Inexpensive (@theinexpensive)
- Better on Restaurant (@betteronrestaurant)
- Buffet Car Group (@buffetcargroup)
- Downtown (@downtown)
- Bistro Pro (@bistropro)
- Natural (@natural)
- Downtown Dining Car (@downtowndiningcar)
- Fresh Groceries Pro (@freshgroceriespro)
- PopularRestaurant (@popularrestaurant)
- Busy Eating Place (@busyeatingplace)
- Cafe Spot (@cafespot)
- Vegetarian Eating House Place (@vegetarianeatinghouseplace)
- The Decent Nutrition (@thedecentnutrition)
- Come on Restaurant (@comeonrestaurant)
- The Lone (@thelone)
- Greek Deli Collective (@greekdelicollective)
- Dingy Dining Room (@dingydiningroom)
- Indian Eating Place Co (@indianeatingplaceco)
- Little (@little)
- Prospective (@prospective)
- Free Feeds (@freefeeds)
- The Attractive Dining (@theattractivedining)
- Fast Feeds (@fastfeeds)
- The Petit (@thepetit)
- Wholesome (@wholesome)
- Discriminating (@discriminating)
Cute restaurant Instagram usernames
- Down Dining Room (@downdiningroom)
- The Fancy (@thefancy)
- Greasy (@greasy)
- Boycott Restaurant (@boycottrestaurant)
- The Ingested Nutrition (@theingestednutrition)
- Decent (@decent)
- Vegetarian Gourmet Spot (@vegetariangourmetspot)
- FrenchRestaurant (@frenchrestaurant)
- Nutrient Place (@nutrientplace)
- Buffet Car Place (@buffetcarplace)
- The Adventurous (@theadventurous)
- Croissants Restaurant (@croissantsrestaurant)
- Upscale Dining Trading Co (@upscalediningtradingco)
- Vegetarian (@vegetarian)
- Bistro Place (@bistroplace)
- KnownRestaurant (@knownrestaurant)
- NearestDiner (@nearestdiner)
- Exclusive Diner (@exclusivediner)
- SuitableFood (@suitablefood)
- The Local (@thelocal)
- The Grand (@thegrand)
- Climber Diner (@climberdiner)
- Wise (@wise)
- Spanish Deli Collective (@spanishdelicollective)
- Best Hotel Spot (@besthotelspot)
- Posh Bistro Pro (@poshbistropro)
- The Wise (@thewise)
- Trendy Bistro (@trendybistro)
- A lot Restaurant (@alotrestaurant)
- Raw (@raw)
- DecentRestaurant (@decentrestaurant)
- The Ample (@theample)
- HungryDiner (@hungrydiner)
- Nutrient Collective (@nutrientcollective)
- NightRestaurant (@nightrestaurant)
- The Injudicious (@theinjudicious)
- Necessary Gourmet Place (@necessarygourmetplace)
- Meal Place (@mealplace)
- The Pure Nutrient (@thepurenutrient)
- Nearest Buffet Car Pro (@nearestbuffetcarpro)
- Necessary Grocery Pro (@necessarygrocerypro)
- Posh Store Place (@poshstoreplace)
- The Frozen Nutritious (@thefrozennutritious)
- The Delicious Nutrition (@thedeliciousnutrition)
- Dry Foodstuffs (@dryfoodstuffs)
- Frozen Feeding (@frozenfeeding)
- Spicy Meals Place (@spicymealsplace)
- Revolving Hotel Collective (@revolvinghotelcollective)
- The Bad (@thebad)
- Buffet Car Collective (@buffetcarcollective)
- Lonely (@lonely)
- Night Bar Group (@nightbargroup)
- Tinned Nutrition Group (@tinnednutritiongroup)
- The Prospective Bar (@theprospectivebar)
- Suitable (@suitable)
- Busy (@busy)
- LessFood (@lessfood)
- Discriminating Dinnertime (@discriminatingdinnertime)
- The Green Nutritious (@thegreennutritious)
- The Favourite (@thefavourite)
- Romantic Diner (@romanticdiner)
- Modest (@modest)
- Weimar Diner (@weimardiner)
- The Casual (@thecasual)
- Casual (@casual)
- StopDiner (@stopdiner)
- The Decent Nutrition (@thedecentnutrition)
- Prospective (@prospective)
- Poor (@poor)
- Enough Nutrient Collective (@enoughnutrientcollective)
- Frozen Foodstuff (@frozenfoodstuff)
- The Petit Eatery (@thepetiteatery)
- Cozy (@cozy)
- Cheap Dining Car (@cheapdiningcar)
- Best Eating Place (@besteatingplace)
- The Russian Bar (@therussianbar)
- The Hungry (@thehungry)
- Dining Co (@diningco)
- Greek Store (@greekstore)
- Run Rest (@runrest)
- The Empty Hotel (@theemptyhotel)
- Ingested Nutritious (@ingestednutritious)
- The Good (@thegood)
- Class Bar Spot (@classbarspot)
- Spoon Buffet Car (@spoonbuffetcar)
- Deli Group (@deligroup)
- Vietnamese Bistro (@vietnamesebistro)
- Dingy Dining Room (@dingydiningroom)
- Tinned Grocery Spot (@tinnedgroceryspot)
- Deli Pro (@delipro)
- The Sufficient (@thesufficient)
- The Trendy (@thetrendy)
- ClassicDiner (@classicdiner)
- The Warm (@thewarm)
- Buffet Car Spot (@buffetcarspot)
- Chief (@chief)
- RomanticRestaurant (@romanticrestaurant)
- Adequate (@adequate)
- SeedyDiner (@seedydiner)
- Attractive (@attractive)
- Free Forage (@freeforage)
- Biter Diner (@biterdiner)
- Empty Restaurant Trading Co (@emptyrestauranttradingco)
- Favourite Nutrition (@favouritenutrition)
- Run Restored (@runrestored)
- Service Store (@servicestore)
- NearbyDiner (@nearbydiner)
- Pub Spot (@pubspot)
- Favourite Forage (@favouriteforage)
- The Wholesome Meals (@thewholesomemeals)
Best restaurant Instagram usernames
- The Upscale (@theupscale)
- Hour Bistro (@hourbistro)
- Downtown Dining Car (@downtowndiningcar)
- Necessary Grocery Pro (@necessarygrocerypro)
- FreshFood (@freshfood)
- Stop (@stop)
- Male Coffeehouse (@malecoffeehouse)
- Cafe Place (@cafeplace)
- Fashionable Cuisine Group (@fashionablecuisinegroup)
- The Fancy (@thefancy)
- Revolving Reclamation (@revolvingreclamation)
- The Quaint Coffeehouse (@thequaintcoffeehouse)
- CheapDiner (@cheapdiner)
- Fast Fodder (@fastfodder)
- Bar Co (@barco)
- Buffet Car Trading Co (@buffetcartradingco)
- Greek Bar (@greekbar)
- Average Eatery Place (@averageeateryplace)
- Romantic Restoration (@romanticrestoration)
- Necessary Gourmet Place (@necessarygourmetplace)
- The Petit (@thepetit)
- The Crowded Restaurant (@thecrowdedrestaurant)
- Best Diner Trading Co (@bestdinertradingco)
- Adequate (@adequate)
- Bistro Pro (@bistropro)
- Male Coffeehouse Spot (@malecoffeehousespot)
- The Favorite Diner (@thefavoritediner)
- Excellent (@excellent)
- LittleRestaurant (@littlerestaurant)
- The Good (@thegood)
- OwnFood (@ownfood)
- Casual Diner Group (@casualdinergroup)
- Bar Group (@bargroup)
- Cafe Collective (@cafecollective)
- Downtown Dining Car Co (@downtowndiningcarco)
- Vegetarian Eating House Place (@vegetarianeatinghouseplace)
- Modest (@modest)
- Rich (@rich)
- Frequent Pub Place (@frequentpubplace)
- Italian Cuisine Pro (@italiancuisinepro)
- Elegant Store (@elegantstore)
- ColdFood (@coldfood)
- OwnedRestaurant (@ownedrestaurant)
- Fashionable (@fashionable)
- Deli Group (@deligroup)
- The Petit Eatery (@thepetiteatery)
- The Class Diner (@theclassdiner)
- PetitDiner (@petitdiner)
- Typical (@typical)
- The Fast (@thefast)
- Oldest (@oldest)
- Greek Cafe Place (@greekcafeplace)
- Bistro Collective (@bistrocollective)
- Suitable Meat Place (@suitablemeatplace)
- Buffet Car Place (@buffetcarplace)
- Only (@only)
- Meat Collective (@meatcollective)
- Hotel Co (@hotelco)
- Revolving Reinstatement (@revolvingreinstatement)
- Discriminating Dinnertime (@discriminatingdinnertime)
- Indian Diner Collective (@indiandinercollective)
- The Discriminating Dining Car (@thediscriminatingdiningcar)
- Fresh Feed (@freshfeed)
- Proper Meal Pro (@propermealpro)
- The Fashionable Hotel (@thefashionablehotel)
- OldDiner (@olddiner)
- Best Hotel Spot (@besthotelspot)
- Allot Restaurant (@allotrestaurant)
- Russian Remainder (@russianremainder)
- The Bad (@thebad)
- Upscale Deli Pro (@upscaledelipro)
- LoneDiner (@lonediner)
- ModestRestaurant (@modestrestaurant)
- Nutrition Pro (@nutritionpro)
- The Decent Nutrition (@thedecentnutrition)
- Restaurant Spot (@restaurantspot)
- The Run (@therun)
- Fast Feeding (@fastfeeding)
- Nourishing Meat (@nourishingmeat)
- Nice Dining Compartment Trading Co (@nicediningcompartmenttradingco)
- SeedyDiner (@seedydiner)
- Suitable (@suitable)
- Eatery Co (@eateryco)
- The Little Coffeehouse (@thelittlecoffeehouse)
- The Hour Deli (@thehourdeli)
- Climber Diner (@climberdiner)
- Surplus (@surplus)
- Cozy (@cozy)
- Grocery Spot (@groceryspot)
- Thats the dawn Restaurant (@thatsthedawnrestaurant)
- Natural (@natural)
- The Seedy (@theseedy)
- Frozen Fodder (@frozenfodder)
- FellowDiner (@fellowdiner)
- Male Buffet Car (@malebuffetcar)
- Indian Eating Place Co (@indianeatingplaceco)
- The Hungry (@thehungry)
- Revolving Remediation (@revolvingremediation)
- Dining Collective (@diningcollective)
- The Tiny Store (@thetinystore)
- VietnameseRestaurant (@vietnameserestaurant)
- Favorite Foodstuffs (@favoritefoodstuffs)
- Fine (@fine)
- Wider Diner (@widerdiner)
- Pub Co (@pubco)
- Grocery Group (@grocerygroup)
- Downtown Dine (@downtowndine)
- LocalDiner (@localdiner)
- TrendyRestaurant (@trendyrestaurant)
- The Empty Hotel (@theemptyhotel)
Unique restaurant Instagram usernames
- Necessary Gourmet Place (@necessarygourmetplace)
- The Spiritual (@thespiritual)
- Down (@down)
- Local (@local)
- Stop Bar Collective (@stopbarcollective)
- StyleRestaurant (@stylerestaurant)
- Fine Feeding (@finefeeding)
- Upscale Bar (@upscalebar)
- NearbyRestaurant (@nearbyrestaurant)
- Excellent (@excellent)
- Deli Trading Co (@delitradingco)
- Meals Group (@mealsgroup)
- Restaurant Co (@restaurantco)
- Nourishing Meat (@nourishingmeat)
- The Petit Dining Compartment (@thepetitdiningcompartment)
- The Frozen (@thefrozen)
- Top Diner Spot (@topdinerspot)
- Nutritious Foodstuffs Co (@nutritiousfoodstuffsco)
- SpicyFood (@spicyfood)
- Vietnamese Bistro (@vietnamesebistro)
- Fine Feed (@finefeed)
- The Class (@theclass)
- The Hour (@thehour)
- LocalRestaurant (@localrestaurant)
- Popular (@popular)
- NiceRestaurant (@nicerestaurant)
- Cuisine Trading Co (@cuisinetradingco)
- Deli Place (@deliplace)
- Downtown Dine (@downtowndine)
- Known Cafe (@knowncafe)
- The Prospective Bar (@theprospectivebar)
- The Finest (@thefinest)
- Nearest Buffet Car Pro (@nearestbuffetcarpro)
- Bar Co (@barco)
- Bar Place (@barplace)
- The Favourite (@thefavourite)
- The Discriminating Dining Car (@thediscriminatingdiningcar)
- Floor Cuisine Collective (@floorcuisinecollective)
- The Russian (@therussian)
- The More Foodstuff (@themorefoodstuff)
- Late Deli Spot (@latedelispot)
- The Late (@thelate)
- Downtown Dining Car (@downtowndiningcar)
- Fast Forage (@fastforage)
- Favorite Foodstuffs (@favoritefoodstuffs)
- Oldest (@oldest)
- Romantic Restoration (@romanticrestoration)
- Free Fresh (@freefresh)
- Revolving Hotel Collective (@revolvinghotelcollective)
- Favorite Foraging (@favoriteforaging)
- Diver Diner (@diverdiner)
- Run Restored (@runrestored)
- Expensive Dining (@expensivedining)
- Eating House Group (@eatinghousegroup)
- Store Group (@storegroup)
- Gourmet Co (@gourmetco)
- The Poor Gourmet (@thepoorgourmet)
- The Greek (@thegreek)
- Downtown Dining Room (@downtowndiningroom)
- Spoon Buffet Car (@spoonbuffetcar)
- Cafe Group (@cafegroup)
- Much Foodstuffs Collective (@muchfoodstuffscollective)
- Favourite Meat Place (@favouritemeatplace)
- Store Co (@storeco)
- Greasy (@greasy)
- Free Forage (@freeforage)
- Pub Group (@pubgroup)
- Dingy Dinner (@dingydinner)
- Deli Co (@delico)
- The Chief (@thechief)
- Busy Cafe Collective (@busycafecollective)
- Trendy Bistro (@trendybistro)
- The Petit Eatery (@thepetiteatery)
- StarRestaurant (@starrestaurant)
- OnlyDiner (@onlydiner)
- The Decent Nutrition (@thedecentnutrition)
- Attractive (@attractive)
- Stainless Restaurant Collective (@stainlessrestaurantcollective)
- Binder Diner (@binderdiner)
- Bar Group (@bargroup)
- Wonderful Cuisine Place (@wonderfulcuisineplace)
- The Mere (@themere)
- Down Cafe (@downcafe)
- Frozen Feeding (@frozenfeeding)
- Apricot Restaurant (@apricotrestaurant)
- Croissants Restaurant (@croissantsrestaurant)
- AnimalFood (@animalfood)
- The Pure Nutrient (@thepurenutrient)
- Undigested Foodstuff Group (@undigestedfoodstuffgroup)
- Stop (@stop)
- Enough Nutrient Collective (@enoughnutrientcollective)
- Bar Spot (@barspot)
- Hotel Place (@hotelplace)
- DecentFood (@decentfood)
- Ordinary Meal Group (@ordinarymealgroup)
- Eatery Co (@eateryco)
- Suitable Meat Place (@suitablemeatplace)
- RegularDiner (@regulardiner)
- Hour Deli Pro (@hourdelipro)
- The Ingested Nutrition (@theingestednutrition)
- Decent (@decent)
- Italian Cuisine Pro (@italiancuisinepro)
- Sufficient Foodstuffs Co (@sufficientfoodstuffsco)
- Prospective Restaurant (@prospectiverestaurant)
- Restaurant Spot (@restaurantspot)
- The Solitary (@thesolitary)
- ColdFood (@coldfood)
- Romantic Restauration (@romanticrestauration)
- The Kosher Meat (@thekoshermeat)
- Enough Nutritious Place (@enoughnutritiousplace)
Creative restaurant Instagram usernames
- Night Buffet Car (@nightbuffetcar)
- Poor (@poor)
- The Casual (@thecasual)
- Tiny (@tiny)
- Stop Bar Collective (@stopbarcollective)
- Little Cafe Spot (@littlecafespot)
- The Necessary (@thenecessary)
- Kinder Diner (@kinderdiner)
- Downtown Dine (@downtowndine)
- Little (@little)
- Cozy (@cozy)
- Frequent Buffet Car (@frequentbuffetcar)
- Owned Diner Place (@owneddinerplace)
- The Injudicious Pub (@theinjudiciouspub)
- Busy Eating Place (@busyeatingplace)
- Dingy Dining Car (@dingydiningcar)
- The Regular Coffeehouse (@theregularcoffeehouse)
- Favourite Foodstuffs (@favouritefoodstuffs)
- Liquid Gourmet (@liquidgourmet)
- The Undigested (@theundigested)
- Headstrong Restaurant (@headstrongrestaurant)
- Resort Restaurant (@resortrestaurant)
- Cafe Pro (@cafepro)
- Discriminating Dining Car (@discriminatingdiningcar)
- Discriminating Dinnertime (@discriminatingdinnertime)
- DecentRestaurant (@decentrestaurant)
- Hour Deli Pro (@hourdelipro)
- Nutrient Place (@nutrientplace)
- The Italian (@theitalian)
- Hotel Co (@hotelco)
- Discerning (@discerning)
- Best Hotel Spot (@besthotelspot)
- PleasantRestaurant (@pleasantrestaurant)
- Foodstuffs Trading Co (@foodstuffstradingco)
- Local (@local)
- The Fancy (@thefancy)
- The Small (@thesmall)
- Class (@class)
- Chic Cuisine Collective (@chiccuisinecollective)
- The Much Foodstuffs (@themuchfoodstuffs)
- ClassicDiner (@classicdiner)
- The Revolving (@therevolving)
- Bar Group (@bargroup)
- ElegantRestaurant (@elegantrestaurant)
- FavouriteFood (@favouritefood)
- The Prospective (@theprospective)
- Parking lot Restaurant (@parkinglotrestaurant)
- Fancy Cafe Spot (@fancycafespot)
- The Lonely (@thelonely)
- Down Cafe (@downcafe)
- Expensive Bistro Group (@expensivebistrogroup)
- Shabby Dining Compartment (@shabbydiningcompartment)
- The Empty Hotel (@theemptyhotel)
- Eatery Trading Co (@eaterytradingco)
- Gourmet Place (@gourmetplace)
- Top Diner Spot (@topdinerspot)
- Nutritious Collective (@nutritiouscollective)
- The Wonderful (@thewonderful)
- Petit Eatery Co (@petiteateryco)
- Bistro Spot (@bistrospot)
- CasualDiner (@casualdiner)
- Discriminating Restaurant Pro (@discriminatingrestaurantpro)
- Adventurous Pub Group (@adventurouspubgroup)
- The Kosher (@thekosher)
- Groceries Collective (@groceriescollective)
- Crayon Restaurant (@crayonrestaurant)
- Grocery Co (@groceryco)
- The Style Cuisine (@thestylecuisine)
- Charming Cuisine Place (@charmingcuisineplace)
- Greasy (@greasy)
- The Late (@thelate)
- Cold (@cold)
- PetitDiner (@petitdiner)
- Dingy (@dingy)
- The Run Dining (@therundining)
- WholesomeFood (@wholesomefood)
- Meals Co (@mealsco)
- Deli Place (@deliplace)
- Diner Trading Co (@dinertradingco)
- The Injudicious Eatery (@theinjudiciouseatery)
- ColdFood (@coldfood)
- Nutrition Pro (@nutritionpro)
- Meals Spot (@mealsspot)
- DiscriminatingDiner (@discriminatingdiner)
- Run Rehabilitation (@runrehabilitation)
- The Tiny Store (@thetinystore)
- AttractiveRestaurant (@attractiverestaurant)
- Italian Groceries Group (@italiangroceriesgroup)
- The Exclusive (@theexclusive)
- Little Bar Trading Co (@littlebartradingco)
- Empty Buffet Car (@emptybuffetcar)
- The Little (@thelittle)
- Average Buffet Car Pro (@averagebuffetcarpro)
- Fast (@fast)
- Favourite Foodstuff (@favouritefoodstuff)
- The Necessary Meal (@thenecessarymeal)
- Nutrient Collective (@nutrientcollective)
- Eatery Collective (@eaterycollective)
- Deli Trading Co (@delitradingco)
- Little Grocery Place (@littlegroceryplace)
- Adventurous Dining Compartment Spot (@adventurousdiningcompartmentspot)
- NightRestaurant (@nightrestaurant)
- NourishingFood (@nourishingfood)
- Abundant (@abundant)
- MaleDiner (@malediner)
- Dining Car Spot (@diningcarspot)
- Nylon Restaurant (@nylonrestaurant)
- Down Bar Pro (@downbarpro)
- Astronaut Restaurant (@astronautrestaurant)
- Nutritious Spot (@nutritiousspot)
Funny restaurant Instagram usernames
- Diver Diner (@diverdiner)
- Outdoor Hotel Group (@outdoorhotelgroup)
- Solitary Bistro (@solitarybistro)
- Downtown Dining (@downtowndining)
- The Fancy (@thefancy)
- Nutrition Pro (@nutritionpro)
- Favorite Fresh (@favoritefresh)
- Posh Store Place (@poshstoreplace)
- Survivor Diner (@survivordiner)
- The Kosher Meat (@thekoshermeat)
- ProspectiveDiner (@prospectivediner)
- Coffeehouse Place (@coffeehouseplace)
- The Owned (@theowned)
- Fresh Groceries Pro (@freshgroceriespro)
- Store Co (@storeco)
- ItalianRestaurant (@italianrestaurant)
- Organic Groceries Place (@organicgroceriesplace)
- Meals Co (@mealsco)
- Spoon Pub Pro (@spoonpubpro)
- Inexpensive Hotel Collective (@inexpensivehotelcollective)
- Run Bistro Place (@runbistroplace)
- GreenFood (@greenfood)
- Flyer Diner (@flyerdiner)
- Croissants Restaurant (@croissantsrestaurant)
- Spoon Buffet Car Co (@spoonbuffetcarco)
- Bistro Place (@bistroplace)
- Primer Diner (@primerdiner)
- Cold Nutrition Place (@coldnutritionplace)
- Debutantes Restaurant (@debutantesrestaurant)
- Dining Car Trading Co (@diningcartradingco)
- Discerning Dining Compartment (@discerningdiningcompartment)
- Marathon Restaurant (@marathonrestaurant)
- NearbyRestaurant (@nearbyrestaurant)
- Discriminating Dining Car (@discriminatingdiningcar)
- Free Fed (@freefed)
- The Necessary Meal (@thenecessarymeal)
- Russian Restored (@russianrestored)
- Floor Cuisine Collective (@floorcuisinecollective)
- The Fashionable Hotel (@thefashionablehotel)
- The Class (@theclass)
- The Attractive (@theattractive)
- Bar Trading Co (@bartradingco)
- Run Restoring (@runrestoring)
- DiscriminatingDiner (@discriminatingdiner)
- Eatery Co (@eateryco)
- Downtown Delicatessen (@downtowndelicatessen)
- Deli Spot (@delispot)
- Downtown Dine (@downtowndine)
- CoarseFood (@coarsefood)
- PoshRestaurant (@poshrestaurant)
- The Good (@thegood)
- The Fashionable Bistro (@thefashionablebistro)
- Night Deli Collective (@nightdelicollective)
- ClassRestaurant (@classrestaurant)
- The Busy (@thebusy)
- Run Reclamation (@runreclamation)
- Alzheimer Diner (@alzheimerdiner)
- Grocery Spot (@groceryspot)
- The Decent Nutrition (@thedecentnutrition)
- Dingy (@dingy)
- CasualDiner (@casualdiner)
- Deli Co (@delico)
- The Russian Bar (@therussianbar)
- PrincipalFood (@principalfood)
- The Frequent (@thefrequent)
- Dining Car Spot (@diningcarspot)
- Buffet Car Collective (@buffetcarcollective)
- Empty Restaurant Trading Co (@emptyrestauranttradingco)
- VietnameseRestaurant (@vietnameserestaurant)
- Casual (@casual)
- Wonderful Eating House Co (@wonderfuleatinghouseco)
- The Exclusive (@theexclusive)
- Night Hotel Co (@nighthotelco)
- The Dry (@thedry)
- StarRestaurant (@starrestaurant)
- Foodstuffs Group (@foodstuffsgroup)
- The Style Dining Car (@thestylediningcar)
- Busy (@busy)
- AbundantFood (@abundantfood)
- Greek Dining Trading Co (@greekdiningtradingco)
- Favourite Foodstuffs (@favouritefoodstuffs)
- FreeFood (@freefood)
- The Stainless Dining Compartment (@thestainlessdiningcompartment)
- Ingested Nutritious (@ingestednutritious)
- Dining Compartment Trading Co (@diningcompartmenttradingco)
- Cold (@cold)
- Down Dropmeal (@downdropmeal)
- Ordinary Meal Group (@ordinarymealgroup)
- The Hour Deli (@thehourdeli)
- PleasantRestaurant (@pleasantrestaurant)
- LoneDiner (@lonediner)
- Attractive Cuisine Collective (@attractivecuisinecollective)
- The Bad (@thebad)
- The Adequate (@theadequate)
- Decent Meat (@decentmeat)
- Much (@much)
- Down Deli (@downdeli)
- Expensive Dining (@expensivedining)
- TrendyRestaurant (@trendyrestaurant)
- Spiritual (@spiritual)
- LittleDiner (@littlediner)
- Small Bistro Collective (@smallbistrocollective)
- The Nearby (@thenearby)
- Airport Restaurant (@airportrestaurant)
- Downtown Deli (@downtowndeli)
- HungryDiner (@hungrydiner)
- Hexagon Restaurant (@hexagonrestaurant)
- Little (@little)
- Vegetarian Dining Spot (@vegetariandiningspot)
- Frozen Fed (@frozenfed)
How to Choose A Cool Restaurant Instagram Name: 3 Steps
Choosing a creative Instagram page name can be a big decision, so it’s important to consider a few things before coming to that conclusion.
Step 1: Choose a name that is easy to remember
Your Instagram handle should be easy to remember, easy to spell and look clean.
- Avoid using any symbols or characters in your Instagram username.
- Try not to pick something too limiting. If you diversify your product or brand down the road, you don’t want to be in the position where you have to change your restaurant Instagram handle.
- Your username should be catchy, unique, and most importantly simple.
- Keep your Instagram username short and sweet!
Step 2: Keep your Instagram account name relevant to your business or brand
When creating your Instagram name, try building it around your content strategy and your target audience.
If your exact business name is available for your Instagram username, you should immediately secure that handle. This makes it easier than ever for your customers to find you.
If your business name is not available, try to pick something around the product you are selling or the image you are looking to portray.
Step 3: Make sure your Instagram username is memorable
There are over one billion Instagram users, which also makes it harder to find a good and available username.
There are a few different ways to find a good username that is both available, memorable, and easily recognizable:
- If your exact business name is taken, be sure to put your business name in the first and last name when setting up your profile. This will ensure that customers can still easily search and find you.
- Try using a play on words to create an iconic instagram username.
- Start your username with well known phrases such as “the”, “thisis”, “weare”
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, you’ve come across some catchy Insta username ideas for your restaurant + a few helpful tips to choosing the best name for your IG account.
To learn more about starting and growing your business, visit our website here!
Learn more about starting a restaurant:
Where to start?
-> How much does it cost to start a restaurant?
-> Pros and cons of a restaurant
Need inspiration?
-> Other restaurant success stories
-> Marketing ideas for a restaurant
-> Restaurant slogans
-> Restaurant names
-> Restaurant Instagram bios
-> Restaurant Instagram captions
Other resources
-> Blog post ideas for a restaurant
-> Restaurant quotes
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